Sup Forums,can you find a more retarded, entitled nigger?
Sup Forums,can you find a more retarded, entitled nigger?
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when they go low, we hang them high.
This 'woman' looks like a fucking degenerate monkey who hasn't evolved over time.
Why (((they))) put these niggers on TV is beyond me. Is (((it))) still working?
We can rebuild her
Literally who's going to be the new Democrat champion. All the noteworthy democrats/liberals are either too old or are not taken seriously.
Look at that numale cuck nodding his head on the left lol what a FAGGOT
>blacks in all important positions
>"look how diverse we are!"
Im here for millenials and brown folks.
Gee whiz, thanks
Well niggers are good at jumping and putting balls into hoops.
>Im here for millenials and brown folks.
They're both one in the same, aren't they?
Van Jones, the squeaky voiced failure.
I can, idk if you heared of him, he's a president of some shithole country right now
Lol congrats democrats. Have fun trying to rebuild your shattered party for the next 12 years.
thatd be gen z.
Am I a cuck bc this didn't anger me?
poor little white guys
do you think the asian sticks up for them when they get harassed in the locker room?
Keith Ellison
he's an islamist on Trump's payroll
(((democrats))) are so screwed
>99% monkey
It didn't anger me either. Putting shrieking sheboons with double digit IQs in charge of the Democratic party would be great news for anyone that hates Democrats.
Van Jones and her are the biggest ooga boogas on CNN
Purge all the Whites from the Democratic Party.
m8 you're a fag for fantasizing about things like this
numale cuck?
>YES diversity is about getting rid of white people. And it's a good thing.
best thing to ever happen is the dem party become just for blacks. Then a supra majority white party could finally get shit done in the country.
I feel like this is a couple months old and I have made this exact same comment before...
But if anyone had any doubts that the democratic party was the party of the non whites here is your proof
>freak show
>"Democratic Party Searching for a New Leader"
Let me guess, she says something like "Wez needs to show dem whities who is boss with a strong black Muslim! That'll make them vote fo' us again."
If it was a white person who said there should be no black people in the Democratic Party, they would of been called a racist and told to apologize
It's a bad fucking strategy.
White population is in decline to HISPANICS, not some rainbow Muslim-nigger-taco coalition. Niggers are a steady 12%. Muslims are hated by fucking everyone except SJWs. Hispanics are actually pretty conservative and Catholic, and they will turn on Democrats once their policies start fucking their working class and alienating their religious values.
But if the Dems want to do it, go for it.
You'd be less visible if you weren't so fucking wide
Both of those people around her should have told her that was racist, but they are just the most mentally weak people
>All the noteworthy democrats/liberals are either too old or are not taken seriously.
It's a problem. Howard Dean had some good ideas about unifying the working class under Democrats, appealing to them and having a message of unification while focusing on Progressive ideals and goals.
But they rejected that for more "diversity politics" wanting to pic someone who fits a rare demographic to appeal to their smug liberal sensibilities of "doing good things".
These people are fucking assholes and they don't understand politics or basic human needs.
Lol so they're basically admitting that diversity means little to no white people.
Anti-racism is code for white genocide.
>White population is in decline to HISPANICS, not some rainbow Muslim-nigger-taco coalition.
lol, yeah. you sir are a poet.
>the leader
>we need to show diversity in our leadership
What does she want? Some kind of zombie made up of body parts from 4 different ethnicities?
Fuck you pay me?
You couldn't even pay me to fuck you.
Why can't we just all get along?
Now you know why multicultural, multiracial societies just aren't a great idea long term.
I'll be interested to see how blacky does once Hispanics and Asians become as numerous as whites.
Down here in Texas, nigs complain less because they know the Mexicans aren't going to do shit for them. It's refreshing in a way, because many whites would be all apologetic for what happened in the past. But there is no Mexican guilt over slavery, so they just tell nigs to fuck off.
