Who will replace us as the devil's advocate against Rompuy and Junker when we leave?
Which is the most anti EU member state after the UK?
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Get outta here, traitor. All 27 EU states stick together in good and bad times. We gonna fuck you so hard in the ass, Britbong.
None. Even Orban is pro-EU. Only anglotraitors are against.
stop being so butthurt hans can you blame them after mutti merkel tried forcing migrant quotas on the entire continent? we have no one to blame but ourselves for the right wing resurgence in europe.
Why can't you just leave Europe alone? Why do you have to make us blow you the fuck out once again? Why do you hate freedom and self determination? Why does your entire nation have littleman syndrome?
Germany was a mistake.
fuck you, Ahmed. Go live in your multi-culti London.
>against migrants
>somehow ahmed
mate i think you have misread things
>votes to leave
>butthurt for getting assraped by Germany
Brits are soo funny
Muslim taqiyya, Ahmed - not falling for it
100% prussian faggot
>being this upset that the UK doesn't want to participate in your protectionism
>hates Europe so much that you have to unite it under your control even at the expense of its inhabitants
I literally cannot comprehend Germans and the fact that apparently no other European sees what it's trying to do and hate the EU
Germany is the world's biggest export nation, idiot. We are the biggest free trade lovers on Earth.
There's nothing sweeter to my ears than butthurt Europeans.
Enjoy your failing union.
I'd say Italy's next desu.
>literally heads up the EU which tariffs imports so they can sell their cars to Europeans and compeat with ping ling ching chong
>free trade
Nigga the EU is a protectionist institution for your industry which wouldn't survive in the real world. You export loads because you force countries to buy your shit or face huge tariffs.
That isn't what Taqiyya is
Do you just hear words on Sup Forums and repeat them to sound smart?
How exactly are you assraping us?
The EU is on the verge of economic collapse. Are you blind?
And let's not even get started on the migrant crisis.
The EU is a protectionist union, and the Euro keeps German exports artificially competitive on the back of Southern European impoverishment.
Of course the Southern Europeans are not free of blame for their predicament, but the German government has absolutely taken advantage of the south.
If you want to see a real free trade loving nation look at New Zealand.
>ou export loads because you force countries to buy your shit or face huge tariffs.
Absolute bs. Your country is completely uncompetitive in this world. We are the worldwide export champion. And we have NO trade surplus with the Eurozone, we have a massive trade surplus with the rest of the world.
we are essentially one nation
Nice citations son. Here have some of mine.
>The EU tariff on cars, for example, is 10%.
>Tariff was 2.3% for non-agricultural products
You tariff imports to raise the prices and keep your own products competitive.
You do know what the EU is right user? Exports don't mean free trade especially in the EU. You export loads because you artificially lower tye competition through EU wide legislation. You are scum.
But whatever you say my "export champion" big boy. Try win a war some time.
>You tariff imports to raise the prices and keep your own products competitive.
All tariffs worldwide are reciprocal. And German exports still compete worldwide, while there virtually are no competitive British exports.
>Europe stands together
I've always objected to the existence of Germany after two world wars.
You should fund the EU. But have no say in how it's run or have any authority in it. You should be nothing more than a slave to the post ww2 allies
You committed the holocaust. Your crimes must never be forgiven.
All refugees must go to Germany and Germany alone.
>Which is the most anti EU member state after the UK?
Definitely Germany.
We grew to hate the EU so much we actually took it over and rebranded it as the new German Reich.
Things are pretty good now.
Found the kike.
>Euroscepticism in the EU member states
You can't be pro EU and deny the holocaust. The EU makes laws that makes that a crime
(((He))) objected
Do you see me shiver? I am sooo afraid of (((your))) objection.
The EUs official stance acknowledges the holocaust.
You can't deny it because you will go to jail and be a hypocrite on the same level as a Nigel farage
You CANT support the EU and deny the holocaust
Because the EU doesn't like anyone who denies it
I could never love a man like you.
The hypocrites are trapped.
Holocaust denial=Eurosceptic
Your vagina has no power here.
Yes it does. I could have you jailed in real life for mocking jews
We are. But people here are fucking cowards afraid of expressing their opinion. Almost everyone here likes Salazar (except goddam commies)
In order for you vagina to have any power here, you would need to have a powerful vagina.
You don't have a powerful vagina, you have a pitiful one.
I could never respect your vagina.
Oh man watching poor people fight over who is poorer is awesome.
Also the answer is Italy, or Netherlands.
Ironically the commies are the only eurosceptics of the usual 5 parties.
This is no surprise.
Commies hate it when mankind progresses.
EU = Super Commies, they are just jealous.
>EU=mankind progressing
Are you high, Hans?
Not an argument
just a reminder
Holocaust denial=brexit support
It has brought peace to Europe and unimaginable wealth to my country.
lol guys stop fighting and just agree Europe sucks
>to my country
While you fuckers have brought ruin to rest of us. See you on the day of the rope, kraut piece of shit.
Nah, you're even worse, 60% mutt.
I wish I could say I was sorry to hear that, but I am not.
The weak must fear the strong. Sorry, bro. Better luck next time.
The weak?
Enjoy your weak ass being pounded by Achmed & his buddies next door tonight.
Yes. You admitted we ruined you, while we are Europe's foremost ecomomic superpower.
