>American airports

This is disgraceful..

I was at a state run rest stop the other day to take a leak and I saw a father and son who looked slightly confused. The son was wearing a "nederlander" sweat shirt.

And then I thought. Fuck man, here these people are visiting my country, and they're in this absolutely filthy, disgusting, jewed-out state-run rest stop. I hadn't felt that kind of shame in a while.

Seriously where the fuck does all of our tax money go?

What are we seeing here?

>„first world“

ahhh good ol LAX

I think it's hilarious how the International terminal there is completely next level gorgeous and the domestic terminal looks like a 3rd world shithole.

Income tax all goes to the owners of the Federal Reserve Bank. Congress confirmed this in 1981.



it's the case for most airports around the world.

>t. captain

That doesn't look very safe



Trump says US airports look like a third world country. i believe him.

Black budget military projects?

btw i'm surprised we don't see a single chemtrails threads, it's a really concerning topic imho. Even if we don't speak about it to the hierarchy, more and more pilots are concerned about what is going on. When we compare aerians maps it's astonishing, and al lot of us saw theses kind of synthetic spiderwebs on the runways.

Since the threads here, let me just tell you how shitty your airport staff are.

In LAX, I was transferring from international domestic. I had to walk out of the airport and walk a few hundred metres to the domestic terminal, that's fine whatever. However, when I got there, there was not a single sign to tell me this was it, and literally not a single staffer could answer "is this the domestic terminal?". I asked a few people with suitcases there and literally no one could answer the simple question of "where are you right now?"

And to juxtapose, I was in Brisbane airport last week. Flying tigerair, a budget airline. I was outside the tigerair gate looking at my ticket. I guy walks up with an iPad, asks if I need help, looks at my ticket number, and tells me exactly where to go.

My whole trip Americans were just unhelpful for the large part

Man, I must not travel enough if other airports look like this. The mile long delta terminal of the Detroit metro airport is like a five star resort

I fly out of PDX. It's a great airport.

Why do you need your airports to be five star resorts? Airports serve their purpose

They come up once in a while, but it's just one of those topics where nobody seems to have a solid excuse for what they're all about. So it just becomes the same thing over and over with no particular conclusion.

Americans don't like tourists. Fuck off you kangaroo fucker, go visit someplace else.


Is the fire marshal aware of this?

We aren't friendly to strangers here and we surely won't wipe your ass for you, faggot.
If you can't put on your big boy pants and navigate an airport without having your hand held and your fee-fees catered to at every turn, then stay the fuck out of our country you sissy.

banks, the military, niggers, and Israel

Construction Crews remodeling efforts while the airport is still open. The airport can't close the hallway for remodeling and the crews can't do it in one day

I work for an underwater surveying company and was there for a month seeing why the fuck all your water is so poisonous because you retards can't manage it yourself


yeah i see maybe 2-3 of them per weeks. It's maybe less visible in US, but in France it's really visible, we had recently a deputy who asked for a national enquiry on this issue after multiples ONG gave him concerning results about the samples analyzed in differents area but with similar conclusions.

>americans are fat, useless idiots

West coast is full of cancer like and Don't go there. Skip right over them and go to the rockie states or something. Anywhere is better than California.

Holy crap! Did a bomb go off?

Was this another terrorist attack?

No it's just typical American infrastructure

100% aryan masterrace reporting in.

Tell me more about your new neighbor Jacky Mao-Fung dear leaf

I live in Los Angeles. If someone is dead on the street, you step over them. That's just how it works, here.


Americans really hate flying, I dont mind it, but some motherfuckers lose their minds. Any black airport staff is unhelpful, TSA are cocksuckers, nobody wants to be there but i fly out of O'Hare so my experiences may be different, Denvers airport was very pleasant.



That's obviously in the middle of a remodel you retard.

LAX is a shithole, much like LA, no surprise there. ORD is a real state of the art airport.

Can confirm

O'Hare is pretty nice but holy fuck can it get back logged fast, im heading there shortly to pick up my bro, going to be doin the loop de loop drive for awhile.


>tfw they got rid of the good carpet pattern
>mfw people sell PDX carpet pattern clothes


>100% aryan masterrace
>no white skin in photo
These guys were captains too. Did you attend flight school together?

yes at least those mountains seem to be in good condition!

top kek lad


Only bad thing about O'Hare is standing out on the curve in -30 degrees waiting for the famalam to drive by and pick you up after being lost for 45 minutes.

i'm too lazy to make another pic with my hand on it to prove my whiteness, what do ?

don't change the subject, abo nigger, we're specifically talking about how you're too stupid to figure out on your own how to navigate an airport where all of the signs are in your native language

>month seeing why the fuck all your water is so poisonous

C-can it be chemtrail related ?

Vote Le Pen. Also buy guns if you don't have any, apparently you guys have decent laws as far as Europe goes.

Haha hes comin in from St. Kitts with no winter clothes so i'm imagining itll be like the jamaican guy landing in canada in cool runnings

Jesus christ take the blue line two stops to Cumberland and have them meet you there

Parking is like $2

It's like you're not even from Chicagoland

also can confirm, this city has blinders like i've never seen before

I vote Le Pen since years, i do have 2 guns, a 1911 and a 92FS
Am i good ?

