my thoughts are e-celebs are cancer and this faggot's videos are terrible
My thoughts are e-celebs are cancer and this faggot's videos are terrible
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Nailed it
bps is on point, as always, and
are proof of it
>She even wears one of those large glasses.
Really, is this the level of the argument you are trying to make here?
What would an "enlightened" person like you suggest to slowly start redpilling the average people other than videos like these, where a rather calm sounding person uses actual scientific sources (well mostly I think, maybe watched half his vids) to convey information never to be found on mainstream media.
People like this are needed as a stepping stone to further radicalize people towards the right, because you can't go from "normie to holocaust" in record time through magical steps. So what would you suggest?
His channel is terrible. We must redpill the normies some other way. Heil Hitler 14/88 KKK gas the kikes lynch the niggers race war now i luv anime
>Really, is this the level of the argument you are trying to make here?
Did you forget to read the rest of it???
Fuck off shill BPS is one based red pilled YouTuber.
He made a BASED video about white "ethno-masochism" a day ago, and even NAMED THE JEW.
He is also planning to do interviews with nips, gooks, and chinks, to ask them their opinion on mass immigration into Europe, and their own lands (which isn't happening).
BPS is based AF, KYS faggot.
I never suggested that he flipped on everything he stands for, you morron.
This is my reasoning, i didn't think i would have to explain this:
Every addiction is bad, even sex addiction. He does not address the choice of doing things in moderation.
For example, being an alcoholic is bad, bud drinking socially can have no implications on your health.
The latest effort trending among femnists is to ban porn.
The reason for that is the growing number of man checking out of marriage and relationships.
Women took notice of that and as a result there was an increeased number of women suddenly being empathetic to the male hurdles in society.
So, when he tackles one specific issue, and not the others, as the cause of a certain problem and, in this case, even mentions mgtow, a movement that women take a offence at, and also considering the change in his staff(he's new chief editor being a woman), it might mean that there is some political agenda involved.
If you disagree just research any political initiative in history.
You will see that it follows the same pattern.
holy shit the delusion and hoops you need to jump through, you meninists are the fucking worst
Porn is degenerate, who cares, let the feminists fight one of our enemies for us.
You're sperging out only because he said MGTOW's are genetic dead ends. How is that not true? They are choosing to extinguish their genome because they are too angry at feminists.
Meanwhile, in the real world, there are actually still many women who aren't tinder hopping slags.
>women subscribing to redpill ideology is bad
OP, you're a fucking retard.
You can't infiltrate redpill ideology and suddenly change it. Any move to tarnish the "redpill" is vehemently prevented by redpill ideology itself. It'd be like homosexuals infiltrating islam and expecting a hadith to stop murdering fags.
Redpilling women is literally the endgame for saving western civilization. The female vote has been used against the masses of rational men for decades now, and the more women who turn away from the liberal bullshit and progressive narrative, the better it is for all the men here. It would be an even stronger victory than revoking women's right to vote; they would start voting in the interest of our values here on Sup Forums to save the west. That's a double whammy against (((them))) in terms of election manipulation.
OP, please kill yourself and stop being such a fucking retard.
Not an argument
>Porn is degenerate
>ou're sperging out only because he said MGTOW's are genetic dead ends. How is that not true?
No i just thought it was interesting that he tied one thing to another. That just made the whole agend in my opnion, more obvious.
And if they are chosing not to pass their genome, it's still a better choice than signing away your rights by bringing the state into your relationship.
>Meanwhile, in the real world, there are actually still many women who aren't tinder hopping slags.
Ok, but how do you know who they are for sure?? And how do you shield yourself of the possible negative outcomes??
You can't infiltrate redpill ideology and suddenly change it.
You can, all, women do it all the time. There a many comunities that started with man, then they allowed women in, made them moderators, and they changed the direction of the whole thing.
>Redpilling women is literally the endgame for saving western civilization
The thing is, them agreeing with you is not the same of not having the means to harm you. Those are two completely different things which you seem to ignore.
Thats why people have prenups, to name one example.
Men don't go into marriage expecting the women to turn on them, but they do and without a prenup(when they stick), they'd be fucked.
>Ok, but how do you know who they are for sure?? And how do you shield yourself of the possible negative outcomes??
You never know for sure, and you have to accept bad things can happen.
That's life.
What you do is you do your best. Get to know them for a couple years before you start having children. You can tell a woman is good if she puts your needs before her own consistently.
Porn is degenerate because it semi-permanently alters your neuro pathways so that it's much more difficult to experience deep sexual intimacy with a real woman.
It rewires your brain so that you begin seeing women differently. It also desensitizes you to normal sex, so you start developing weird fetishes to get consistently aroused.
The Jews create and push pornography as a means to corrupt gentile culture. This is admitted by some of them.
