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Are you so desperate that him misspelling a word causes him to not becom president? Also blumpf that's a new one
He did it to get more attention.
It would be a shame if more people saw how China just stole an incredibly valuable research submersible and Obama didn't do a thing about it...
Trump is just trolling them and will always be our hero. Maybe 1 day you can be an hero if you care so much?
He's on vacation. Don't bother him. Next thing you'll be expecting him to respond to things at 3 AM.
I don't care if he can spell good, I just want him to nuke something.
The real issue I have is that it's not unprecedented. The slant-eyed jew does this all the time. It's like every month you here about a foreign-born Chinaman arrested for stealing technology or university research. Worse yet, sometimes this are military officers. If I had it my way, there would be an outright ban on Chinese doing research, and no chink would be made officer.
We have to fight this bitch cold-war style.
We'll beat him on pedantry! Surely that will convince the electors to not vote for him
>incredibly valuable
>probably made with off the shelf shit that isn't exactly top secret tech
kek this
this. trump is always playing 5D chess and these libtards are too dumb to see it
>I don't care if he can spell good
Shouldn't that read "spell well"?
You need a reality check amerishart.
China bought all your fucking debt, you are China's bitch.
Tell Drumpf to chill the fuck out cuz your gonna get yellow chink dick in your ass soon otherwise, cuck.
>not a single story on Russian hackers today as headline is pushed away by sub twitter
4D chess is real
>China literally steals stuff from the US Navy
>Liberals upset about spelling
Thisiswhyyoulost .jpg
>what did he mean by this
>le transdimensional quantum pattycake meme
pic related libshit
is that a threat
Russia hacked his Twitter.
It doesn't matter desu, what matters is they STOLE IT. This should be an act of war but obongo mcnogo is to much of a pussy and to deep the the chink's pockets.
has anyone tweeted pic related back at them yet?
He's on vacation
>Being intolerant of spelling impaired people
Problematic af desu senpai
You haven't been this wrong since 1982
I'm so happy trump is adding Mattis to his cabinet. With military hardliners I really think our government can stop being pussies. If the current admin said to give it back in 48 hrs they'd be laugh at, if trump said it you know we would rid of god their shitty little islands.
And now that's a word. This is the power he wields, get used to it libshit.
>bought all of our debt
it's actually about 7% of the total actually
it would be like if you owned a pair of huts on the falklands instead of the 0% you do now
I don't give a FUCK.
He's only on vacation so he can hide his hide from being skinned for presenting a fake birth cert. He's waiting until this blows over.
God damn I'm fucking mad as hell.
wtf I love China now
as a liberal I should move there. they seem to be a smart, tolerant bunch
Why should we be 'tough' on China and not Russia? Because dear leader says so?
The whole "call him stupid" strategy worked so well with Bush II, especially since it totally wasn't an act. Do you really want 8 years of Trump? No? Stop giving them ammo. Stop falling for bait.
Requesting that "say the line, shill" pic made out of the Simpsons
7D Intergalactic battle chess.
yea, but its just how we talk in america.
Occupy Democrats...
Literally the most buttslaughtered losers in history at this point.
Russia hasn't wronged the US.
in b4 jewish fake news
Fuck off you dumb fucking nigger, there is no evidence that has been presented whatsoever that Russia touched our elections.
China, beyond a doubt, stole something from us.
Never post again shillshit.
Maybe he's trying to point out the fact that the left will care more about a trivial spelling mistake rather than the actual issue at hand
>send tweet w/ obvious misspelling of a word
>media jumps on it like a bitch in heat, just like they have the past 100 times
>in order to discuss him misspelling the word, they have to cover the message of the tweet
>more people hear about china stealing drone
>more people learn Obama did nothing
>more free press for Trump
How the actual fuck has the media not learned their lesson? Are they seriously this retarded? He seizes control of the news cycle every time he tweets.
>tfw they realize they're infinitely less successful than this man and he can't spell half of the time
>tfw they realize it's because he's been delegating everything he has to do except tweeting for like 10 years
Probably the auto correct on his phone. Happens to the best of us.
