"Ah need mah AR-15 so ah can overthrow thuh gubbmint!"

>"Ah need mah AR-15 so ah can overthrow thuh gubbmint!"
>killed in Waco fire

Do you gun nuts even hear yourselves? An armed revolution will only lead to the destruction of this country. Why can't peaceful resistance, like the Iranian revolution, do just as well?

It's now almost 2017. Why do you think your barbaric method is the only one that works anymore?

Other urls found in this thread:

archive.4plebs.org/_/search/text/Ah need mah AR-15 /

>overthrow the gubbmint
>Waco fire

branch davidians took out 4 feds

>fat shaming
Double standards.

Come and take my AR15, faggot, if you can.

And then died.

Also ability shaming

The military leans right-wing you dumbfuck. Its not as simple as "muh waco". Most people in America have long standing tradition of rebellion and espouse is proudly. Fuck yourself you traitorous commie scum

Because people are too stupid for the other option.

Besides, your average citizen does not need a fucking gun. That's what the POLICE are for.

Worth it

Remember folks, in a situation where seconds matter the police are only minutes away. Turn in your guns today!


I need a gun to protect myself from the police, and others.

What I do with my AR is my own fucking business and none of yours.

Hey liberals, when we edit the constitution let me know. That includes the part about the electoral college.

Until then, enjoy being baristas in Seattle you faggots

pic related, it's your nigger president enjoying clay pigeons right after he gave a speech about how racist white people are

>police brutality! Fuck the police!
>turn in your guns, the police will protect you

>Most people in America have long standing tradition of rebellion and espouse is proudly
Gonna have to stop you there. The NFA was passed, and nobody did shit. GCA of 1968 passed, nothing. FOPA 1986, nothing. Clinton's AWB of 1994, nothing.

The time for rebellion came long ago. Shit, look at how stigmatized the fucking Whiskey Rebels were, and that was only a handful of years after the Revolution. You think the revolutionary spirit still exists in any meaningful sense today? You think the average person has any interest in taking up arms and risking literally everything they have, their jobs, their families, their comforts, and their lives, for an abstract ideal?

Yea na ur a cunt

tmw police aren't able to show up in time what then....


Right Wing CON-swerve-atives and their consipiracy theories about "the big bad givernment" are so stupid. They can't challege the military, guns only kill innocent children!


Why are liberals so obsessed about AR15s?

>I need muh gunz to shoot down them gubermint planez....


Plan A: psyops the world back to sanity with Sup Forumsbros
Plan B: Democratically elected AR15 to maintain plan A

Because they are scary to their small minds

>Peaceful Revolution
>mfw the sandnogs try that shit here

>implying you can't

civilian issue ones arent even auto, fucking autistic leftists

"Hur-durr... wuzzat sound?"

When the founding fathers created the second amendments both the Citizens and Government were using relatively the same type of weapons.
Typically muskets and early rifle prototypes.

Today the government uses highly advanced technology while the average joe would have to use guerrilla warfare to even hat a shot at changing anything.

Now the founding fathers were not idiots and they knew that weapons technology would advance.

So I propose, in order to keep the government equal to its citizens, that the U.S, government open up advanced combat technology markets to citizens.
Assault rifles are not enough, we need heat seeking missiles and tanks as well.
Perhaps citizen nukes will be available as well in the future.

Saying this implies that automatic firearms are somehow more dangerous, or should be more controlled, than any other.

>Nuking your own country
>Anti gunners think this would happen

Thats why we also need to own surface to air missile faggot.

this leaf knows

Sick of this shit

archive.4plebs.org/_/search/text/Ah need mah AR-15 /


Wtf I hate guns now!

Police are reactionary not preventive

>rally maegs u thonk

Look mom I posted it again

First off, do you really want to use the Iranian revolution as an example? I suppose it fits your worldview as Islam and Leftism are both totalitarian death cults, but if your cult was popular enough to take over the country, your candidate would have won the election.

>An armed revolution will only lead to the destruction of this country
if we, the people, can't have it, then no one can.

Come up with an argument and try again.

What if I told you...

I need my AR15 to protect me from Russian hackers.

Wandering /k/ommando here... I'll just leave this.


And this.


Not even funny. Try harder you third class baiter.

And this.


I wish you had a gun, so that you would stick it in your mouth and pull the fucking trigger for the benefit of all living creatures in the universe.

>2 posts by this ID
>1 is stale pasta, the other a 3 word reply
Newfags need to learn to sage and ignore.

>He basically tells me my generation sucks
he's not wrong