Let's do a Sup Forums edition YLYL






They have no right to watch something they haven't paid for.






Someone contribute, I'm running out of things to post.






>no more home runs

Forty keks



The last one








Greece and Poland is always the funnier countries on this.

how's the thread going?

Imagine someone putting even small resemblance of Hitler into movie.
Protip: you can't.



I'm with the pineapple even if I don't post anything.

wtf rare flag




How does this guy drink?

wtf traitor flag.



>Hi, I'b heew fuh duh job innabew

>pol rage thread

obviously he has corks he shoves into the sides of his mouth



I'm sorry sir, but the position has been filled.


That can't be safe.
What if you got jumped? Guy could literally rip your face apart, you gave him convenient handgrips.

oh nvm i thought you were australia.



>3.6 GPA
>doesn't know what a black hole is
Yeah, okay


And I thought you were run by a nigger. Thank god neither of those statements are true.



>And I thought you were run by a nigger
Eight years after, and this joke is still funny.


Stop making threads like these popular you fucking faggots. It's the reason why Sup Forums became so filled with shit-posing on a daily basis.

If this continues, Sup Forums will become a right version of Sup Forums. Wake the fuck up you faggots. This may seem like an innocent little thing, but it's the same tactics that were used to bring down Sup Forums.

That filename kek

Wow now he can suck 3 dicks at once.

What a faggot


fucking christ hahaha

Sup Forums is already right-wing Sup Forums but you're not wrong.


Fuck off fag, go to cripple chan. I came to pol for the right wing humor and memes, and got redpilled. I agree we shouldn't have more than one thread at a time, but its good propaganda

What's the point of this post man?

Get off the fucking field.


Hahahah would've love to see the bitch try and get a cap busted in her ass






Wrong pic, meant to be this one.

I lost



Man, Best Korea is very eloquent. They have a higher vocabulary than most of the college students I know.










Post that picture of a cow with the same rings. You know of what I speak


>fired all rounds
What does this mean.
Like I understand the sentence, "she" could have fired all the rounds, but what the fuck is that supposed to mean? Are the dregs from her homestead ill-suited for firing guns? Do they file a complaint every other round? Do they write their congressman every time they have to reload? What the fuck?



