/islam/ islam general

This thread is for the discussion of Islam, the only true religion in the world.


sunnah.com/ - The Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad
quran.com/ - Read and listen to Qur'an online.
inter-islam.org/Seerah/ - Biography of the Prophet Muhammad

>Allah loves everyone
youtube.com/watch?v=vyw13WuGpzU [Open]
>What is Islam?
youtube.com/watch?v=OsmYQl3xy_Y [Open]
>How to revert?
youtube.com/watch?v=TbmdE3oXlEQ [Open]
>From Atheism to Islam
youtube.com/watch?v=YiRsyes_q8o [Open]
>Christian to Islam
youtube.com/watch?v=iHFgcRGIrH0 [Open]

>Islam website with everything you need
>Find a mosque and revert today!

Other urls found in this thread:



allahu akbar


Hello! I would like to learn about the Islamic way of life

Funny stuff Roach

Good thread. It's about time we took this board back from the infidels. Anyone else here doing their part and finding a white woman to breed and convert to Islam?

>>Allah loves everyone
A god that does not hate the jews is a shit god.

Masallah brother nice thread.

Salam Alaikum my mu'min brethren.
How are you today?

subhanALLAH brother how many kuffar slut do you impregnated so far?

The Quran roasts the jews pretty hard but still gives them a chance to redeem themselves and gain salvation, but for the ones who continue to abuse the laws of God they will be severely punished.

The whole lot of you are savages.

Why did Mohammed like to suck dick?

If you dont mind me asking do you already have a religion.

Also Salam everyone, Shia who studied theology extensively since I was 16 (24 now)


Go blow up the silly tower and be rewarded good sir!

masallah akhi. spread the deen to the kuffar in their gathering places! no fear biznillah

lmao yeah sure because in the first picture it wasn't the muslims who were ruling

You can thank westren attempts to overthrow leaders and instill there own cucks.

Moron cannot even type Mohammad in arabic correctly. Either engage in discussion and proper discourse or your posts will be reported. This isnt Sup Forums as much as it may seem these days.

subhanALLAH we have many ahl-i mu'mins from kufr nations.this is makes my heart warm

Lmao pun not intended.

How is the situation in Turkey is it still super secular?


Salam alaykum
inshAllah we will spread the deen here too for the khilafah ya ikhwa. fe sabeel Allah biznillah.



Learn not the way of the nations,
nor be dismayed at the signs of the heavens
because the nations are dismayed at them,
3 for the customs of the peoples are vanity.[a]
A tree from the forest is cut down
and worked with an axe by the hands of a craftsman.
4 They decorate it with silver and gold;
they fasten it with hammer and nails
so that it cannot move.
5 Their idols[b] are like scarecrows in a cucumber field,
and they cannot speak;
they have to be carried,
for they cannot walk.
Do not be afraid of them,
for they cannot do evil,
neither is it in them to do good.”
6 There is none like you, O Lord;
you are great, and your name is great in might.
7 Who would not fear you, O King of the nations?
For this is your due;
for among all the wise ones of the nations
and in all their kingdoms
there is none like you.
8 They are both stupid and foolish;
the instruction of idols is but wood!

Jeremiah 10

What is your opinion of the sunni's?

Why do you worship a pedophile

i seriously wonder if there are people who really think that making these cringepics will trigger anyone

Mormonism is the true Abrahamic Religion

t. utah

Secular muslims were responsible for the top one, islamists are responsible for the bottom one.

Absolutely! We believe Jesus Christ was the Messiah and shall return at the end of times, we believe he was born of a virigin mother named Mary, we believe his job was to guide the children of Israel, we believe that with God's permission he performed many miracles and healed many people. Please refer to chapter Mary of the Quran


I'm a tranny, is there a place for me in your wonderful religion?

I'm also bi, but I'd be willing to go hetero if it pleases Allah.


What pedophile?

islam is just watered down mormonism, even jesus was mormon

fucking turk roaches

ene allah

huh wow guess it wasn't really the religion but the way to interpret it after all

He is referring to muhammed.


They follow the same God and same Prophet and same book, however we have some disagreements specifically with their propensity to violence.

We dont worship anyone but God.


Holy shit.
KeK is truly alive and he is doing the craziest shit one cant even think of.
That picture...

Why do you fellate and kiss the black sin stone from your silver vagina idol?
Is this because your idol was a black murderer who dressed up in woman's clothing?
Is that why you wear dresses? Are you honoring Alesha the raped baby girl drawn on green silk?

The baby fucker?

MemriTV thread now

Do you have a wife, girlfriends, sisters, or daughters?
If you have, please contact jamal.al.kashir[at]gmail.com and I will teach you (and them) the true Islamic way of life.

He shall return as a Muslim inshAllah.

Mashallah my brother good thread habibi

1st for conquering caliphate.


Death to Islam, that is all.

at the condition my post ends with repeating numbers, islam is true religion

Hi everyone,

Glad there is finally a thread like this, I've been wanting to do my part to spread the truth.

please check this out no matter how you feel about religions in general

But no one worships to him. He is nothing but a messanger of Allah or as Christians call it, God.

Fucking sandniggers

i really the like ottoman architecture
post mosques

triggered much?


mashAllah brother.overthrowing kafir assad when? sharia when?

