HAPPENING: German Media Shills For Poland-Majdan on All Channels

Our media is pushing the narrative on all channels atm, it smells to high heaven


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>this could be the beginning of the end of

yup, i have heard of this phrase several times per week this year

the fuckers blocked my tram and i was late today. I flicked them off as a rode by they just looked like they where paid to be there.

Is this because they proclaimed Jesus their King?

> Poland-Majdan
This is cultural expropriation!

it's real



i didnt doubt if its real
they said the same thing about the Don
>this could be the beginning of the end of

I think I will have to ban my mother from going there on Sunday.

Nah, they're fucking with the media now

Both sides are retarded and I don't want either of them to win, but those protesting cunts are definitely paid by (((them))). Current gov is retarded enough to keep giving them opportunities to chimp out and look like the good guys
why can't we have a nice right-wing party that isn't batshit insane

nice one

>deutsche welle

is there a media outlet in europe more cancerous than DW?


says the increasingly nervous kraut for the 100th time in the last 100 years.


Orbán picked a fight with the media and won. I hope the Polish government succeeds too. This is very important.

Ah yes I remember the hard fought wars the EU took part in to.... wait what?

nigger we were to first to fall for the colored revolution back in 2000.


it's deutschlandradio, the equivalent of npr

deutschewelle dw is the broadcasting network of the german parliament, there is no equivalent in the us for this kind of "instituation"

fun fact: you can't receive dw in germany, since the broadcasting targets primary foreign countries, the primary mission is to shill for merkel's policy and to cuck other nations. it's hardcore propaganda.

>Polish Spring

Bet they are too drunk at this time of the day to overthrow the government

So, which side if pro-russian?

*is pro-russian

neither, one side is polish right wingers, the other globalist shills.

>it's hardcore propaganda.
i know

i "read" DW everyday at work
god bless those commentators who rip the (((journalists))) like dudek and pic realted: surname is literally "weasel"



>i "read" DW everyday at work
for what purpose


to not wörk wörk wörk all day
(you woudnt understand)

>The EU (free trade/globalization) brought peace...
This meme is retarded. Nukes ironically brought peace between first world nations because now, policy makers themselves aren't insulated from their decisions to go to war with other countries that have nukes.

meh, it happened here after 2010 and the left fell even lower after them

Neither, 1 side is pic-related and the other are the leftists

this is what those martyrs do:


Poland is terrible, 2 sides fighting and both are wrong and retarded. what do, Sup Forums, what do?

External subversion. You saw it with Ukraine, you saw it during the elections when PiS was running, and Duda was elected against all odds.

This was a non event within Poland, and external media is trying to portray this as something of significance.

Whoever and whatever is pushing this is the enemy of my people, and also your enemy.

> by Bartosz Dudek


This cannot be, Kremlin's hand is everywhere.
We orchestrated Ukraine revolution together with Soros, hacked American elections, did shit in Moldavia, everywhere.

>one side is polish right wingers, the other globalist shills.
Reality is much more complicated and sophisticated than black and white binary thinking of "globalist shills vs right-wingers"

Those poles trigger me i demand reparations

kek, fucking scum

Send your women over, we will give them the reparations you demand.

>We orchestrated Ukraine revolution together with Soros

>Reality is much more complicated and sophisticated than black and white binary thinking of "globalist shills vs right-wingers"

in this case it isn't. if you think that polish nationalists are gonna be pro-russia oriented then you're delusional. but the funny thing is, those right wingers being anti-russian is exactly what the globalists want.

> Poland wants to ban abortions
> Mass protests
> Government goes full panic mode and actually ends up loosening the abortion laws

You know if you give in to leftists they just get stronger right? You brought this on yourself.

>Reality is much more complicated and sophisticated than black and white binary thinking of "globalist shills vs right-wingers

Well you can write a whole book about it if you want but essentially its right wingers vs the oposition backed by Soros and Merkel, just like in Hungary.

day of the rope is here

some faggots decided they can control what journalists can be in parliamaent and what cant
poles arent slaves so they decided some faggots from government cant censor this shit
what kind of majdan are u talking about kraut?

lol is this literally the polish version of remove kebab? I know some Polish but what is Belinie?

What's happening? Who s gonna majdan? What do they protest against/for?

get a gun and join a group you retard

You are a retard.
We already have a very restrictive abortion law. Turbocatholics wanted a total ban on abortion. The government never wanted that. A woman would go to prison for aborting a half dead vegetable deformed fetus. The government said no, the old law stays. Western media: OMG FEMINIST REVOLUTION WON

The government is not a particularly good one, but the protesters are heavily manipulated by lefty globalists.

They need to be eliminated.

It's really time to go full McCarthy on Soros NGOs.

Right now, there is no possibility of democracy in Europe. If a political party that George Soros personally dislikes win an elections, he will fund media and NGOs to oppose it from the start, trying to create chaos and confusion in order to start a civil revolution against the government.

Soros-funded NGOs should be banned and every single activist who has ever worked for them should be jailed and, if the constitution of the country allows it, executed for high treason.


it has English translation


the new law reduces the movement area for journalists within the parliament, which means:

journalists can't simply enter any room he they want or besiege the office doors, as they did in the past

this is standard in the usa and even here in Germany, German MSM Is weak and pathetic!

