REMINDER - If you are white and you exist

You're a white supremacist.

>we have a right to exist
It's like these people want another Hitler and holocaust.

Oy vey, you haven't killed yourself yet? Literally Mega Hitler.

Lets hope they keep this up, so hen the pendulum effect swings we go full "daddy Hitler was right".

Ah yes UMD. That chink President Loh is probably crying his eyes out at this. Guy renamed the football stadium because it was named after a former president of the University during the 1950s that he didn't do anything to end segregation.

>we have a right to exist

False. You have a right to die and give POC all your possessions. I'm literally shaking. Fucking Russian hackers.

Seriously, this flyer is more effective than others I've seen. The wording is good. Non-inflamitory. Normies need baby steps first.

i think this is the aim of these posters. If even advocating for whites to not be exterminated is viewed as "white supremacist" then what exactly are they saying?

>Not preping the bull

Fucking nazis

My friends are going to start putting these up in town at colleges / unis (they're both students themselves).

Hope it triggers something huge.

They're so fucking scared of the backlash THEY CREATED by trying to force us to be ashamed of everything.

Pretty great.

>photo by Jessica Goldberg

this poster is good quite persuadeding

The way I see it is this. No matter what they do, we win. Because either:

A. They admit it is not "supremacism" or "racist", and we as whites can actually have our own advocacy groups for the first time since basically WW2.

B. They expose themselves as the genocidal anti-white racists they are, thus waking up more and more whites.

So basically, we either get the day of the rope, or real diplomatic maneuvering clout.

You're doing Gods' work, boys, keep it up.

Jews and other non white have a jealousy so deep that it is incomprehensible to the average white person.

Since they can not be white, no one must be white anymore. Since Jews are the people who run your money supply, mass media and educations systems, take the fight to them first.

All of the anti-white racists in Western academia must be exposed, and tried for genocide.

I should start making a list of professors in Canada who teach anything like white privilege, deconstruction of white men etc.

God bless.

please do this in Toronto. I want a race war in Canada, can't let the Murricans have all the fun!

It`s like you dont know shit about hitler and holocaust and just react to (((msm))) memes.

They`ll gladly have another WW with shitload of white people dead and another holocaust with dying white prisoners of war with white "winner" then paying another anglo puppets alimonies from working their future to extinction.

I don't live in Toronto, do you? You could put them up too, I know a guy who is 47 and is in university, so it doesn't really matter what age you are with regards to walking around a campus.

You could also put them up in the subway or something.



How about you denounce the kkk and stop posting about killing non whites? White supremacy isn't seen as taboo because people hate whites. Admittedly, it's because of what what extremist white people did in the past, pushing similar rhetoric, that makes people wary. Same reason you don't trust niggers-- same reason that they don't trust you.

You have a better chance of getting murdered by a random nigger on your way to work than even so much as seeing a Klan member.

How about you get the fuck out of my homeland nigger before I hang you from a tree?

Because guess what, nigger?

Telling me that I should "chill out about the genocide and try being nice for once and maybe we won't genocide you in your own country", really makes me feel like carpet bombing Africa with hydrogen bombs.


how to spot bait:
1. quoting en masse
2. mentioning kkk

The extremist side of identity politics only matters when white people do it.

The KKK literally doesn't do anything anymore.
Compared to Blm and other leftist race baiters.

>it isn't seen as taboo because people hate whites
no, people don't hate whites. Animals do.

best thread

>Literal non-arguments, global butthurt and en masse triggering.

So much for your """"""""""""""movement"""""""""""""

Here is another (you) because everyone else fell for your bait
I also sometimes LARP as CTR/ Shills/ SJWs

We had an article in some paper here, was reading it while I was having lunch with my gramps.
Great chance to redpill them a bit, they were pretty responsive and agreed quickly.

It may not be really useful since they don't have any influence, but it still felt like the right thing to do.

This is true in my experience. I've been shot by niggers (with bad enough aim that I'm still alive). I've never seen a Klansman.

