All memes aside, what is it like to live in Canada?
All memes aside, what is it like to live in Canada?
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Not bad at least outside of cities.
kinda comfy.
neo-liberal sjw country. stay away
It's cold, dark and expensive. Also, the roads are shit, the schools are shit, the government is a joke but the people are generally nice.
Its really comfy and depending on where you live you might never see a nigger your whole life
Depends where. Canada is as culturally diverse as Russia.
Government is based on democratic socialism, but all the provinces see how the country should be run differently.
whats so bad about the government
Stay out of big cities, for the love of God don't set foot in Toronto, and go buy a polish dog and drink at Costco for $1.50.
Never question dear leader.
Cold as ICE
pretty good and super comfy
Pretty much this.
I can't speak for most of the provinces, but Alberta, up until the last provincial election, was fairly conservative. There was a bit of a knee jerk reaction to a conservative corruption scandal and now we're stuck with the equivalent of a socialist party. Next election will tell whether we go back to being comfy conservatives or if its too late to save us.
As a Brit overseas myself, "they" hate "us". I've had my fair share of millennials attack me over "colonialism".
And here I was thinking that Canadians still considered themselves at least somewhat British. Nope, absolute shit-tier SJW nation (as beautiful and comfy as the countryside is).
I've been to every province, spent at least 2 weeks in all of them. Quebec is beautiful and reminds me of Europe the most. BC is gorgeous, if you don't mind it being a colony of China. Ontario is an absolute SJW hellhole (save for the Northern parts) (Niagara On-The-Lake is maximum comfy). The East Coast is very nice. The rest are somewhat irrelevant farmland provinces, but nice.
I have met my fair share of genuinely nice Canadians that actually care about their heritage, but most believe that we're evil and that they need to be sorry for existing. The amount of "guilt" here is atrocious.
TL;DR beautiful country with some decent people, but most are imported or self-hating trash.
Wild Rose my friend. Time for the pendulum to swing hard.
Canada needs a new conservative party. The one we have can barely be considered conservative and is corrupt as hell.
I'm not a fan of Trudeau but he literally was our best option.
The cities are liberal hellholes and invaded with brownies.
Spent a week in Mississauga pretty sure I was the only white guy.
But I live in the Ottawa valley and it's beautiful and not too much government interference so I don't have a whole lot to complain about.
Taxes are high healthcare sucks and takes forever, schools suck, roads suck. It's not much different from Russia to be honest. Lots of corruption and regulation.
The Jews have done a number on our education system. Our universities are turning into absolute rubbish.
My apologies for the sub-humans you encountered here. They are literally brain damaged.
You're even connected to Bell.
This picture is good
Depends on where you are. We have our Londons and our white countryside. Pretty good as long as you steer clear of the majority chink and Muslim cities.
Not a lot of shit going on and a lot of small communities.
Honestly if live in America if I had a car and my own place.
Complete and utter shit. Taxes, state multiculturalism, absence of culture, solidarity, etc.
>people are polite in public but act like assholes behind each other's backs
>too many non-whites (Somalis, Indians(both feather and dot), Filipinos in my area of the country)
Our openly lesbian premier caused our electricity prices to soar through the roof through her incompetence. I got an electric bill of $1200 last month.
I visited Niagara Falls one time.
>19 Years old
>on trip wwith friends
>pull up to canadian border
>officer dudely cuckright literally in red uniform walks to my car
>"did you come here to buy beer?"
>mfw ohio license plates
>mfw from middle of state
>mfw 5 hour drive
>must answer appropriately
>"No, beleive it or not we came to see the waterfall."
Absolutely this
Just paid $127 for two months lol where are you?
All the Winnipeg hate.
It's -37°C (-34°F) with the windchill right now.
Think of all the alcoholic and drug using degenerates in every city. If Winnipeg's are too fucked to find shelter overnight, they freeze to death like nature intended.
>taxes are high
they really aren't, compared to most other countries.
Nah you probably just wanted the beer.
Hamilton. And It's not just me bud. They fucked things up real bad for alot of people.
compared with the USA, for example.