>>one side is polish right wingers, the other globalist shills.
Reality is much more complicated and sophisticated than black and white binary thinking of "globalist shills vs right-wingers"

Yeah, the right wingers as well as people who are bored and annoyed with politics (last years were fucking ridiculous), and globalists hand in hand with last elections-losers, who can't deal with that and still shill in the mainstream media.

interdasting, so its majdan. but for what?

I know I understood the lyrics, but who is it referring to, germans or russians?

inb4 Germany justifies invasion on false pretense of filling ficticious power vacuum.

4th Reich is bunch of faggots, and bull dykes wearing rainbow sling bikinis.

one side are soros funded (literaly) shills, the other are cathocuminists on american leash

no such thing as pro russian side in poland

Nothing, the media are sensationalistic. It shifts the public opinion from rapefugees

our old friend

> 19 May 2016

stupid fucking me

> Piosenka powstała w oddziale legendarnego rotmistrza Beliny–Prażmowskiego na jesieni 1914 r.

Brazil speaks the truth. It is time for Eastern Europe, as the remain collection of european countreries with any sense, to go full-right and initiate societal cleansing of these disruptive elements.

there's no opposition here anymore

Its not, jesus fucking christ. Its the oposition waving flags in front of the parliament and german state media raving because the oposition is pro merkel

Doesn't seem like a begining of the end desu

why doesnt he suddenly likecurrent polish government?
it was ok for him before. no?

Then you will literally become Russia, only catholic.
I just hope that if this happens you will stop leaching money of us.

Oh of course if this government gets abolished then I'm sure all the cosmopolitans, grandchildren of stalinists and genderists would be back in charge! All those Poles, including the youth would welcome them back with open arms. Genderists wouldn't be absolutely hunted down!

obviously German

prusaki (cockroaches) alludes to Prussian

it comes from "Zakazane piosenki" (forbidden songs) which were supposedly sung during WW2

they are pretty good and funny:


sad, sad, sad


thx for answer, i dont know anything about polish internal political life

Will the streets be painted red with the blood of antifa and Soros agitators?

Dogs and cucks have no right to speak for themselves, get back to sucking Ahmeds cock.

>the EU is seen as the last defense against their authoritarian governments
somewhere, some faggot actually believes this

if kek allows it, yes
I hope those KOD cocksuckers will atack Church
just any little church, just a little
it will be enough to bring all hell upon their little heads

can you explain the situation in Poland?

i suggest all polishbros read (if you haven't already) about western financed revolutions in post-communist countries. every time you see someone shilling for a left wing cause in your country, go to their website and you will discover that they're being paid by either: soros foundation, rockefeller brothers fund, ford foundation, marshall foundation, ned (national endowment for democracy), the eu, us embassy, uk embassy, german embassy, norwegian embassy (norwegian embassy in serbia is financing a shit ton of left wing causes, they even gave money to some feminist play years ago). read about yugoslavia's bulldozer revolution, georgia's rose revolution, ukraine's orange revolution and the majdan, lebanon's cedar revolution, and, of course, the arab spring. prepare yourself, this scum can wreck your country and then install a fake left wing civil society that's on their payroll.

and give someone reason to liberate polan? just let the dogs bark, they will get bored soon


first victim of fascist regime

Glad to see Poland-bros still have balls. It is that simple.


They tried the same shit with Hungry, every time a dozen Soros grant recipient inner city fags showed up in front of the parliament, they were talking about the end of Orbán.

Seriously, who cares?
Caring about this people, which is quite detestable, caused us more harm than good.

I dont agree with this. The dogs have been barking in all the other nations, and almost always get their way.

The longer this is permitted to continue, along with all the other false Soros movements like KOD, the more dangerous the situation becomes.

I assumed German, thanks for the info, never heard about these songs

Pick one and make it great again.
You think I'm joking but it's really not a joke. Their decadence and creeping insanity have left them weak. This seems to be true all over the west.

Weak enough that one charismatic man can gather to himself enough like minded people to forge a spear tip against the mindless hordes. Find him or create him, support him and bring his greatness to the attentions of the world.

what is poland majdan?

The author of this article posts in English about Polish events, mildly interesting



What happened the last time that Germans decided to have fun?

poland may be not as large as russia, with its territorial possibilities and military power, but the polish government is right-wing, and like in a chess game - altogether with slovakia and hungary - represents a stronghold against the globalist elite in brussels

merkel is salty, the stronghold opposes her refugee expansion policies, I tend to say, it bites her like a snake in the butt

>ustawa o bratniej pomocy
yeah no

I'm fucking ready to fight. If Polish nationalists need help, I can be there within the hour



Fuck poles. DANZIG OR WAR


nobody likes you.
you are the israel of eastern Europe.
people demonize each other by calling one another Russian puppets

Commies and Soros puppies eat this!

You are fucked. Same thing happening in our country too. Their strategy is whine and protest until you come to power. And you cant do nothing cause theae protests are backed by outside organizations (like soros)

It's the same in Brazil too. We have a huge problem with crime, as everyone knows, and I'd say one of the greatest contributors to this problem are "human rights activists" who create trouble for policemen who do their jobs and kill criminals, while protecting criminals in the justice system and in prisons.

Now look at the list of "contributors" to some of these pro-criminal human rights organizations.


Open Society Foundations, Ford Foundation, etc.

And I've noticed the Government of Norway contributes to them too, I've never knew about them doing this shit too.

so do they try to make a fucking left wing riots? and remove right wing government?