Come back to me when your movement isn't about genociding lots of people and getting angry when people refuse to give you a platform.

Except niggers shoot to steal your shit and get whatever rep points in the crime clubs, not because they hate whitey, otherwise, they wouldn't steal from other nigs. Try living in the south, you'll see klansmen.

It reads like stereo instructions.

>Try living in the South...
No you won't. The Klan has only like 2,000 - 3,000 members.

>we have a right to exist

I'm in a wheelchair - 25 field ambulance, 7th battalion, saw action in Afghanistan. I won't be doing any postering. I would if I had legs.

my grandma is woke as fuck about this, she says she sometimes can't fall asleep at night knowing what is happening in Europe and what could happen here. transgenders also give her the willies.

loves jews tho

>You're a white supremacist.
yes, I am

as is everyone else

Thank you for your service.

You don't even need to leave your house for that. One invaded my house once.


(((they))) don't even try to hide it anymore

it's an open fucking secret at this point
2017 will be the year the redpill becomes mainstream
bannon and stephen miller will have trump's ear
just wait a little bit longer

I think the Kkk is ghetto. And the only person that I hate is you. And niggers, Muslims, (them).

You are out of your depth, boy.

kkk is the same extremism that is Jihad except kkk isn't part of a religion and jihad is.

Sup Forums is a white safespace.

>We have a right to exist
>This is considered white-supremacist
So are liberals the new nazis now?

Meanwhile, extremist muslims are killing people of all nationalities yet the EU are demanding more and more of them be allowed into white countries with no background checks. This is why us niggers will always be better. White people fight among themselves to be top dog while us niggers have a tight knit sense of community and brotherhood.

>Another Holocaust
But that would imply there was a holocaust in the first place.

Fuck white people

Was going to post this

Muhammad's first day on Sup Forums I see.

Iranian American here


Why should I denounce the KKK? They're not white suprematists.


>*giggle giggle* gas the kikes and nigger chinks etc

fuck ya, bud. 10/10 I'd do it all over again!

>can't post an argument
>just posts a smug anime girl
Two can play at that game, cuckie

>hitler was controlled opposition meme


He did carelessly send a lot of German soldier's to winnable battles. That's all I see to support the theory. Ultimately, I don't believe he was controlled op, either. It's just, there are so many crazy revelations all the time it's easy to see how people can come to believe the most unlikely things.

Also he got lots of financial support from the old Bush family and other big money players in the US. Funny enough, old Prescott Bush openly believed in the superiority of the white race.

Miller is based. I think politico did a big exposè on him if you are interested. Was a really good read.

Amen! Take on the organizers of anti white thought and the students won't get their daily dose of white hate/self hatred.

>If you are black and you exist
>You're oppressed
globalist logic, folks

it's true that pol helps no one but both sides are equally radical and stupid

if people here were really christian they would love their neighbor

>If you are white and you exist.
>You're a white supremacist.
Sounds like a good slogan.

>photo by jessica (((goldberg)))

Sup Forums is literally never wrong

South Carolina here. I've met one klan member in my life. My buddies grandfather. He was a cyclops or something over the Richmond county unit in Augusta back in the 60s. Told me about lynching niggers during the race riots. But the klan is a joke now and has been for a long time. They had a rally in Graniteville a couple of years ago and about 3 people showed up. Even serious racists and separatists laugh at the klan. Skinheads have a larger presence. The Hammerskins (Confederate Hammerskins) have chapters all over the state. AB and AC as well.

Get rid of the logo and the link to the role playing website at the bottom, keep the image and the slogan and it might actually be an effective poster for more than just triggering leftists.

Or just link it to reddit or 9gag so they start reporting those sites as the source of RAYSISM

North Carolina and Georgia here, never met a single clansmen in my life.

Nah, they're just letting (((the people in power))) do their thing and replace us slowly and steadily.

Confirmed for not living in the south.

>we have a right to exist
>white supremacist

>we have a right to exist
>right to exist


The articles calling them "hate speech" are the best red-pills of all.