>women in the arts
Women in the arts
Other urls found in this thread:
>hur look pretty colours!
>that signature
>she's the center of the photo
>retarded pose and setting
Amazing how symbolic this picture is of females doing "art".
Her signature at the bottom is far more interesting than the pictures themselves
>forgot to paint the space between the legs
really makes u think
She's just making futurama porn.
Her 'art' is derivative AF but I would fuck the shit out of her.
i also had this thought
It's just Futurama R34.
55 years and no one has surpassed this.
>Female art
>"stop sexualizing women!"
>only art women can do is sexual shit
always found art of nude women so redundant
Her art and feet are both hideous.
>western women
I really resonate with this. what kind of art is this considered?
>those feet
>female art
it's considered bad art
Only plebians sign their art like this. Anyone who studied, knows that you should absolutely not sign your painting unless you are on the level of picasso and other masters.
>women in anything
I like how disproportionately huge her signature is. Reminds me of this.
All those renaissance masters are rolling in their graves.
This is a lot better than some of the shit I saw in the arts department at my university. As an engineering student I loved taking glassblowing classes and making extremely technical pieces then saying they had no meaning. It drove the profs fucking crazy because they are mindlessly programmed to look for abstract meaning in everything but they have to acknowledge technical skill.
why is it bad?
>On October 16, 2015, tin #54 was sold at Christies for £182,500
Still better than Hitlers
>It drove the profs fucking crazy because they are mindlessly programmed to look for abstract meaning in everything
This plague has spread far and wide. My linguistics professors are they same way. You could write an instruction manual or a shopping list and they would still insist on there being some subtext whether the "author" intended it or not.
Also, here's someone who calls herself a vaginal knitting performance artist.
actually not, Hitler style was very classical and methodical
Vaginal knitting?
Man what a painting, you can almost feel the rush of the Calvarymen.
Fuck it, lets make this a Western Art thread.
>they are mindlessly programmed to look for abstract meaning in everything but they have to acknowledge technical skill
that's how you spot a pseud
its like a period timeline
This t b h.
Womemes almost always get into things for the sake of attention.
post real women in art
Post some pieces.
And they wonder why arts programs don't get the attention and funding they used to.
She jams a bunch of yarn in there then sits and knits it into smelly scarves infront of people.
This is why women are shit at everything they attempt. They have to make it all about them. They are their own subjects. Also, their own standards of success are set by men. They pantomime masculinity and call it feminism. Their efforts are based in reaction and for that reason they will never succeed outside of the university classroom.
Interesting spread, that.
Dick envy?
post good art for once. Or something which is art at least. Pic related, Polly Braden.
she was literally perfect
is this a senior portrait?
Why, exactly, do feminist produce ugliness in everything they do? They push disgusting art into everyones face. They give themselves ugly haircuts dyed in ugly colors. Ugly tatoos. ugly piercings, ugly clothes. What is their endgame? How does this benefit them?
Pic related.
This cunt is fucked in the head. Sticking yarn into your snatch isn't an "intimate meditation" on anything. It's something a low-functioning autist might do because it makes sense to them.
Came here to say this
No real artist makes their signature cover half the fucking painting
I bet she didn't even pick up a paintbrush after posting this on kikebook
they know they can never obtain attention by creating beauty
so they must do the next best thing
obtain attention by creating ugliness
I'd suck on her toes while a blast sticky loads all over her face.
His aren't great but still better.
To women art is another mean of getting attention ,there is no message no wish of a legacy ,just instant gratification and attention whoring ,they even use "shock factor" when talentless and calling it "avant garde" or tt edgy for you.
Its all about attention ,its that simple really.
No need to think further they are by definition ,"vain creatures" only guided by needs and they use art to satisfy this craving .
to be honest its getting worse every year.
you know its shit art when the painting signature is what took the most effort
I find the lack of racial diversity in that photo problematic.
Why couldn't they be black girls? Why do they all have to be white?
Because they see this kind of shit as rebellious and subversive when everyone outside of academia and yuppieville just thinks it's retarded.
this is suppose to be ironic or meta i think but this can went for like 200 grand
Literal autism
It's easy to conform to low standards, lowers the playing field?
ugly feet
footfags need to be executed
>Why, exactly, do feminist produce ugliness in everything they do?
I don't know the full answer, but I think an aspect of the issue is that many feminists/feminist artists have an extremely juvenile sense of provocation. They want to transgress certain boundaries, but all they can ever come up with is childishly disgusting shit like marinading themselves in period blood or simply exposing their snatch.
Why do they have to be black?
>Anyone who studied, knows that you should absolutely not sign your painting unless you are on the level of picasso and other masters.
That sounds pretentious as hell of the art community then, and of the famous artists following that rule.
Here's my personal favorite. It's a morning star. No you can't smoke out of it.
I dated two artist girls and I have to agree with this. One of them was complete shit but the other one was very talented. Thing is... she had no concept of art being used to make people think or see things in new perspectives. It was always about impressions, making people feel. She was a very masochistic woman (THANK GOD I left in time... had no conception of red flags at the time) and her art always involved pain, alienation, blood and so on. Her favorite artist was actually Marina Abramovic, the "Pizzagate witch", so it was special seeing Sup Forums going crazy over someone so famous and recognized being somehow "exposed" by basement warriors.
Art doesn't need to complex to be beautiful. I personally am a fan of minimalist stuff. Thing is... the world is so shit why the fuck artists BELIEVE they can shock me with their piss and their vomit and their "woe is me life is meaningless" bullshit?
where's the logic in liking legs but not liking cute little feet, especially if they have painted nails? it's like when people expect you to chose between liking ass and liking tits, nigga i like everything.
wait, that thing is/was female?
I wish I could sit in a snobby art hall wearing a shirt that just said FUCKNIGGERSFUCKNIGGERSFUCKNIGGERS all day.
ugliness is very easy to achieve in art. 20th century art movements (bowel movements). rendering realistic surfaces. subtle gradients accurate drawing takes time lots of time to learn. its like picking up a violin and screeching some shitty notes out calling it music when a virtuoso masterly plays a classical piece and calling it equal. thats what i see it as. this whole equality thing really is about degrading the masterful by overvaluing the inane.
Hella cool work. I want to see a girl masturbate with this thing.
>liking hands
That's serial killer tier.
nicely done. the cones look hard to do.
heh, I studied art history and after about thirty seconds I started looking for meaning in your choice of colors. The truth hurts.
Got any more? Also what does this piece mean?
Big fat bull dike and you knew that.
Probably would have gotten extra credit if I presented it like that.
I thought you were talking about making vacuum tubes
your shit m8
more like a
Aw heyyyyyll naw!
>That sounds pretentious as hell of the art community then, and of the famous artists following that rule.
>not pretentious
she hot artist
le important face
are you telling me that pleasant young female hands are not nice to look at, versus some old hag's hands?