Interracial pornography is also produced at a loss, because pushing the miscegenation agenda is more important to the Jews than even shekels.
>You never know for sure, and you have to accept bad things can happen.
Only when the rewards are worth it.
But now you get women who are in the double digits, on the number of guys they fucked, they got desencitized to intimacy as a result, and you usually only get them at they end of their beuty/fertility window. Also , they are no longer homemakers, so you are really just getting a roomate.
Basically the only thing you get for sure out this are kids, which does not compensate for all the cons in my opinion.
I would like to have a woman who i can really trust, but i don't know if i can find one. And i'm not gonna play russian roulette with my life.
>Porn is degenerate because it semi-permanently alters your neuro pathways so that it's much more difficult to experience deep sexual intimacy with a real woman.
>It rewires your brain so that you begin seeing women differently.
>It also desensitizes you to normal sex, so you start developing weird fetishes to get consistently aroused.
I agree with that, but banning would throttle up the efforts to get men to take the raw deal that is marriage. I think if you wanna get married again, you should tackle what makes it so unappealing instead of this proxy issues.
>The latest effort trending among femnists is to ban porn.
If so, then it's the one thing they've gotten right.
Defending pornography as something that has "liberated" men is fucking pathetic.
>Basically the only thing you get for sure out this are kids, which does not compensate for all the cons in my opinion.
You shouldn't be living with a woman if you don't want children. It's literally the only point.
At this point our race would be better off if we started breeding like niggers, good homes or not. Sad but true.
>I agree with that, but banning would throttle up the efforts to get men to take the raw deal that is marriage. I think if you wanna get married again, you should tackle what makes it so unappealing instead of this proxy issues.
I've been single for over a year, by my own choice (traveling for work and am in an important point in my career), and am also no fap, by choice.
I don't need porn, and I also don't need women.
Master your domain, and women lose all power over you.
You don't seem to understand what it means for someone to hold values.
A woman who turns cunt in her marriage and skewers a man's net worth never held those values.
The beauty of the redpill is that you can't tarnish it. Taking it and following it is already a defense against these impostors.
You do more harm by calling redpill an ideology than women do by pretending to follow the logic of the redpill.
It is not an ideology, it's simply facts. It is calling reality for what it is, that is not ideology, that is rationality.
Please, kill yourself you fucking retard.
>But now you get women who are in the double digits, on the number of guys they fucked, they got desencitized to intimacy as a result, and you usually only get them at they end of their beuty/fertility window.
This is a bit of a myth propagated by the MGTOW industry (yes, it's an industry, they make bank off of video and website ads).
You can find good women, just don't find them online or at bars / clubs.
Churches can be a good place, depending on the type of church... Christianity is part of your culture if you're Western, whether you're religious or not.
It's only a fact for men, you moron
I meant it's an ideaology from the perspective of women, since they can't "wake up" for something that they are responsible for.
Basically, for men it's waking up, for women it's understanding men's awareness of it and adapting the way they behave. So, for men it's knowing the facts, For women it's becoming a tradcon, which means embracing an ideology.
I'm not saying you can't i'm just saying it's not easy nor foolproof.
And i know for a fact that most women feels like they have to "experience" before settling down.
You don't need to ban it, just make people aware of the risks.
Just like they do with alcohool and smoking.
>I'm not saying you can't i'm just saying it's not easy nor foolproof.
Duh, nothing is foolproof in life. And you can accomplish nothing without taking risks.
>And i know for a fact that most women feels like they have to "experience" before settling down.
This is fucking bullshit.
How do I know this? Because I have several exes who hate me to this day for being their first and then breaking up eventually. Women in general feel less valuable the more men they sleep with.
Seriously, this shit you are spouting is Elliot tier. You really REALLY need to just get outside and talk to people.
MGTOW haters can prepare to get fucked over by their wives in the next 5 years if they are not getting cucked already but too much in love for it to see it.
Being redpilled is not giving a fuck what women think, and breeding them so you have a legacy.
If they leave, get another one and repeat, or don't.
You people are fucking cowards.
>This is fucking bullshit.
I lost count of how many posts i've seen on social media, from women, along the lines:
"Lets allow ourselves"
Or some of their testimonials about sex and cheating were they use these exact terms:
"I was feeling free, and alive"
And i heard this exact words from an ex gf on a story she told me full of rape innuendos(She didn't got raped, but got herself in some dangerous situations).
Plus , i had to soon-to-be married women wanting to fuck me.
And many other stories that i heard from friends or seen on the internet.
So, i dont have any stats, but it's not total bullshit, especially if you add the divorce rates on top of it.
I unsubbed a few months ago, anyone that is still subbed is fucking stupid.
>He then attacks mgtow
good, youre worse than feminists
>I lost count of how many posts i've seen on social media
This is why you are so bluepilled about women.
News flash: social media is not real life. MOST women don't even use social media heavily anymore.