People from the midwest are nice.
I'm originally from Wisconsin, the nicest state in the country :-)
I hope you visit some time.

We don't often differentiate between domestic and international terminals: there are just letters like A,B, C, etc. There may be more than one international terminal among those, but it's rare. US airports are designed to be idiot-proof, high volume, and extremely efficient-a third of the US population passes through ATL every year, generally without mishap. Your kangaroo questions probably caused some infinitesimal drop in efficiency.

Its faster to shoot down 90 to 190 then go to Cumberland through the toll, if he had his sim card he could just call but he doesnt so hes going to freeze

Nah mate, lead pipes. Hundreds of years old and have a coating on them that's flaking off. The problem is if you change the direction of water flow (I.e. Flint, Michigan changed water sources) the flakes are against the water flow and fall off. Then you've got exposed lead pipes and water poisoning

My ticket had no number, I was told to proceed to the domestic terminal and check the board. Didn't know the had a letter naming system in LAX

Fuck off mate, stay on your fucking island and breed with the Aboos.

No one wants you, we're FULL.

This looks worse than Nadi Airport in Fiji - a country literally run by niggers.


Fuck that shit. Made me realize how shitty the TSA is

Is being a pilot interesting? I've got my PPL, just wondering if it's worth it pursuing a career desu.

Di...Did....Did you build the mountains?

Jews moved into the USA during and after WWII. They wormed their way into our culture and society and slowly changed it into this horror show we see now. Luckily for us the Jew can't help himself and always goes to far. When that happens and we're getting close we rise up and kill them.

They are very nice mountains. Obviously American airports are well funded to have such nice mountains.

My buddies TSA at Midway, he hates it and I never stop giving him shit, most fascist ignorant agency ever

Isn't that pretty much the attitude of most governments.

Make efforts to create good perceptions internationally and fuck the people.

At LAX the international terminal is B, but the other terminals are numbered 1-8. If you are in a numbered terminal at LAX, it's domestic. You should really learn to consult the terminal map in the back of the airline magazine before you land. That will increase your efficiency.

The Jews


I live in CO so I go down to DIA a lot, and I have to say, it's probably the nicest airport in the US.

Out of curiosity, the description of theses unhelpful people: probably whites of Anglo origin?

I don't see a problem. Lots of third world airports look like that. Face it, the US government would rather blow hundreds of billions on wall street bailouts and mediocre jet fighters.

Do any Norwegians or Swedes or Japanese people have pics of their airports? I've heard that their essentially gleaming and sterile.

Both Anglo and black were equally unhelpful.

At least the white people actually stopped and listened though

ask your state, I'm in Missouri, and most our Rest Stops are top tier. We have like 20, and they aren't difficult to manage, but they keep it mowed, clean it every other day and restock vending machines one a month, with newer ones put in about 2 years ago in most I go to (I regularly go from KC to St. L to Little Rock cause family). The ones I've seen in Illinois and other states are torn to shit and ratty. Maybe blue connotates with noses...?

no it's boring as fuck, if you plan to pilot big planes, all is monitored, a computer do all your job, the only think remaining is the crew and device check-up, and keeping the contact with the control tower.
But it's well payed, and all the girls want to suck your dick at first sight, and all men look at you with this "this looks cool af to be captain" when you are surrounded with 9.5/10 flights attendants.
And it's so fun to play with theses sluts. 99% of them want to do this job to try to seduce a captain, marry him them leech off and cheating you while you are at work. I am thie Chad who avenge all of you, friendzoned basement dwellers!

>What are we seeing here?

Shitty maintenance crew.

Trump argued this

lol this guy, I approve

Tokyo, Narita airport is amazing. I was there in the middle of January 2 years ago and there was a blizzard so no one could leave or arrive.

The staff handed out an inflatable mattress, a blanket, a box of crackers and a bottle of water

idk, nebraska gives wi a run for its money. my car broke down on hwy 281 a while ago. i had like 3 cars in a row stop to help me.

Chicago is the worst

Should have said they handed that out to everyone who then fell asleep on the floor til 2am when we could leave

no idea

Reagan International?

I've been to Narita. It's beautiful. But my favorite thus far is Kuala Lumpur. After that, Changi in Singapore.

Where is this shit hole? Also the Amsterdam airport is disgusting. I've never seen somewhere that belonged in a fucking museum.

Because they're white

This. Chicago is a shit city and, true to form, the airport - its face to the world - is a disgrace.


Next time get off at Burbank.

Minneapolis has a great airport


We don't have healthcare, education, housing, the least we could get is decent infrastructure.

Can confirm. MO has great rest stops. I always use them when going from CO to PA on the I-70

>beautiful mountainside
>ruin it with a disease foreigner carrying flying tube


>masonic pattern flooring
>fake dinosaur
>oakley = oak ley, so lots of occult meaning

Yup, that's the Masonic Snakes of America all right.