Post comfy pics of Canada snow please. Let's see who has the nicest home region.
>mostly sunny
Pretty true
I never even see 30% of my cheque, pay 13% of every dollar I do get to keep, and 24 cents of every litre of fuel I buy.
Plus charges for hydro delivery, among other things.
All memes aside, are you a real villain?
It really depends on WHERE in Canada. Canada is very wide, and the culture really varies.
Posh and fancy Vancouver
Rough and toumble party spot - Toronto
Want to sleep around, smoke cigarettes and go to strip bars - Montreal
Want to feel like a fisherman, get married, have kids and foster a healthy beer gut? - Maritimes
Nevermind the prairies, too cold, territories are remote and desolate.
It's bullshit. Impossible to get a gf
24 year old virgin & never had a gf
do you think you fags are the only ones with costcos?
This, Whitby is a cozy city/town
I live in a rural area 4 hours from Hongcouver. Its peaceful and pleasant if your into the bush lifestyle. Boring as hell if your are not.
go outside NEET
gross, suburbs
I didn't see any "canadians" at all. Only Chinese besides the border. Which means the whites of Canada are personally responsible for letting anyone, including my friends and I, in your country.
Oh your Tax dollars literally fund this. The more you know.
Not too bad
Cold, ugly and miserable. I live in Regina Saskatchewan. It's -30 for 8 months of the year, nothing to do. Homes are expensive, 2 bed 1 bath will cost 500,000. Full of natives and immigrants. Indian, paki and Filipinos are the most common. Also, high crime.
very cold
also, very polite
Jesus Christ
a) where do you live
b) fucking move
Pretty shit.
t. southern ontario
Gross, Toronto cuck
how's your day going edmonton bro? had to idle my diesel for 30 mins to warm er up today
The valley is too beautiful to move plus I own a business here.
>tfw white male who has lived in Brampton all 25 years of my life
The valley is too beautiful to move plus I run a business here.
I may have read that wrong
thats a pretty normal tax rate famalam, doesn't matter where you go
Ignore this double post plus I don't own it yet
Leave it to a fucking leaf to think taxes are uniform throughout the country.
It's the taxes you don't see like on fuel and delivery of hydro or gas.
Cities are shit, but the small towns and nature are some of the comfiest places on Earth.
leave it to a burger to think someone's going to post tax stats for every county in america on a chinese cartoon board
It's like living in America except under-developed and over-regulated. Canada, on the whole, is cleaner and more easy-going.
Other than that Canada is almost identical to the states that border it.
Whitby here as well. The hordes are coming lad.
I live in NY and I go to the Hamilton outlet mall because your exchange rate is so awesome for us.
A $6 beer is $4 plus your pints are 20 oz
fuel and hydro are unusually high that's true. However we also get to invest through TFSAs, and only half the money you make through capital gains through other means are taxed.
Going well for me, I'm staying inside in today.
How's yours going?
True. Second best day in my life was moving out the city and moving into the country. Best day getting the fuck out of Ontario.
is trailer park life a real thing in Canada?
pre good, slept at a buddies and just drove home, picked up a mcdons coffee for a buck, just chillin on Sup Forums now livin life
Beyond awful. Taxes are beyond retarded on both sales and income, yet public services are such a joke, every single one of them. Roads full of holes and fault lines, electricity that cuts monthly, the shittiest internet (though that one's not public proper, there are laws that literally states that it is illegal for ISPs to offer better deals than their competitors), with healthcare you wait 12 hours to get suture points done wrong requiring 3 separate surgeries to correct the main issues, each 5+ months appart because that's the earliest date anyone is going to see you, resulting in permanent crippling (and ambulance transport isn't even free)... and all this applies to downtown fuckhugecity, not bumfuck nowhere.
Not to mention the fucking weather. -40C when including wind factor throughout winter, snowstorms every so often, +35C in summer, etc.
On top of that, there is such a massive mudslime and chink penetration that supermarkets display either in arabic with some english, or chinese with some english. Recall that french and english are the twin official languages of canada.
