Reason's to legalize weed
>tax money
>relieving pain
>treating insomnia
Reasons for keeping weed illegal
>it favors private prison corporations (yes, those exist)
>it makes lazy people more lazy
>some losers smoke weed also
Reason's to legalize weed
>tax money
>relieving pain
>treating insomnia
Reasons for keeping weed illegal
>it favors private prison corporations (yes, those exist)
>it makes lazy people more lazy
>some losers smoke weed also
>it causes brain damage
>it causes schizophrenia
>it causes lung cancer
>it fucks with your dopamine levels
Reasons for keeping weed illegal
>it pisses off liberals
>it causes brain damage
>it causes schizophrenia
>it fucks with your dopamine levels
>it causes lung cancer
you don't have to smoke it
The Mongolia smoked weed and conquered most of the known world
I never understood why you retarded stoners want to sin tax things. Where I live we already have a 5% sales tax and they ad another 8% for legal weed. The store now sells it for $110 a quarter of mid tier and people just go "fuck it my old dealer was cheaper".
it really does trigger schizophrenia for some people, I have personally witnessed this more than 2 times, grow up and accept the truths as they are
>anecdotal evidence
>it onsets the development of latent mental issues prematurely
>psychologically addicting in nature because instead of fixing your problems you can just smoke a white tube
>gives weed hangovers
I can confirm this. It does it to me. I'm perfectly fine sober, and I used to love smoking weed. But now, I can't control it, it'll start with a panic attack, which I can control, but then I melt down and have a total personality breakdown.
I like to smoke marijuana from time to time, but smoking it everyday really does make people retarded
If you are predisposed to a mental illness than you really shouldn't do any drug
Thanks for your intelligent input
These are all incorrect. If you want to be anti-weed point out how it causes increased risk for heart attacks.
>not growing your own for $1.6/gram
Exacerbation is not causation.
Nice try Jimmy Nu-tron
You sure got him, user.
Everytime i see that faggot posted i wanna strangle him to death. I've never felt this way about anyone else before.
The state doesn't need any more money.
>tfw smoked weed for nearly 8 years straight (a total of maybe 100 days off through all 8 years)
>tfw didn't become "retarded" but I definitely became content with my life being where it was (working a shit job to pay for weed, playing video games)
>tfw quit smoking 6-7 months ago
>tfw have since got a new job , started applying to go back to school and picked my guitar back up
Unless you are one of the very few outliers, smoking weed daily WILL fuck your ambition up
>reasons for keeping weed illegal
>the state doesn't need any more money
It lowers testosterone. It makes people more passive and left
I still think it would cause less problems if it was legal. But it should have some licence to buy it.
who /growbro/ here?
just started budding, but my plants are already like 5 feet tall.
Reasons to legalize weed
>personal responsability
>punch to the gutter to drug traffic
>can be heavily taxed
Reasons for keeping weed illegal
>muh socialism has to take care of everyone's lives
>muh b-but some faggots who knew what they were doing took something that triggered their latent mental illness
I don't even smoke weed because it gives me massive headaches and tachycardia but I have alcohol as a vice. And if alcohol with all the problems it causes is legal, why weed isn't?
Granted, the state gets its money either way due to law enforcement and incarceration, but a lot of us who work in the weed industry don't support legalization. Primarily because it hurts our margins.
Reason to keep it illegal:
I don't have to pay taxes when selling it.
Search "Endocrine effects of marijuana in the male: preclinical studies".
Also "Depression of Plasma Testosterone Levels after Chronic Intensive Marihuana Use"
Is paying that huge thanks to germany cucked energy policy electric bill really worth it? How do you even compete with shit coming from north africa sold for pocket change?
I use LED. Also I'm officially living on NEETbux so I'm not paying shit
Is that the Jimmy Newtron kid?
LESs are pretty efficient. Ten plants turned over every 90 days nets more than a part time job with less labor.
Also prices here are pretty good. People here are willing to pay 25€ for 1,6g
Post the webm. I need it to complete my jimmy nutron collection.
Will do.
brain fog is the weed bogeyman that baby boomers talk up
I have reason to beleive this actually is that nu male jimmy neutron looking faggot. Seens this same thread several times.
I hate that goy.
wtf he doesnt looks nearly as bad without the beard
when will people stop circulating pics of this hairy mole
yeeeeeeeeeeah sure
State loses money by incarceration
You want him to fuck your assistance and give you a reacharound. No need to disguise your latent homosexual proclivities here.. we're all user, you degenerate queer beast
I agree but I wish they would raise the age limit. I'm not keen on seeing a ton of 18 - 20 year old potheads pop up.
Look at all these medical issues you can help treat with medical marijuana.
Why would Sup Forums be against this miracle drug?
Legalize it and retain the social stigma against being a useless pothead.
>Until we can find a way to convince 20% of the population to stop snorting and smoking that SHIT that comes across the boarder, "Medellin" is the best we can hope for.
- Based CIA Agent in Sicario
They're already there.
Fuck your margins. If you're okay with people being jailed for the shit you sell, that makes you a gigantic sucker of cock.