Well Sup Forums?

Well Sup Forums?

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Didn't care the first time I saw this image and I still don't care today.



name one that isnt faggot

Roughly all of them at some point or another.

Burger King

germany. same order too.

If only


du Vollidiot

Man so these are American values, why are liberals saying that they are something else. We should be proud of our strength and power of our original values!

Stop being sore losers


Morality is a spook.

Irish and chinese suspiciously missing from the op image

The entirety of Africa

The weak should fear the strong.


Nearly all of them. The difference is countries with a majority White population thrived because Whites had more time to create and innovate and left low-skilled work like picking cotton to niggers and other minorities.


Best country ever!

built of convict labor

Irish? Man dey just cracka ass white boys senpai baka

Sounds like Brazil

Ancient greeks had slaves. Plato had slaves.

So what?

It was mutual warfare after the barter-understanding Natives reneged on trade dxeals for their land. 'Genocide' is a technicality, what do you think would have happened to the settlers otherwise?
>BUILT on the enslavement
Lol, no. Pre-Civil War, America was already mostly there. Afterwards, all the cotton fields were burned and the Confederacy was bankrupt.

The only people that ultimately benefited from Muh Slavery were the Africans' descendants and Dutch slavery tycoons.

Fuck Leftists

The first example is just beating an inferior opponents which is not remotely unique in history for thousands of years minimum, and to pretend not industrial and technological advances required slavery, or even any non-whites is absurd. If anything, minorities have only been a complete impediment to even greater success. Just because people can be taken advantage of it does not mean whites needed them. Whites don't need anyone else.

1% of the richest southern population owned slaves for 100 years to pick cotton and make themselves wealthy. =/= built America. Western whites are the people that eventually abolished slavery. A practice that is still in use in Africa today. There are more slaves in Africa today than there were in any point is history. Jews played an integral part in the colonial slave trade that only existed due to black slavers offering them for sale in ports.


>other minorities
Irish are minorities to you?

This is the correct answer.


>name one

I can name more than one.

Are conquering and enslavement unique to America alone? Did no other country conquer land and have some form of enslavement in their history?

What does it matter now to the people we have who have never been conquered or enslaved? So what if your great great great grandpa was a slave? You're not. You have the freedom to carve a better life for yourself. You can choose to have some form of agency and control over your life or simply let something that you never went through and have never seen rule you and think that's what holds you back.

If I found out tomorrow that my great grandfather was black and a slave in Missouri, it wouldn't stop or slow down my life's goals.

>1% of the richest southern population owned slaves for 100 years to pick cotton and make themselves wealthy. =/= built America

Fucking this. Agrarian feudalism did NOT build the USA. If anything, it hampered the economic development of the south.

But OP doesn't understand that because her liberal professor has brain washed her to believe colonialism was bad. Despite the fact that is is responsible for all human advancement since the beginning of time.

>muh slavery

slavery was not invented by europeans or americans. the Arab slave trade in Negroes was far greater and much longer.
it was a natural stage in the history of mankind

Indian tribes murdered other indian tribes and the africans captured enslaved and sold other africans to the spanish and jews and muslims.

Stop telling lies if you want the respect of others.

Quiet with your facts. We're supposed to be good goys and give blacks excuses for not getting their shit together for 150 fucking years.

I name all real nations (with any real achievement in history), except Russians.

Because Russians enslaved and killed off their own kind

>except Russians.
Moжнo пpивecти в пpимep paзвe чтo дeпopтaцию чepкecoв в Typцию,нo нa гeнoцид этo нe тянeт.
Гeнoцид кopeннoгo нaceлeния в Aмepикe тoжe oкyтaн cлишкoм бoльшим пиздeжoм ,выдyмaнный coвpeмeннoй лeвaцкoй пpoфeccypoй.Бoльшaя чacть индeйцeв oткинyлиcь из-зa бoлeзнeй,к кoтopым y них нe былo иммyнитeтa,их дaжe пpививaли нacильнo

Ottoman Empire.


>except Russians.

He said "with any real achievement in history"


Now that would make sense

just kill your own people kek fag


Escaped slaves enslaved Africans and killed the natives.

Also South Africa. I would argue lots of African countries and South American countries. Tribal warfare and such

So what? Literally what? Are we all equal? Yes? Then this is ancient history and should be viewed from the same lense as looking at something like the battle of Thermopylae. It's cool and all, but not pertinent to us.

Or are we not equal? Do you want me to apologize for the fact that whites dominated the planet? Why? Because to demand that is to recognize that whites are superior.


>The genocide succeeded.
>That they are the same race and not different species.
>They didn't enslave themselves.
>MFW White.

mexico lmao

How about the Entire World.
Humanity has been doing this since we started making spears and axes.

The red Pajeets didn't build shit. They traded us the land that we farmed, dug up and built upon. The negros enslaved themselves, and sold their brothers and sisters to foreign traders who then got bought up by southern elites for labor. The entitlement from your post runs deep , and shows how little accountability these (((victims))) have


Tы eщe пpo дeпopтaцию чeчeнoв в Кaзaхcтaн cпиздaни, мyдилo.

mfw soon we will enslave inferior exterrestial species and have no further need for niggers

But I thought race is a social construct

The south american continent

Obvious russia.

>1 post by this ID
Should have checked from the start.

The strategy was a smashing success. Shame about the native Americans though, their culture is based as fuck. Niggers on the other hand are fucking garbage. It's been over 200 years and they still can't get it together. The nigger athletes should be thanking the white man for engineering them into super slaves

North Africa.

They've genocided capoids and enslaved whites to pay for their gibs. Fucking savages.


All of them.