And let's not forget the SJW everywhere.
Additionally, the price of everything (especially alcohol and electronics, though) is much more expensive than elsewhere (it's typically the USD price, converted to CAD, plus 20%) despite the fact that wages are dogshit (I'm told that less than 4% of canadians make 100k CAD, for instance. Compare with over 20% of new yorkers making over 100k USD, which is 133385 CAD according to google).
Too an extent. But most of our criminals are natives and Somalis.
recently immigrated and i already have a white gf
git gud fagit
I hate it here.
no we don't but its 1.50 cnd. The only thing inflation has not hit yet.
New Zealand's max tax rate is 35%. There's no reason we can/t lower it to that
Mississauga is fucked
Just leave Toronto mate. Best decision in my life to move to a comfy small town and let that hellhole burn without me.
>52% is less than 35%
And this is to illustrate how shit public education is in canada in case anyone was unconvinced.
>tfw no colonist friends to hang out with
East coast beast coast britfriend.
Unfortunately I'm not ready to commute two hours to/from work daily (and I'd rather move to a non-shit country, if such a thing exists, before considering that option).
I live in the last somewhat white haven in metro bc. Its pretty comfy. Most of my neighbors are white, and have a sense of community.
>tfw had an American 20
>tfw went and bought 2 tall cans of beer (came to 4.10)
>tfw got 19$ CDN back
Maybe a place like Boston. Zero Chinese and muds, limited niggers and Mexicans compared to the rest of the states.
I agree. But i see a lot of leafposters here claiming that taxes are completely out of control when they really nowhere near as bad as they make it seem.
I don't think you're lining up the boxes friendo
where are you? why the fuck do most canadians not let everyone know that our country is different based on location?
I'm from the east coast, and the trailer park life is REAL
>Not to mention the fucking weather. -40C when including wind factor throughout winter, snowstorms every so often, +35C in summer, etc.
add in that here in Alberta, the government is shoving a "carbon tax" down our throats and is telling us to "take the bus or drive a small car" if because of the carbon tax that fuel becomes way too expensive, yet the politicians saying that are out driving around in fully loaded Tahoes and Dodge pickups...
Well Montreal produces more porn than anywhere else in the world. That city's porn production oitdoes LA and Miami combined. But then there are negatives, like a conservative province like Saskatchewan, opted too pay for gender reassignment surgury. An elective surgury. And if the tranny can only find a willing surgeon out of province, it is still covered 100% as long as their resistance remains s the same. Been that way since September. I think that was our premier, the great Saskatchewan Wall's way, of out doing liberal Ontario, as progressive, while their liberal province still is trying to simply find more doctors to refer to a "gender" surgeon, let alone actually pay for the procedure. Even the bible thumpers of Saskatchewan favoured this action, I think, because we cut back our mental health departments across the province, and post op trannies will not have the mental health support needed to not kill themselves, so that the problem will sort of thin itself out over time.
It depends on where you live. Almost everything outside of cities is fine. Definitely stay away from Vancouver and the entire GTA, that's where most of the problems are. There's a lot of conservatives and gun owners in small towns and in the country.
This. Its seriously disturbing thinking back on what I was "taught" about Canadian history in elementary school. I spent at least 5 full years of "social studies" classes learning about how bad we should feel about Natives. Then every other year they made a huge deal over the residential schools.
And I'm lucky. In High School at least I took AP social studies, which is an American curriculum, so it was largely History of Europe. The poor sods in regular stream probably spent those three years being taught about multiculturalism again.
They don't even teach alternatives. Canada, according to curriculum, not just individual teachers, MANDATED BY CURRICULUM is taught as a Multicultural nation. And yet I think back and I can't think of a single time anyone ever taught even one advantage of it. We were just supposed to accept that this was good and proper and the way it is. As a result of that policy, we don't get anything resembling Canadian culture in schools either. They've sucked it right out of us.
The maritimes and Quebec at least have their own regional cultures to hold onto. The prairies have been culturally destroyed.
we east coasters love our brits and all anglos. canada is not homogenous!