Drumpfkins will defend this.
Yet another gaffe
Other urls found in this thread:
>red ring
Smart man he knows to wait for the switch
Link or fake
a white guy with some self respect and morals?
How sexist and racist! Bigoted!
wow nothing gets past you, huh
>360 degrees
So he walked back towards it? Glad he knows the superior system
Sit down leaf. It is plausible that he would tweet that,
Nice trolling attempt nigger
>That's code for Trump is a B tard
As a girl, I know how to get guaranteed replies.
Will you be my gf? pls respond
pic related
>turned 360 degrees
heh sounds like him indeed.
>turned 360 and walked away
This is the literal retard that you fucks meme'd into the White House. You low IQ retards should be proud of yourselfs. 4 fucking years of this retard. I hope you all die of a stroke while sitting on the toilet, shitting out your tendies and mt dew.
i want a hot mongol gf. plz
When did Sup Forums turn Sup Forums? Pic related
reeee show tits be my gf etc
smells real new in here
Coin toss has about 4.6 % better odds at 75 % vs. 70.4 %.
>tfw no """finnish""" gf
post feet pls :3
5/5 if true :D
Found the newfags
But thats not trolling. If you are at a point and you turn 360 degrees on that point you will still be facing your original direction. He would need to turn any amount of degrees + or - 359.999999 or 360.00000001 to have any chance at walking at a new angle that would take him either through the xbox or away from it. Although I guess the word problem is poorly written because you could still count going through the object as movement away from it in an eventual sense; but we dont know how far he travels so its ultimately poorly worded.
>dont like cake
>let waifu have cake
>happy waifu, I win
***************** THIS IS A TROLL THREAD *****************
>a wild fake newfag appeared
>1 post by this id
Obviously his velocity was non zero, so he didn't bump into the xbox while turning. Duh.
>post just made in response to my own mental retardation
>1 post by this ID
>maybe if I show that I know how to check post counters I won't appear to be as retarded as i actually am
>pc master race for the win
is there anything new here?
stop trolling
But an xbox isnt a big enough deterrence or object to force a grown man to stop mid-stride anyway. Its a rather easy object to step around. Even if he were to bump into it he still might not ever encounter a point where he does hit zero velocity
fuck my dick
>Getting this butthurt over a joke
>1 post by this id
Good point. How did you get this learned in the ways of science?
But now (you)'re wrong, newfag.
the left doesn't define what a "gaffe" is anymore. you've cried wolf for far too long and now nobody cares anymore
>Propose 3rd game
>Rules are:
>1) I get to tenderly fuck her brains out
>Whoever cums first loses
>Loser has to finish off the winner while they eat the cake
my ancestors are russian :^)
Unbelievably degenerate user.
Cunts are so new they are still covered in amniotic fluid.
Get the fuck out.
>drop kick gf in the tits
>smash cake into her face
>lick cake off her face
>turn 180° and walk all over her
odds are not cumulative, dumb ass
What are you trying to say?
Not gonna lie, former Trump supporter here. It's fucking hilarious watching this guy crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes!
Newfags are so easy to spot. The irony of you calling us retards is quite amusing. You're fucking clueless.