I don't have an eternity, but here's my favorite nigress chimping out video
Muh ice cream
What is it about black female faces that are so horrifying?
>Muslims are hated by fucking everyone except SJWs.
Because they've also never met any Muslims, asked their opinion on "liberal' topics or attended a mosque and listened to an Imam.
Women and blacks should be running the DNC. Best thing ever to happen to America.
Uncanny valley. They almost look human.
I don't think Hispanics are conservative in the traditional sense. They will certainly change American politics over the long term, but I do find it refreshing how they don't give a fuck about nigs crying about the past.
It's embedded into your DNA at this point.
300 years of exposure, people more disgusted were less likely to be murdered and robbed.
Even shitlibs avoid the ghetto at all costs.
this is good.. it destroys the opposition it will make it so the white libs when they get kicked out and shat on my there own party members change to republicans. and give more power to the republicans.
Hispanic/Latino is not a racial identity.
Hispanics are of White, Black, Mulatto, Mestizo, Zambo, Asians(Middle/Far East).
>that tiny brainbox
kek, she's one of the most obvious examples of niggers with physically small brains and huge herbivore-like jaws
In most American cases they would be mestizo or mulatto immigrants. Usually when people talk about "Hispanics", that is what they refer to.
Very few white Spaniards are moving here, they would have no reason to because they are usually the upper class in those Latin American societies.
She ordered ICE CREAM!!!! NOT FRIES!!!
lol, nonwhites will literally purge the democratic party of white people.
Why don't blacks just make their own party?
this, it's perfect, it needs to be memed something like this:
>both major parties are overwhelmingly white
>isn't it time black folks can see themselves in a major party?
>the GOP is already the white folks party
>make the Democratic party the black folks party, the party of diversity
>say no to more white folks leading the democratic party
>she's one of the most obvious examples of niggers with physically small brains and huge herbivore-like jaws
Gotta eat the mud cookie somehow.
no no goy, you're supposed to GIB them a major party as repereshuns fo fo hunned years of slavery
it's 2016, it's time black people have a major party of their own, the Democratic party!
NBA! lol it's always funny when you see an all black team with a white "Owner".
Instead of finding the best qualified person, let's base our decision on race because of muh feelings and diversity. That'll sure get rid of racism; race-based initiatives!
All niggers must fucking hang.
Aren't whites already a minority in the party? Aren't they led by a half-black man?
And she's advocating more whites be replaced because they're white? And they just smile and nod?
What kind of white person would be a democrat?
This is something that becomes way too likely to happen when a nigger is fortunate enough to have an IQ over 110.
>diversity means less to no whites
>even if it's all just one majority race it's still "diverse"
Hispanics overwhelmingly vote for stronger, authoritarian government, contrary to what whites have built and want (small, liberty governments). Just look at every Latino country and its system of government.
>"This country is becoming more hispanic, you should appeal to them, republicans!!!!!!!!!"
Spics will never ally with whites, even if you share a strong similarity in religious traditions. Stop appealing to what liberals want to pigeonhole you into.
>they came as slaves
>and end up as leader
like pottery, USA black nation in 10 years
>Implying her iq is even above 100
Look at her fucking skull, man
It had to be done.
that one is married to a white guy btw
Someone brainwashed to hate their culture, history, family tree, family values, family expectations, descendant country of origin, community, institutions, and accomplishment.
>some whites
>one asian
>rest is black
How is that diverse? Where are abbos? Where are mongolians, indians (feather) and indians (poo)?
There smiles disappeared real fast when she started throwing around "no white ppl"
Tariq motherfucking Nasheed
This is the fat cunt who literally laughed about the guy who got beat up by niggers for being a "Trump supporter" she said, and I quote: "Oh, the poor white man!"
that's why a leader like her is perfect. Few whites except hardcore cucks would vote for a party lead by someone like her, blacks barely vote and hispanics and chinks would probably have pretty mixed feelings too.
It's the end of the dems in bald sheboon form.
Nobody has ever given a good reason for diversity