These are ~16 year olds in Serbia

>these are ~16 year olds in Serbia

What can we do to stop this shit

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>dumb threads are more popular than anti degeneracy threads

Sup Forums you tards

I bet they are nationalistic and wouldn't suck nigga cuck.

wtf I love Serbia now.

>people will defend this

Albanian women are much better looking than Serbian women

the OP proves it

Apsolutno nista.

same in Germany

Mada ako zelite promene glasajte za Boska. On je jedini tradicionalista kod nas.

Well, she's a fan of Batman, so that's cool, I guess...

Stop the westernising and consumption driven society.

Protip, you can't.

prodo se za male pare

And I thought were full of nonwhites.

Those mounds need a brutal pounding.
Make them lose the fags though.
Cancer will kill them.


Remove kebap.

>tfw you know you going to fugg later

y would u want to


Nothing. Instead of giving a damn about not your kids properly raise your fucking own.

I guess you haven't been to Amsterdam

>not smoking

what did you expect, these people cannot see a reason to drop it, they are so apathetic it's scary. In the west, such behavior is primarily "fuck you i am independent womyn" but here it's because "this don't matter, none of this matters"

>Night club

No surprised here.

Sta si drugo ocekivao da vidis na takvom mestu?

No surprises here*

smoking is now a sign of conservatism.

maybe where you live

>those frogs on their shirts

Kek, is that you?

But that's the truth of the universe, every second could be our last, because of some faggot star exploding or one that has exploded long ago, and it's sent out a gamma ray burst out from it's poles, and the earth just happens to be in it's path when it passes.
It would fry our ozone, and then we'd all die.
And we'd only know about it when it actually hit the earth.

Make Christianity the official religion and teach it in schools.

not those fucking cigarettes and not fucking women smoking

>What can we do to stop this shit
Ask Mike "Eat At The 'Y', You're Gonna Fry" Pence.

Wouldn't have happened if kebab wasn't removed

We already do, it's a optional subject, those probably attend too because muh nationalizm but it obv doesn't work

no, we need to create an extremely hostile climate against such shit, saudi arabia style so they appreciate the freedoms given to them

serbia is 84% christian already

it is a pointless religion nowadays, doesn't stand up for anything

i'd say christianity lost any form of cultural authority after world war I

Nah, that wont work, and Christianity is will never work either.
Something new is needed, something memetic in nature, funny, easily digested, remembered and spread.

Mandatory military service for women? It might teach them discipline. The religious courses should be mandatory, not optional.

It doesn't stand for anything because people are pussies now and no longer stand up for what is right.

t.increasingly nervous hag

There is only one answer

Easy life breeds soft men and whorish women

the law of Allah swt would set them str8
sharia for serbia

It may make it worse actually. Military doesn't always teach the best habits.

70s trash

What's the age of consent in Serbia?

It's fifteen in Denmark and our girls look exactly the same.

14 if you are also under 18. 16 if you are an adult.

their heads have strange shapes? or is it just me

grab them by the pussy

At least most 16 year olds in your country are white

children want to be like their parents. your women dress in this shit so what do you expect. quit with the jersey shore shit and this will end.

Same here.

What? What do (you) want to do?

>stop this shit
sour grapes; just because you perhaps didn't join in on adolescent "degeneracies" does not mean noone should

teen sex is godtier, first year of smoking feels good, mini alcohol doses giving you a buzz are great, being able to party to the break of dawn was eventful, mingling with other young likes of you was interesting etc

liberty includes everything, even things you don't like or approve of


>Hapsburg chin on the right

How can you stay in SA?

When I finish my degree in 1-2 years, I'll get out of this shithole

How much do they cost?