"[Russia] are a smaller country, they are a weak country, their economy doesn't produce anything."

"[Russia] are a smaller country, they are a weak country, their economy doesn't produce anything."

What did he mean by this?

Obama just trying to look tough for his fans and his legacy.

Obama is a weak leader. He's the kind of person to pokes a hornet's nest just to look tough, but poke it enough and he's going to fuck himself and everyone else up because of it. He's poking Russia, but I think Putin can see through his bullshit and doesn't even consider him a threat and even more now that he'll be out in a little over a month and is being replaced by someone competent who doesn't want to start a war for no reason.

Keep sucking Putin's cock

sorry he triggered you Russian shill
Friendly reminder the U.S won the Cold War and can kick your ass again :)

keep sucking the globalist cock.


He's a dumbass.

The spot of Putin's bitch is reserved for Obama.

Obama is just not a clever man, you dont behave yourself like a 8yo kid if you want your opinion to mean smth. Especially among politics. Nobody actually cares what he says here, we would just laugh like haha yes russia is really small, not big enough

He also said that they don't have any export... Except oil gas and weapons.

Did he even hear what he said? "Except oil gas and weapons"
Isn't that a pretty big deal? What else in terms of export is so much more valuable?

He is kinda right though.
The question is - why the fuck did he waste so much time talking about some weak, irrelevant country? I thought there were more pressing issues to address.
Like, you know, immigration, islamic terrorism, open market effects on local economy, msm trust crisis, identity politics..


ive hated russia long before this bullshit started but at least that dementic oompaloompa will keep the chinks whom i equally hate in check






Obama is signalling his admiration! He too has never produced anything.


one punch to the stomach and kingnigger would puke his guts

A truly unpresidented comment. You would expect this kind of dangerous loose talk in a comedy film about the worst president ever

No. He did produce numerous lies to get elected twice, then corpses in the middle east

He means that Russia, despite being a country plagued by hardship, still has the means to produce hackers capable of breaching the strongest and most secure country on Earth.

this is russian propaganda(unlike Sup Forums's memes)

still true tho



that is just the average american male compared to his slavic bull counterpart

If he can start a war with Russia he can stay as POTUS

no he cant achmed

This pic should be in history books. In just one pic you understand how much poutine does not give one shit about obama.

Putin is a manlet

Does it even matter?

Well, it's shooped.
And Obongo is a nigger.

He means Russia is tiny and not powerful, but at the same time they were able to hack the US presidential election.

Obongo isn't a fucking nigger

he's one of the good ones

And he's still more alpha than you. Sad!

Not having to depend on others is a very big advantage. His comment shows that Obama is a very very intelligent person

>he's one of the good ones


>Sup Forums buying into Putin's cult of personality
>Sup Forums wants a ruler, not a leader
What a bunch of beta male cucks you are. You are literally a bunch of peasants clamoring for serfdom.

i hate him but its true.

africa is literally poorer than many african countries by now and its only going to get worse unless oil prices rebound

That he wants a war between Russia and US. Fuck him.

That he is a stupid fucking nigger.

Why is Obongo allowed to make a sweeping generalization about a country but if Trump makes any remarks about a country he's Hitler?

>africa is literally poorer than many african countries by now
Really makes you think.


>Democrats want to start WW3 with Russia!
>Obama is weak on Russia!

Keep sucking Michelle's cock.

>"[North Korea] are a smaller country, they are a weak country, their economy doesn't produce anything."

>tfw you finally realize how tough and banter prone Obama is

A man whos country has used Russian Soyuz spacecraft to travel to the ISS for the last decade.

from the point of view of someone's whose country is a whore to the us and friends, it's nice to see someone who doesn't eat cocks for good boy points.

I'm not saying I would want putin as a president, nor do i really want the fn.

But the west is too cucked to dictate it's own policy anyway, we're just gonna continue being someone's whore. Only the pimp may change, not the fact that we're gonna eat cocks.

AK is fucking everywhere. That's all they export.

Macthing outfits n giddy smile, truly the greatest of friends

oh dear, I hope you're not a trumpfag.

Fake president Obama with a fake birth certificate.

Obama makes generalization about white countries only and its acceptable to speak negatively about whites

>"[Russia] are a smaller country, they are a weak country, their economy doesn't produce anything."

And yet somehow their super hackers, 400lbs gorilla warfarers, manage to hack all your shit?

absolute madman. this way hes sure the chinese and russians are well aggravated when trump enters office.

that pic was r0b0c[H]m/p/3d do not believe the technolies

>Russia is over
>Russia did brexit, refugee crisis and elected Trump
really makes u think

The tables have been switched, nobody believes in virtuous frre nation of America nymore outside MSM.

The South China see saga disagrees.

Presidential shit-talking.

Losers always whine dude.

PLEASE post more.

There are so many legit bro pictures of Putin and Bush.

Bush was fucking awful President, but a phenomenal people person. Well, Cheny was pretty much the President.

Obama has had 8 years to do something and he hasn't. The only moment throughout his Presidency that he decides to grow some balls, is a month before he's supposed to leave.

Just lmfao, he's a cuck who's trying to stir up the hornets nest before he exits the white house.