
Was he the first Sup Forumslack?

>Sup Forums

why is he strangling that man

Definitely first attested full on troll.


Nah it's actually the "proofs chicken".

This for sure.

not really. he was against social hierarchy

it's kind of true though

What are you talking about? It's two legged and unfeathered. It's a man!

No it's not. Do you know what Cynicism is?

Reddit loves him so obviously no.

a fucking leaf, color me surprised.

Do you know what A FUCKING LEAF is?

Diogenes didn't believe in states, and wouldn't believe in whether some races were better or not or be anti-Jew. The only Sup Forums related thing he had done was supposedly having sex with a famous prostitue/courtesan for free, then made fun of some other famous guy for having to pay her for sex then (I think) marrying her, and being a literal neet

Go jerk off in public and harass more women, Ahmed. You're a natural cynic.

For 10 years i've been searching Sup Forums 4 an honest man....

Still havent found him, but from what i hear...hes a big guy.

Yea Sup Forums needs more literature

It's hard to tell how much of his philosophy was "for real" and how much was an act. He followed Socrates school of doing weird stuff to quite literally: make people think.

No he was the first Sup Forums tard and high leaf philosopher

It's strange. You should have gotten it, you did get it, and then you deliberately dropped it.


Never held Bulgaria in such high esteem as I do at this moment

vaguely, in the classical sense.

eudaimonia and shit