I am sorry this triggers you. May you find peace and solace some day.
Boy the next 10 years will be great. See you around.
Jesus Hans do you have to be such insuffereable cunts to everyone all the time?
No wonder your union is falling apart.
We will not let you down. I promise, brother.
It's not too late for you, Article 50 has not been triggered yet, you can still turn this around and avoid your doom.
Wealth that should belong to Israel and Every country you invaded
You have broken the peace of Europe twice nazi.
That wealth has been made off the Jews. Give it back.
All native Germans must be replaced with refugees. No exceptions
>Wealth that should belong to Israel and Every country you invaded
But it does. We are sharing our wealth with literally every single country in need.
That includes Israel, Poland, Greece, Hungary, Czech Republic, Spain, Portugal, Slovakia, Croatia and soon, I suspect, UK.
You deny the holocaust. Therefore you support brexit
Your ID kinda looks like vagina
Kinda fitting based on your posting
Your ID is pink. I value our friendship.
Not good enough.
Money should be given free of charge to places like Poland, no rules dictated by Germany since you are responsible for genocide.
You should have all powers stripped from you and given to Israel. Therefore no more chancellor merkel. You will be ruled directly from Brussels
Germany must pay the membership fees of every country it occupied
Germany should not be allowed ANY EU funding. Unless it is funds that help refugees and the genocide of native Germans
But you are just describing the status quo.
>Brexit """"negotiations""""
You are a racist who refuses to answer for his crimes.
The EU will never be perfect until Germany is totally and utterly ethically replaced
Don't worry. We'll avoid our doom by triggering it in March. Be patient.
It's not enough. You have to give even more.
No country that ran death camps should have a say in Europe.
You should be reduced to a vassal state. With no power and extremely high taxes so the rest of the EU Can Prosper.
You deny the holocaust
>Don't worry
But I worry constantly, it's in my nature. As a German, I believe other European countries need constant adult supervision.
We should join forces. There is no reason for the white man and the anglo to fight.
You are again simply describing the status quo.
Might as well yell "I demand water be wet!" in a high-pitched voice.
Like, hello? Water already is wet, dummy.
This is why Dresden occurred.
Your people must be wiped off the face of the Earth.
The EU was perfect until Germany was allowed in. You should have been left to rot under soviet rule.
>white man
Has to be genocided for the crimes against Israel. 100% of refugees must go to Germany and Germany alone to achieve this as fast as possible.
No more Germans. No more nazis.
>This is why Dresden occurred.
Why, what happened?
This is why Dresden occurred.
Your people must be wiped off the face of the Earth.
The EU was perfect until Germany was allowed in. You should have been left to rot under soviet rule.
>white man
Has to be genocided for the crimes against Israel. 100% of refugees must go to Germany and Germany alone to achieve this as fast as possible.
No more Germans. No more nazis. No more whites.
The EU must be run by the allied powers who won ww2 not the one that lost it.
>This is why Dresden occurred.
Why, what happened?
I don't want us to fight.
But I don't want to be your bitch either.
>implying that anglos aren't white
Why are you playing this game?
You are still alive and talking so it's still not enough
>I don't want us to fight.
Good, then we can be brothers again.
>You are still alive and talking
If you have evidence that corroborates your baseless accusations that I am both alive and talking, this would be the right moment to present it.
>what happened
Justice happened. Thousands of German nazi lives extinguished.
But the holocaust will never be avenged so long as one German still draws breath
Sure. Just don't ask us to pay into your union to bail out Greece and Italy or to accept Merkel's "honoured guests".
Other than that I have no problem with Germany.
Fuck off LARPer you know we're not leaving
>Justice happened
Good, I support justice.
You are a traitor for what Churchill fought for
>Just don't ask us to pay
I won't. Friendship and brotherhood should never be about money.
If you support justice loll yourself now.
In order to repay the debt of all the Jewish babies and children who were denied a future because of your ancestors.
You must be denied a future too
>You must be denied a future too
As I've made a conscious decision to live in the present only, I shall gladly leave the future to you.
Fuck off. Germany isn't our enemy. I don't want to fight fellow whites when shitskins and jews are ruining the west.
Problem is that the EU asks us to pay. And pay again and again and more and more and accept more "diversity". We're sick of it. How can you defend that corrupt institution?
Hitler did nothing wrong
The main reason for leaving is negotiation with single states take months, the EU takes decades.
Shitposting aside: I can't and I don't. I like the European idea behind the EU, I don't like how it was implemented and how it was hijacked by the elites. Again.
I also enjoy a warm hand on my opening from time to time, but that is neither here nor there.
The blowback from Geert's conviction is basicly insuring that he's be the next PM.
Then we get Nexit.
Then the EU will crumble completely.
>full on German autist REEEE when we leave their doomed United States of Europe project
Our people voted against the Lisbon treaty for whatever it's worth. I guess we share rural island mentality with the Brits. I also think we are against the EU army due to our position of neutrality and being outside NATO.
Hah, I just figured out that the German anti-brexit posters are migrants who want to get to Britain. I feel coming to this conclusion you guys probably came to along time ago was a bit slow.
Good. Then you understand why we have to leave.
Also isn't the Italian opposition to Renzi looking likely to get in and Itaxit?
I think so.
Forgive me for being an ignorant Burger but which election is first out of those two?
butthurt that you don't get anymore EU gibs?