Post Sup Forums-friendly fictional characters who did nothing wrong
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Hitler totally existed, it's been proven.
Damn, had no idea the real Hitler was actually part robot
I mean, obviously.
They had to give Kuvira some giant train-cannon and a robot to make her look evil.
>nothing wrong.
but she lost to a nigger lesbian.
Palpatine was top tier, especially if you were a human and worked for the empire.
>granddad made galaxy great
>gets soft and is whipped by manlet uncle
>then you are born to a degenerate thief (with a hairy fuckslave/turk) and feminist mother
>allies with 7' tall aryan amazon and not-hitler-but-literally-hitler to make galaxy great again
>genuinely sympathetic bad guy thread
>Muh Hegelian Dialectics
Bitch tried to kill her husband who built her damn giant robot and then almost got herself blown up by her own super weapon. Bitch did plenty wrong.
This entire thread must be purged.
>is a whiny bitch
only good character in the entire manga.
Like all modern villains they can't be taken seriously or people might side with them.
>Black Numenorians are the purest Numenorians
>inb4 Dunedain cucks claim they aren't mixed race
Technically this guy that Cage plays is based on several different people, but he's still a fictional character.
Garithos was right btw
>foppery and whim
>only (probably) black Numenorean we see
>is depicted in the most gross way
gee, the liberal media strike again!
I hated the protagonists in this show I actually wanted him to win
how did he do nothing wrong?
my alternate
>implying selling Africans the means of self depopulation is a bad thing
>allies with an alien species
>wants to gibsdemdat the entire planet
good taste
Keeping with the alien theme
The best character of the best Fallout
Oberstein did nothing wrong
>fighting against a species that systematically tries to genocide the shit out of you
how has this not been posted yet
How can naturals even compete?
>literally ZOG incarnate
>did nothing wrong
She did nothing wrong until the last half of the show where Bryke needed to make her retardedly villainous. She was actually pretty based.
Still the best season of Korra imo.
Character from popular soviet sci-fi tale from 1965 that arrived to capitalistic moon literally w/o pants and went full capitalist pig. And then ((they)) bankrupted him.
Зaбыл, кaк звaли? Я тoлькo Бypaтинo мoгy вcпoмнить, или этo oн и ecть?
She shouldn't have attacked the Republic City before dismantling the alliance's navy and starving the population.
Ponchik или гocпoдин Пoнч
he did win -- he proved he could defeat Allucard.. for a while
>гocпoдин Пoнч
Бля, я имeл ввидy Heзнaйкy. Cтyпил
because he's no longer fictional
That guy said he was a Jew.
Trying to MEGA back in 2010.
Yeah, did they ever really describe what was "evil" about the empire other than the fact that they control things? What laws do they impose?
Oh oh i member,he is from neznaika series.
Magas legion when?
"Why contain it? Let it spill over into the schools and churches, let the bodies pile up in the streets. In the end, they'll beg us to save them."
>no Solidus
so, think about Giovanni from Pokemon.
what could be his actual vision for Team Rocket other creating an effective counter-establishment that has its own set of rules instead of the retarded government.
I'm going out on a limb here but I think that the government in the pokemon world is actually pretty damn oppressive. Like it has too many regulations. I have no sound theory to prove this, however. but the government does have the power to teleport a pokeball right out of your hands into a storage system if you got 6 mons already with you. what if they use that shit for other items like when you wanna buy a weapon. they could disarm you without even having to interact with you.
I think Team Rocket is very much for freedom on every single level and that's quite compelling. Based Giovanni is challenging a status quo that fucking sucks. He's just "le criminal Mafia meme boss". The dude has virtues and is creating his own legacy and the TR trio is fiercely loyal because he shows great leadership skills.
>F-Fucking muties!
>y-you're not real people like ME!
frank horrigan is the american "let me tell you who is white" of the enclave
Cartoon was castrated, capitalism is only ebil because muh ecology there.
Book got whole jewish conspiracy of 100 richest ones that control media and government to keep goyim down.
I rebus with him
>Sees the literally NWO Zion's Order-tier conspiracy beyond the major happenings in the latest centuries' history
>decides to take action upon his hands to stop it
>before that tries to find an ally, but refuses to let him out once he's verified that he is just a degenerate
>while fighting the others, continuously drops pills all around the place ("Do you know the shape of this nation?")
Wasn't the entire point of FMA that it was an allegory for ZOG and them making the countries go to war in desert shitholes for their own gain?
*He's not just a mafia boss
had a typo there.
>A kike
>not evil
Can't believe this hasn't been posted yet
Capitalism:Controled bye 100 rich jews.
Cominism:Controled bye 1 Georgian.
"Welcome, Nerevar. Together we shall speak for the law and the land, and shall drive the mongrel dogs of the Empire from Morrowind."
The point is, they censored it during capitalism. Could be a red pilled cartoon.
It's pretty funny actually. She's an outright fascist (not Nazi, she never throws out any sort of Aryan ubermensch style stuff) whose fascist methods bring stability and prosperity to what had been an land of banditry and chaos. We're told of (never shown) work camps and her enemies are a Randroid who only cared about her city and a physical demi-god who unleashed spirits onto a world that didn't want them.
We're TOLD she's wrong but that's only because she's the villain and has to lose since everything we're shown is the complete opposite.
Mybie but still,its sad how they in cartoon ment that moon world as parody to usa however today it looks more like modern Russia,and Eastern europe.
>Was born in a cold place
>Rises from his miserable beginnings
>tries to take away control from the puppet masters of the world
>takes over lesser areas and makes them whiter
>likes tall girls
>knows how to get rid of unfavorables
>husband is held hostage by people who are willing to kill you and throw your nation back into potential chaos
>sacrifice your own happiness for the good of the nation
She's a shining pillar of fascist honor.
>Viciously suppressed racial minorities during a race war
>Enjoys killing non-humans
>Collects the ears from the elves he's killed and murdered
>Has a necklace made out of elf-ears
>Kills elves by torturing them to death
And the death by torture isn't even intentional. He hates elves so much he accidentally goes overboard during the "interrogation sessions"
Vernon is /our guy/
And blow up planets? Are we just going to ignore that?
she literally put non-earth kingdom peoples in labor camps
>not posting Sup Forums incarnate ultimate form
Based Giovanni making Kanto and soon the rest of the world great again.
Roach more like BROach. Fucker isn't even mad if you ally with the elves in 2 cause he just wants to save his nation.
>choose to go after Triss
>later hear Vernon slaughtered half the camp by himself
If it was literally anyone but Triss, I would have left them to rot.
>We're TOLD she's wrong but that's only because she's the villain and has to lose since everything we're shown is the complete opposite.
The worst part is the ending, where she did it all because of her fuckhead childhood or something.
Also, there is the bit where the prior avatar, roku, bitched at the fire nation for invading earth kingdom territory, But apprently establishing a multiracial sore on earth kingdom territory as a result of a war, is perfectly fine.
This series has a thing for female autocrats