How do we fix the CBC problem?

Well, Canada? I am a poo-in-loo and even I can see that Cuck Broadcast Channel is destroying this country.

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Bump for Canada!

Never heard of it.

This is a comedy sketch. As much as I dislike CBC propaganda, you're really grasping at straws here and should probably consider castration.

Go out, once in a while.

Just like the Daily Show was "just comedy", right?

This is how they fucking work, dude. They use small things to affect large changes.

When Lord Steve was in charge they were about to cut the cbc out of existence. Then truedue came and made it into the globalist propaganda machine it is today. I we just need a couple of non liberal terms to finally delete it.

Fuck you faggot.

CBC is garbage. And that beige horizon video was a cringe fest.

there should be a public lottery where you win an hour of airtime to broadcast anything you want

Peter Mansbridge is a Bilderberg and Bohemian Grove member, he will always make sure that CBC is spewing globalist garbage

Propaganda is the biggest human rights violater.

Strict conservative principals dictate that the state shouldn't own a media outlet. CBC and the BBC need to go.
There is only one hope.

I agree. At least in the USA the left has to pay out of their own pockets. Not force the tax payer to brainwash people.

What aggravates me the most about the CBC is that they essentially steal your money then use it to propagandize you. It's like how at some workplaces, you're forced to be in a union and some of your union fees go to support the party you hate. These people have no shame.

Moonman made a reply to that video:

Poo in loo.

How many women have you raped since coming to Canada?

Only 1. But, I stopped when she asked me to.


It was more like you were too weak to overpower the white women in Canada, and she just threw you off of her.

OP keep lifting and slamming them protein drinks.

>destroying this country
who fucking cares? canada blows

>Commies Broadcasting Cancer

Even I've heard of it.
They asked people to hand job applications in and specifically said that white people weren't to bother.

Kevin O'Leary is a globalist neo conn who's pro immigration. Just because he's rude a lot of anons think he's based. Many such cases!

He's a kike. Fuck him and fuck every single politician in Canada.

Burn this shithole to the ground.

Elect conservatives, petition them to cut funding.

Nah, I actually liked her. Still think of her sometimes. She was strong though, you're right on that. She was/is a kickboxer.

Canada is the best country on this planet. We have to make it even better by destroying these liberal faggots.