>Drunk Swedecuck (grown-ass man) in the subway station
>He can barely stand on his feet
>He gets robbed by the Arab immigrant sitted next to him, and doesn't even notice
>He stands up to see if the train is coming
>Swedecuck falls to the train line and knocks himself out
>The Muslim guy also descends to the train line and takes Swede's belongings
>Arab immigrant walks away leaving the drunk Swedecuck on the train line
>A camera films the Muslim leaving the station: He is laughing
>Train arrives and drives over the drunk faggot, he loses a foot

HOLY SHIT, Arab immigrants sure don't give a fuck about these Swedes. Webm and video related


Other urls found in this thread:


filthy arabs, they consider white as their ennemies, never forget that.

Swede had it coming. If it were up to me i would nuke all of the Norwegian as well as middle east + whole russia + africa + south america + canada + australia + china + germany + uk

Well I don't see how that's false.

forgot to mention i would also nuke France, Portugal, Spain, italy, Greece, all the slav shits and mexico as well

This could have been prevented

I've seen this case before.

what a great idea ((( diversity ))) is.

these shitskins should be exterminated and every white cuck that defends them as well.


user please
Diversity is your strength!
If you fight them you loose!

here is your (You)

I remember this case from long ago. How old is this chilebro?

What's the problem with this video? The muslim guy acted in a perfectly rational way, looted the worthless body of a subhuman kuffar. Why would he risk his valuable time trying to save the life of something that is beneath an animal, a kuffar? Were you expecting anything else?

Dunno, cracker. But it was uploaded to jewtube in February 2016

So tolerant!

They're both trash. No victim

the worst part of it all is the fact that the swed who was run over by the train paid for everything that mudslime has in his life. he would still be a durka durka in the sand if it wasn't for this sweds generosity. this should be required viewing for all liberals who support rapefugees.

time for a bit of the old ultra-violence

what do you say my droogs

I'll be outraged when I'm done laughing. It may take a while.

Seems to me like the Swede just won the Darwin award. Personally, I have no problem with the Arab guy taking all his shit. Had he not an hero'd it might have taught him a lesson about getting black out drunk.

Haha it really is a pretty funny story..
Kind of like Harambe

It does give evidence to the niggardly class of people they are admitting into their land.


people like you are half the problem. you'd prolly walk by a women getting raped by one of them.

They made a big thing of this and the perpetrator cried like a bitch in court

>the perpetrator cried like a bitch in court
Good. He should be hung.

So angry user,
Perpetrator jamaling it on up over there?

fuck I didn't need this

He also said "I wouldn't have done it if I knew there were cameras there"

This is the worst case of reckless endangerment I've seen so far

Honestly this shit doesn't even surprise or phase me any more, what the fuck do you expect to happen when you let in mongrel hordes of invaders who see you as dirty kaffirs

literally a metaphor for your entire country sweden

why didnt the judge say "isn't allah always watching?" and then fucking shoot him in the head with a 45

you faggots are a shame to western civilization

And you'd die from nuclear winter shortly after fuckface

>move to a homogenous society
>same said society takes in boatloads of your fucking people out of goodwill
>do shit like this

no, no, no, no, no, you have to go the fuck back now.

pic related, arabs face when

Swedes deserve everything

Sweden wants Islam but is too pussy to impose the harsh punishments that comes with it, this guy would been stoned to dead or something if it was down there in ME.

>"I wouldn't have done it if I knew there were cameras there"
>The mud doesn't comprehend intent
Wow, they really are morally empty.

Ah oui, comme les Britbongs...


I have a feeling if he got caught doing something like this in his home country, he'd be getting his hands chopped off and his ass publicly stoned.

So tolerant of Sweden of to spare him from such a fate.

Fucking nigger

And so do you

this is so true.

Fuck yes Britbongs. Push them straight back to the hellhole they crawled out of.

Based Arab dealing with the swedish trash.

