Italexit (Italy exit from European Union) Meme Magic

Hello, I have inside information on the next country that has a probability of leaving the EU within the next year. This country is in fact Italy. I'm posting here today to bring awareness to this possibility, because if this idea can spread, create somewhat of a virality in the human collective consciousness, the elite will have trouble suppressing the Italexit from occurring, similarly to how you guys affected the Brexit vote. If this happens, which I have on good word it will, it will signify the death and breakdown of the Euro and the European Union, reason being that if Italy leaves, they will return to their old currency, the lira. 2017 can be a year of great transformation. But of course the old must go out before the new can come in.

So, if you guys could start hyping up "Italexit", and doing some meme magic, that would be amazing. Your work is greatly appreciated, trust me, people notice.

~Perception Creates Reality~

Other urls found in this thread:

It's called Quitaly. Get good

they never leave
they need the eu gibs me dat or they go up in flames

How about that, my pic related in the OP. Already the magic spreads.
>111 kb
>444 x 2(77)

Thank you, I remember this meme now. I recommend using Quitaly from now on.

Hence the Lira return.

Italeave isn't as negative.

our constitution doesn't allow us to vote to get rid of international agreements, so we can't leave and we can't go back to the lira unless the (((government))) decides to do so

It's also not catchy. What are your priorities here?

Another good one! Blessings.
I'll likely be spreading this around here a lot. Sadly I'm not the greatest at making memes.

That's what will happen. Your prime minister will be resigning soon.

Then how about Exitaly?

Italexit sounds fucking stupid.

We can accompany you

>That's what will happen. Your prime minister will be resigning soon.
i doubt that we'll get an anti-EU government, it's "uscita" btw

as always

I admit I've been giggling at "Quitaly" for more than ten minutes now. I just don't see how they are going to leave the common currency. The Germans will prolapse their economy.


Get it right... it's Pasta-la-vista.


just perfect, well done perfida albione

Do it.

You can thank one of the Daily Mail writers for it - at least it's the first time I saw it used when covering Renzi's resignation.


This is it, nothing else will do.

Also I went to Italy last year and their seemed to be a strong anti EU sentiment, at least in the tuscan countryside everyone seemed pissed about something to do with not being able to use their own grapes and wheat for wine/bread. and being required to import X amount. I don't really know the details on it, just know that there was a lot of bobbity boopity and hand waving going on over it. Italians are pretty cool guys overall tho.

we can't stand the EU, we absolutely can't

Fick off u russian cunt.. im on to you fucking blyat snow nigger

r u serious m8? we're gettin blasted by your austerities and fines and refugees hans

>not calling it Itaxit

Yeah, you lads aren't subtle about it either :^)/ The guide we had when we were in Rome pointed out "The beautiful Italian flag hanging over piazza vinezia, next to that 'disgusting failed experiment' (EU flag)"


subtlelty is not our thing

If ItalianBros choose this path I will support them in any way I can. The EU was supposed to be a trade union where everyone has mutual understanding without being forced to do random shit by some people who are always (((Elected))) by god knows who. The EU must be reformed or perish like USSR did.

Italy will leave, mark my digits.

lend us farage and we will accomplish it

Quota for grapes and wheat? I can understand quota for fish and other animals so that they wont go extinct or to have fair competition for other countries but agriculture? WTF.

uscita will just go straight over their heads.


Awful just awful

Come up with a better name or it will never fly

The Farage backed us up, I'm sure he could lend his anti EU powers to you as well :^)

a farage-salvini alliance would be incredible


may kek bestow his blessing upon it.

Italexit? More like Italeave

>change the NAME
we are the nation chosen by kek to spread his message, he must have something in store for us

Idk lads

If Italy had never switched to Euro I think they would definitely be own their way out.

But considering what a huge gamble it is to recreate their own currency I'm not sure.

I'm not saying Euro is good, but changing could make Italian market panic and it is quite vulnerable already

I like this one as well. Sounds good to an English speaker. Doesn't make me laugh like pasta-la-vista though. I'll have to have a look for the article that I saw it in.

I wanna leave too

Would be best if V4 strengthens its position first.

>Shadilay, shadilay
>la mia liberta
>Shadilay, shadilay
>oh no
what did pepe mean by this




>la sogna realtà
>oh no
Why does pepe keep saying >oh no?

he's a god of chaos, it's supposed to be confusing

The will get their currency back.

It will occur.

Kek wills it.

grazie, fratello

Bump! Thank you all for posting.

>Get it right... it's Pasta-la-vista.

For some reason he looked very happy
>i lost
>I am finally free from (((them)))


Italy cant leave EU : either you become a REAL member of EU or get cucked to call yourselves 'member of EU', slowly descending into stone age.


haha, epic, (you)

Modern EU is the result of western victory during the cold war which in western europe meant mass privatizations of state assets as well as roll back of worker's protections and replacement of working class with the object of consolidating power to the benefit of the landed aristocracy, captains of industry and financiers.

It's eastern-europeans fault that bought in le jeans le jesus may may otherwise I would have a cushy job in a state owned firm with the fearmongering of soviet invasion any day now as well as left wing terrorism/unions strikes.

Personally I blame poles.


Bring on the Pax Trumpa

Rome-London-Washington Axis when?

>Most trustworthy: Germany
>Least trustworthy: Germany
what did they mean by this?

>Most trustworthy: NOW
>Least trustworthy: 80 YEARS AGO

Italy will get out of the EU and this is 100% guaranteed.