>tfw i will never have trumps wit and foresight
the man is so many steps ahead, libs couldn't possibly comprehend it
no, retard. think about it.
you should be tough on china because russia and the US are not competitive. it's the chinese who compete with the US. it's the chinese who present a long-term, strategic threat to the US.
heh heh....looks like you made a typo pal...heh that means I win again
It's President Blumpf to you.
>It's President Blumpf to you.
Pretty sure it's Precedent Blumpf now.
Unpresidented = never happened to a former president
Holy shit!
A spelling error? This man is clearly unfit for the job. It's a good thing the chinese stole our shit so we could see drumpf blow it on such a grand scale.
Im wif her now
Russia is just as bad as China for human rights and they both take over sovereign nations without giving a fuck. The difference is China has way more in it's arsenal to fuck us up in peace time (and in war time for that matter, not that it will come to that)
We all are going to laugh at you if this ends up becoming a new word in the future
so CTR did you come up with a sexual act called drumpfklin yet
[load of stuff unrelated to stealing a submarine drone]
>finally admits he's president
Liberals btfo
Occupy Democrats are literally sliding
>President Trump went to Switzerland but he didn't toot the giant Ricola horn in exactly the right pitch CAN HIM
>it's going to be 8 years of this.
What's the likelihood he spelled unprecedented wrong to make people pay attention to this act of Chinese aggression?
it's a true meme though, he does it all the time, and won the election doing it
Not gonna lie, former Trump supporter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.
>implying ganada probably doesnt speak like that too
literally everyone want to be american even though they hate us. every one copies us, especially the way we talk.
It's funny that this is what they concentrate on, similar thing happens in threads when one side have completely lost an argument, all they can come out with are spelling and grammar corrections and petty name calling. Basically, they no there gonna loose cos we've one the battle.
nono you see, Trump the baffoon became president on accident, beating two political dynasties on accident spending half as much money
there's no way he has any foresight or strategy
0% he deleted the tweet and corrected the mistake
>Unpresidented: an act or union with lacking necessary leadership.
9d backgammon
>tfw elected a memer into office
I know that feel, things are pretty similar here.
>the 95D chess meme
or he's just a functionally illiterate autist
>every one copies us, especially the way we talk.
But why do you refuse to speak English. Are you still mad at the Brits for burning down the White House over the whole "taxation without representation" thing?
that wasn't a typo
He keeps getting away with it.
Or he is retarded.
December 19th
Ford was shit on by his "intellectual superiors" but he shit them up by explaining common sense to them. Essentially he said he could hire any consultant he needed to get the job done. I'm know this doesn't make sense to the left but here in the real world it works.
Great Scott! He will go down in history as the greatest US president ever to hold office.
I like how they're admitting he's already president.
>Are they seriously this retarded?
They really are.
Everything they do to shut down and wreck Trump just ends up as publicity and has basically gotten him to this point.
I fear to imagine a world where the media didn't cover Trump and just ignored him, it would be a sad day for kek.
Me fail english? That's unpossible!
>Ford was shit on
Shouldn't that read "shat on"?
I'm glad he's the president and calls out shot like this. This is what the foot soldiers have had to deal with with the retarded left. "typos make your argument invalid!" Bunch of autistic faggots playing the fiddle while Rome burns.
Trump didn't make a typo, it's a fake tweet someone made.
>giving these cucks attention
Get over it, Hans. Muslims aren't going to care about your education when there's a pellet shooting through your skull with the force of a bomb blast.
>My bad, it's "precedent". Everything just looks presidential to me now - LOL!
I think rules are good. Rules give us certainty and order. And that includes spelling and grammar rules.
Only feral niggers don't care about rules. Don't be like a feral nigger. Be white.
Thats not even that bad, what about this one?
"un-PRESIDENT-ed" was his way of saying Obama is a failure and a NON-POTUS who let this kind of thing happen under his watch.
K cuck. Rules are for the weak. The strong don't need them. Be sure to welcome those legal refugees. Don't forget your wife's burka when you have to escort her to the store.
They have a total of 20k followers on twitter. They don't have any play on social media
Nobody gives a shit about them, total try hards
Fake news!
>Debt does not matter.
t. Paul (((Krugman)))
>You never default if you print the money.
Donald J. Trump
Money is created ex nihilo.