Europeans must unite. posting on a meme board doesn't do anything. You know what must be done, unfortunately most people is to coward to do anything :(

maybe the muslim is a libertarian

I bet the poor guy got 30, maybe even 40 hours of community service.

"im sorry i got caught"

that's the mentality of all muslims.

difference is theiving means losing a hand in their culture

I'm surprised you didn't mention the US, most europeans hate us

Play stupid games win stupid prizes. You don't want to get your wallet lifted, don't fall asleep in the middle of a crowded city.

OMG I'M TRIGGERED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

They hate u
Cause they aint u

>Arab immigrants sure don't give a fuck about these Swedes
What is shocking about this?

Don't give a fuck. You can't help these swedes, it's over.

That's the most normie pepe I've ever seen
It's terrible

Please never make this mistake again, leaf.

And that's exactly why they will not integrate. I wish people on the left could understand such a simple concept.

user please
All keks are beautiful.
Stop hating....denmark i think right?

user please it was intentional.

this is old as fuck news btw

And I don't think you -Westerners- consider us -Arabs- your friend? It's mutual.
And make no mistake, Western countries taking in refugees is no act of friendship nor kindness. You need these ruined people to revive your dead countries and to replenish your workforce, not to mention the horrid birth rates among the natives. No Eourpean country takes a single refugee without a future reward in mind. You know it. But you choose to be delusional because it makes you feel better.
>inb4 Saudi didn't take any refugeed
Yeah. We don't need them. Besides, we have a shitload of forigners already. We had them for decades and we don't complain like you do.

>this should be required viewing for all liberals who support rapefugees.

Don't bother. It's the same shit, everytime "B-b-b-ut that was just 1 guy, that doesn't mean they're all ..." etc etc. They will never learn. Show them 100 videos and they'll just say it's a conspiracy or something.

>we need them

your kind is being pushed on us as a form of biological warfare and you are certainly not needed.

My copuntry is ex soviet our own people dont have jobs,so why should we take in refugies?Becose merkel said so.....also your foreigners arent as violent becose you midleeastern twats are harsher to them and they feel scared to do shit.

Seems to me like these people literally have no mental capacity for morals, only fear of consequences

remove all consequences and you get whats happening to europe right now

No, its more to do with a treasonous government trying to wreck the country

>he relaxed next to a camel fucker
mistakes were made

Are you going to try and take it over again hanz?

Why are security cameras always utter shittier quality?

>perpetrator cried like a bitch in court

sure all that fear for going into a state sponsored 5 star luxury prison with music studio and internet access.


Pretty sure he mentioned Mexico

It's funny because "superior" Europe is being hoisted on its own petard. And the people are too civilized to stop it.

where do you think Ali baba and the 40 thieves comes from?

>revive your dead countries and to replenish your workforce
Top kek. You're next on the hit list you Wahhabi dog.

This sandnigger gets it. The only benefit to 'multiculturalism' is that it makes the idea of accepting massive immigration, including refugees, more palatable to the natives.

Finally someone who sees the hilarious irony in it all.

topkek nobody needs arab parasites
they're always unemployed and welfare leeches

Yo, bump

You will have nothing in 30 years. Enjoy teaching your son how to drive a camel.

This is like 15 years old you fucking faggot subhuman

But I thought we were bruhs, muthafucka

Holy shit, you should be a judge over there, kek








The fuck do we have to do with anything? Fuck you, i get you Lithuanians on my door regularly begging because you're poor and shitty or w/e.
Why is Lithuania even a country




lol it's like a metaphor for the whole country

so if there were no arab immigrants the guy would have still fallen on the tracks and lost his foot anyways

but hey at least he would have his wallet!

Stockholm Syndrome

user please
Clearly your country has not pleased other annons country.
So he wants to nuke you.
Completely agreeable

This is all an attempt of Da Jooze to get you to support the American Led ISIS invasion of Syria.

Thank god we have Trump and some sense of bawls left in our nation to put bitches in their place, tho they do try to overturn what men have built.

They really do.
I'd leave if they didn't pay so well just for me being here