You seem to have a heavy case of autism lad, sorry to break it to you.
>not an argument
No seriously, what is wrong with his channel?
>This is why you are so bluepilled about women.
How am i bluepilled?
he talked shit about mgtow (the religion of incels) and their porn - there is whole swathe of dissolute manchildren on these boards who are very keen on porn and narratives justifying their antisocial delusions
see to obfuscate the fact, he pretends "he unsubscribed months ago" though it was directly because of the reasons outlined and quite recently
MGTOWs are pathetic and useless anyway. Might as well be a nihilist.
t. A guy who believed mgtow bullshit and became a sad cunt addicted to porn
BPS fucking sucks
idups is the only anti-cancer
(((Ethan Klein))): "I prefer the black culture because they're marginalized and I think art is an expression of pain
Ian Idubbiez: I prefer the white culture
Fuckin' kek
Dude is a tradcon whiteknight. LOL if you don't think white nationalism ultimately ends up in men whiteknighting their whore women.
that girl ain't a feminist, I talked with her few times on twitter before she got banned
She always tweeted stuff about finding a man to marry her so she could move to US and how marriage is the most important thing to her and so on
>their whore women
Men fuck around more than women on average though, mate
Whore apologist on request.
porn is shit
gtfo cucc
How the fuck is he an e-celeb? He doesn't even show his face in any of his videos.
Nobody gives a fuck about edgy fuck this person or that person comments on a thread that will disappear in an hour.
What matters is
>He has a decent amount of followers.
>he softly redpills
>he does good work in his videos
All you faggots tearing down people like this or molyneux or gavin or milo don't get that these people are putting themselves out there and bringing people into the fold.
Or is shitposting on an anonymous malaysian knitting message board going to get the job done?
Fuck you faggots.
Don't like the shit these guys do? Then do it better.
But you won't and you know it.
I'm starting a channel. Im going to work hard on my videos. I could care less if the Sup Forums "cool guys" who always tear other people's work down, like my shit.
>She always tweeted stuff about finding a man to marry her so she could move to US and how marriage is the most important thing to her and so on
Oh, so there you have it.
She has an agenda and is using the BPS channel to promote it.
The reason why i suggested that this is a new form of femnism is because, the femnist label is already backfiring on women and they are changing to a strategy that is beneficial. They won't sign away their benneftis in the court system and welfare. But they pose as traditionalists to bring man back into the marriage institution.
>leave your family
>i'm your family now
Why is marriage a bad thing?
When did I state that being a whore is ok? I merely stated that just as many, if not more, men act like whores and this is a serious problem as well.
The solution to low birthrates because women are fucking around instead of staying chaste until motherhood isn't to sit in a dark room and tug on your penis
Because of the current laws supporting women. That's about it. Everything else comes down to unhappiness.
MGTOW and porn have the same end result, no whites breeding. Those in the MGTOW movement might have their hearts in the right place but the end result is bad. We need to fix women, not abandon them.
Well said burgsy
>push more cultural marxism
anyone mentions cultural marxism, their opinion is instantly discarded
I also know their intellectual development is probably permanently stunted
>Canada has no "core identity"
>multiculturalism is your family now
Wtf?? Why does a guy with only 140 thousand subscribers have a "chief editor"?
Why is that?
You should be able to make a broad short explanation of why cultural marxism isn't as valid as terms like critical theory etc...
Are you trying to insult me by insulting Trudeau?
You realize that as a leaf, you could not possibly hate him more than me?
I'm confused by your bantz, burger.
What the fuck?
Cultural marxism is just the application of critical theory.
That's the actual definition.
I stopped watching his channel. He sucks
Why the fuck is Sup Forums becoming more and more of a reddit cult?
You faggots will be the ones to hang on the day of the rope.
Fucking queers.
fancy name for someone he chiefly collaborates with to put the material together?
Whats confusing about taking a jab at the Trudeau?
Paranoid shut in beta detected
Most women in the entertainment industry just look like that. And if you think having a new editor will compromise your worldviews then you must be very weak.
thread over
wait, you're actually arguing FOR porn?
Where the fuck do you think you are, you degenerate sodomite?
he's right stop watching porn degenerate
>Paranoid shut in beta detected
>implying concerns based on concrete facts are paranoia
read >Most women in the entertainment industry just look like that.
That was just to add up, not the main argument.
PLus , i would argue, given, how bluepill the entertainment industry is, that most of the women in there are femnists.
>And if you think having a new editor will compromise your worldviews then you must be very weak.
I never said, she is changin his views, i said she is using the lattitude she has as an editor to promote her personal agenda, and he is a cuck for letting it happen.
You are using the same shaming tactic women always use when they can't rebute a point, (i.e beta, virgin, basement shut in, etc) so we can both agree you are not gonna be objective on this.
And also, you know, thats not an argument.