OK Sup Forums you can stop pretending now. You're not actually racist, right?
OK Sup Forums you can stop pretending now. You're not actually racist, right?
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I don't know how anybody can claim to not be racist. That's like saying you have no idea how short or tall everybody else is.
If we aren't racist, then why aren't you a state yet?
gtfo of here
You're part of Sup Forums too shithead.
Nope not a racist.
Not hating on other races, but society works better if it is racially homogeneous.
I believe the white race is the greatest race but the majority of white people have more in common with niggers than they do with actually good whites.
Being black is being against humanity.
Not really, I make a lot of racist jokes but it goes for every race.
>Implying they are pretending
This. It's in the best interests of everyone if they stick to their own culture and historical land.
why can't whites have a country?
Just give us one where the shitskins can't come in. Why do all white countries need diversity?
I greatly dislike blacks and muslims because they are uncultured, uncivilized swine. If that makes me racist then so be it.
top pleb
Yes, I'm racist.
Being racist isn't a bad thing.
top- oops nevermind you get run over by a feral
this, I don't get why it's so wrong for us to want to be amongst each other. The japanese do it and most races do it when immigrating to the wedst. Why the double standard?
It's not really about race, it's more about culture, but the two have a tendency to correlate.
Racism = Tribalism.
All humans are tribalistic. All humans prefer their own kind. All humans are hostile to the out-group.
Nowadays, a "racist" is someone who doesn't believe that racial groups are interchangeable. If, like me, you believe there are fundamental differences between different racial/ethnic groups as far as cognitive capacity, behavioral profiles and physicality go, you are a "racist". Despite the fact that all of these things have been empirically verified numerous times.
The word doesn't mean anything. It's a means of psychologically crippling people who aren't capable of intellectually defending themselves and preventing the proles from pointing out the obvious; i.e. that multi-racial societies are a fucking idiotic idea.
What do you think about latinos, who are basically a melting pot of races?
>Inb4 all latinos are the same.
No we're really not like that. I have french and iranian descent. I am pale skinned, even my nipples are pink. Meanwhile other guys have brown skin, or a more copper-like tone, and we also have blacks. there's even some guys with asian features.
I'm not racist.
I am an Anglo who has no issues with Aryans.
All those other species pretending to be human can fuck right off, though.
Nope, just the storm cucks and CTR trying to make the right look bad.
Most turds smell.
Fucking mongs
I have power and prejudice, sorry I can't help it
a lot of tug-of-war has been played with the definition of this word over the last decade and i think distinctions need to be made.
There are two ends of the spectrum of what people consider racist; on one side there's regarding peoples a whole/monolithic structure, this ranges from stereotypes to statistics in regards to demographics. the problem here is that to ignore these facts would be ignorant, the fact that there are outliers doesn't change where the standard deviation exists per demographic. at the other end of the spectrum there's this notion of treating people like shit because they're of a different race; this is what racism was when i was growing up--that form of prejudgemental prejudice towards people. this bothers me; don't judge people you don't know, but don't fail to acknowledge the reality of racial attribution on a sociological scale.
All other races should be exterminated,some talk about having a white cpumtru i say fuck that we should take the whole world.
Whoa there, slow down buddy. Not sure that's a very nice thing to do.
>t. jew
You can always move to Eastern Europe. Oh wait, oops, they're total shitholes. You're only fine with "white" countries when they're not shitholes.
Sup Forums is a board of peace my friend. Inshalla.
Sup Forums is satire with occasional retards
There is nothing wrong with being racist.
What's your point faggot? Those countries are still our birthrights not the entire planet's refuge.
I don't think the majority of pol are racist at all. We're contrarian as fuck, no doubt, but this is one of the last places with free speech left on the net.
So you'll tend to hear nigger, potato nigger, pasta nigger, sand nigger, crumpet nigger, taco nigger, space nigger, snow nigger, double nigger, Slav nigger and so on a lot.
This is how pol filters retards who can't handle the bantz. You need a thick skin and a quick wit to make it here. No low energy, safe space cucks allowed.
Racism is nature in action.
If niggers can be racist but I am condemned for the same action, is that not anti-white opression?
Fuck niggers, fuck kikes. Fuck everyone who holds us down.
>The secret of the left is they actually hate eachother
>The secret of pol is we actually like eachother.
Ideally no ethnic gets a country to themselves. Race is a construct ultimately and once you start merging ethnicity and converging all culture to make the human race we finally will be free from the tribalism that has gone on for thousands of years. Even the Jews must also assimilate. Globalism's failure is that there are people who refuse to play their part in Japan, in Israel and in the Middle East.
Ultimately what we seek as a world order that is a global welfare state where the poor do not starve and the rich are kept in check. Where a united humanity can that spread out to the stars and find a common enemy once more.
but I am
You know how best friends always trash talk eachother for the purpose of helping eachother reach higher goals and achieve great things?
Literally the same, just digital and anonymous.
Lol you're fucking delusional if you think everyone is going to mix into a new race. Sub saharan africans have a fertility rate of 5 and chinks and indians are over 2 Billion. Unless our borders are closed the entire planet will become a third world shithole.
Whites made the USA and all "not shithole" white countries. We founded them, we developed the technology, we made them great. Diversity is making them decline
>inb4 what about slaves that build the South
bitch we were their masters and told them everything to do
>inb4 peanut butter
maybe blacks invented like 3 things, what's your point?
Shut up, nigger.