This is what Tim Heidecker got cancelled.
MDE World peace S2
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stop stealing sam's videos you fucking kike
It's creative commons bitch
all you do is edit down his videos and spam them on Sup Forums for shekels. fuck off schlomo
Nah bro that ain't right.
this is the third or fourth time this week i've seen you do this
>mfw I ditched a night with my gf to be in that room in front of him
tell us bout it, stud
why's the audio so off?
>gf will be home around 7
>meeting w/ sam is an hour away at 9
>we just had a fight about my support of Trump yesterday
>fuck that shit, I'ma go meet Sam
>get there at 8
>a couple other dudes show up to wait outside dunkin donuts
>Sam pulls in next to me
>I'm over 6'
>he's considerably taller than me
>we all get the address for the apartment
>Sam hasn't been before
>I used a GPS on my phone and me and Sam walked there w/ a few other guys
He was a cool dude. It was a fun night. Bedford MA is spooky, don't go there.
what does he smell like
He was smoking a pipe so it was some funky tobacco stuff. Smelled fine in there, not even considering we had about 50 people in a living room.
Sorry that I like MDE you can fuck off now
thank you for the ground info. I hope he does the tour and gets close enough to me so I can justify going. looked like a fun time.
Come to Portland Sam
You have a big cult fanbase here plus you'll piss off a bunch of leftie idiots
He's right, you just want ad money from someone else's content.
Already flagged your videos for theft. See you later cowboy you have 2 days max.
8:57 kek
do terry rimmer again, sam. he's one of my faves.
Sam's a big guy
I want an hour of vaporwave and faces bubbling and morphing like in the intro.
Okay but it's creative commons dumb fuck, anyone can use it
Just remember this face when you find your account locked or videos deleted soon. Good luck nigger
This is better than any of the clips I've seen of his show, which were all horrible.
How do I keep up with his current events/tour locations?
I follow his twitter very close. Does he use something else to update fans?
During the Heidecker call he said he was in ""something" Falls."
He's just roaming small-town Massachusetts now?
Triples confirmed ohhh shit
I just saw him announce it a day before on twitter. I have no idea if he plans to do a scheduled tour.
anyone have the original, not the chipmunks version?
Why/how do these appearances happen?
Is it like a renter pays him to do a gig at his place and they arrange a meetup beforehand at a nearby diner?
The logistics of that story confuse me.