The only reason you sand niggers are powerful is because of the kikes

Bow before the mighty jew
You filthy troglodytes

Time to embrace the Truth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Fuck your fundamentalist ideology it warms my heart every time I hear stories of ex-Muslims escaping it and becoming secular

lol at this thirsty faggot
pls to be giving girlfriend

>doesn't practice Islam while governing - > prosperity
>muslims wanting to practice Islam while governing - > death and destruction

See the connection?

He won't see it. Muslims are dumb as rocks and that Algerian with the French flag isn't special.

Taqiyya is only allowed in life or death situations. Think I am doing taqqiyah? Read the verse yourself.

Things that dont happen, the post.


>Bow before the mighty jew
You should stop supporting these devils my american friend. They are sending your brothers to their deaths for oil and their "promised lands".

>Think I am doing taqqiyah?

I don't know what you consider a life and death situation, and I have no way of knowing even if you tell me, so yes, by your own given definitions I have to assume you are always doing Taqiyya.

Is it true, that if there is a Caliphate, Muslims from Europe are religiously bound to go and live there?

No, because all Land in the world belongs to the caliphate.

Lmao life and death situation has pretty specific meaning: thefreedictionary.com/life-and-death

Only if my life is in danger am I allowed to do taqqiyah. My life isnt in danger by posting on pol in the united states. Dont me blind.

Sunnis are a lot more anal about the Caliphate, for Shias if the Caliphate has good and just leaders then its highly encouraged to live there and you should only live outside for dawah purposes.

The tripfag known as Potsy states any Muslim who rejects transwomen are not real Muslims

When confronted with verses or hadiths that point out the sinfulness of crossdressing men. He then proceeded to slander the prophet

are you starting to understand why everyone hates you now?

It isn't just Sup Forums or Christians. Buddhists, Hindus, Sikhs, the Chinese, sub-Saharan Africans, they all hate you. You are capable of getting along with no one.

>belongs to the caliphate.
I'll tell Allah you said that

Well shit, how fast can we establish a Caliphate?

More like:

Shia leadership -> Prosperity
Sunni leadership -> Death and destruction
Sunni jewish puppets put up by the west -> Prosperity so long as they toe the line.

Look at Iran, Syria, and Lebanon before the kikes started trouble.

Any French or Spanish translations, Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him?

Fuck allah and all his bitch believers.

Yea and Jesus preaching for years could only get what 12 followers? Truth isnt measured by the opinion of people.

Can someone answer this please?

I know Shi'a Islam is trans-accepting. What about Sunni though?

Why does sura 19 say moses sister is the mother of JESUS?

Where are the prophecies ? What are some examples of future truths ?

Did a jew woman poison your prophet to death with her own hand?

Do you believe that muslim women are intellectually deficient? Are they really stupid?

>muh dictionary
again, I don't know what YOU consider a life and death situation, and I have no way of finding out because I have no way of verifying that you don't consider your situation right now to be one of life and death.

Nothing you can say is believable because your texts claim that you have the right to lie whenever you've got a case of the scared feels.

Do you believe black magic exists, and is something a common man can use?

in Quran it is written that allah will only fear the one called a King of Kings. In bible it is written that when Jesus will come again He will be called a King of Kings.

>Truth isnt measured by the opinion of people.

Holy fuck you're stupid. I wasn't arguing for or against the truth of Islam with that post, I was simply pointing out that all the hostility you people encounter wherever you go is your own fucking fault.

Why do Sunnis and Shias hate each other? It seems mostly that Sunnis hate Shias and Shias don't really care that much about Sunnis.

Are there sins in Islam like Christianity's seven deadly sins (pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath, and sloth) where the sins are flaws in your character, or are the sins in Islam just your actions (like murder) and faith (disbelief)?

>Allah’s Apostle said, “The most awful name in Allah’s sight on the Day of Resurrection, will be (that of) a man calling himself Malik Al-Amlak (the king of kings).”

>"These will wage war against the Lamb, and the Lamb will overcome them, because He is Lord of lords and King of kings, and those who are with Him are the called and chosen and faithful."

>And on His robe and on His thigh He has a name written, "KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS."

must remove kebab

>this triggers the roach

Sage in all fields, roach.


>Why do Sunnis and Shias hate each other?

Muslims are incapable of responding to personal difference with anything other than hatred.


Allah literally translates to God. So you just said "Fuck God and all his bitch believers". Congrats you just cursed billions of people.

There are hadiths of people who were born with both genders or that they didnt develop correctly as men being used as servants for the females.

1. It doesnt say Moses's sister is the mother of Jesus. The phrase ukhta haroon means "The sister of Aaron" either referring to a brother who happens to be named Aaron or to emphasis she has very pure linage
2. This itself deserves a massive post, but so far the predicitions of what would happen to Rome and the Persian empire have come true. How the universe started as a single entity then split, and after this event everything was gas and God told it all to come together to form the earth and the sun etc. The expansion of the universe etc. As well as ants have genders and specific roles based on their gender.

3. No this is a myth

4. No, all women however are basically like children that need men to guide them, but thats my opinion and religiously I could be wrong on this.



They disagree on the rightful successor to Muhammed as the leader of Islam around the 7th century. They've been killing each other ever since.
