Thats actually a pretty good idea

This. I dropped my fries today and I was pissed

this is fucking genius desu


Please don't tell me this picture is from a Kmart.

I want one of those now.

>he doesn't own a french fry holder
How can you call yourself an American?

I'm gonna fucking I'm in my pants, I NEEEED this.



Nobody tell him...

What sort of fat retarded fucks would get something like this.
C-c-could I borrow one just to have a look at it?

I want to rub watermelon on my asshole and let a qt brown girl eat my poop shoot while she jerks me off.

Where can I get one of these babies?

Legitimately hoping it isn't since I know this is the exact same label (including the sequence number which is typically unique) to the store I work at.

P-please be just a random photo of it off the web, I don't need one of you autists asking me for the French Fry Holders while I am on shift.

>eating with your hands
Its like you can't multitask

>Not having that option installed at the dealership
Must be for Pre 1990 models


wouldn't it be a bit dangerous if you confuse the fry holder with the assault rifle holder?

>He works at K-Mart

You leave the fries in the bag you imbeciles.

Oh shit nice, it comes with free fries? Has anyone bought this yet to tell me about the taste?

What he did mean this by?

>Not eating while driving
>A leaf

>not freedom fries

>not having deep fryer mounted on dash

>tfw health insurance won't cover a rascal, so you need to get one of these

>eating all your fries
>not saving them until you get home and putting them in your burger

What the fuck is wrong with you?

land of the fat


French fry holder for the car and courtesy corn pouch for home. That's how I do it anyway.

Thats why you buy two fries you fucking mongoloid

Why haven't i done this before

It's offical.

Yours not a real burger if you don't have fry holder


What am I, American?


Don't ever get a job at one.

>Most stores (if not all) run on a VB6 program designed for checkouts that crashes every 2-3 hours and takes it sweet time to reboot or do a basic process such as give change.
>We have to bag everything while doing the transaction, plus our bags are shit and usually rip faster than a poo in the loo's ass.
>Our pricing system literally fails 20% of the time and it takes 5-10 minutes to find out if its even correct
>Two registers will be open typically, and nobody on the floor won't be able to open a register because they don't know how to work the machine (even if there are massive lines.)
>No actual benefits to the job aside from a 10% store discount

We'll fucking annex your ass and you'll be fat too.

I bet you use fucking liters and kilometers and shit too

> not getting a separate side of designated "car fries" to eat while you drive
> not having fries while you drive and while you're at home eating the burger

It's like you haven't even lived next to us since forever.

>Truck stop fry holder
>Cup holders full?
>Well, ok.

Introducing the FryPod.


I get hungry in the 0.5 mile drive to my house so I need car fries to keep my energy up


I'll take it.

I swear to god canada if I have to come up there one more time and make you eat these fries.

Let's take out AR15 Assault murder cannons and go shoot up every Tim Hortons in Canada. Then those leafs will have to come eat our fries!

What's next, ordering an entire meal for the car ride home so you can go home and eat your home McDonalds meal?



I need to keep my energy up

Burger King owns it now. You'd effectively destroy your own monarchy.

Drink your Tim Horton's. There are people sleeping in India.

top kek

I work at kmart 9351 and me and a friend joked about this and texted me when one sold

you don't

no you buy two meals, and then put the burger meal in the fridge and then reheat it for a late night snack.

>putting your fries inside your burger
so good desu btw nice digits leaf

Burger King is a pretender to the throne, I serve Dairy Queen with my life!

No you go to taco bell for the 4th meal at midnight

>designated car fries

thanks user.

will add to my list of awesome potential band names

pic unrelated

Okay but seriously, arbys and wendies is criminally underrated.

That would be three meals.

>one for the car ride
>one for when you get home
>one for a time of your choosing

Dairy Queen is top-tier fast food behind A&W.

but I don't want to get up and drive out there.

You had a point and fuckin blew it leaf

You eat them out of the bag so they stay warm the entire ride

At my store it isnt nearly that bad and everyone is ok pretty much.

I'll beat you up with my large buns, mapleboy

That would be second dinner.

Thats what the scooter is for, to take you to your car

but I don't want to get up from my chair and get in my scooter, the scooter lifter is broken.

Do you live 100 km from the nearest McDonalds?

Does your microwave not have a reheat button?

I'll slather you in maple syrup until you're immobile and poop on you.

You see like an okay guy Canada, on the day of the rake I think you can live.

That's the same reason we invented the Whopperito.


>Do you live 100 km from the nearest McDonalds?

bruh don't even joke, rust belt is like nothing but 100 miles of farmland and a single gas station and a mcdonalds.

Wendy's is fucking shit, eat at a real burger chain.

Ah. I work at 3888 and I have rarely seen these sell. Then again our automotive department is literally three aisles at the far end of the store.

Glad to hear your store isn't as shit. I must be in one of the ghetto Kmarts.

merigga fugg ya!! :DDD


That actually sounds shit.

I'm sorry I didn't take foreign state burgernomics. what chain is this?

>That actually sounds shit.
kind of, but you get a sick factory to work at , no welfare niggers, and a fuck ton of land to shoot your guns around on.

also the nature trails are amazing.


Whataburger fuckhead

Nah senpai you're getting mixed up with milk.

>not having an in car burger holder

You fucker, you don't know about Texan culture.

Only old people buy bagged milk.

The factory work would be nice, but where the fuck do you get your convient darts and booze?

where do I get one of these

They are all ghetto just depends if the people who manage it are moderately cool.

>ywn never know this level of freedom

>That feel when live in Seattle

>but where the fuck do you get your convient darts and booze?

oh I forgot we have bars inns and churches like ever 2 miles.
just nothing else.

it's the best, no the only, way to eat three burgers at once.

Should have known.

Can someone tell me why people like Five Guys so much? It's some of the worst tasting garbage that way too much money can buy.

>Canadians can't afford both a ride and home meal.

Seriously, how poor are you niggas?

That is true.

My store has good supervisors / leads but the HR fucks it all up. (no joke, if someone called up a safety inspector on our store it would be failed immediately for not accommodating for wheelchairs)

They copy the best aspects of a few popular chains. Think shitty knock off..

Why would I waste time holding the bag in my hand when I can strap it to my belt.
leaf cant into innovation

I have no idea, they're way overpriced and the burgers are pretty mediocre.
You could get a better burger from mcdonalds if you know the guy that works there.

It's food made for non cucks, you don't get it.

>bag in your hand
>not on your passenger seat


Jizya tax is killing us.

You're a cuck if you go to the starbucks of burger chains