Sup Forums?
That really got my motor rotors moving.
How is Obongo the smartest president? He did such a terrible job he elected a steak salesman.
(((occypy democrats)))
>Bruce Lindner
Literally who?!
He's wrong about Obama being the smartest, but he's completely correct about Bush and Trump being the second dumbest and dumbest, respectively. This is really obvious to literally everyone who isn't a Sup Forumstard.
Do the people (or single person, idk) at Occupy Democrat do this all day? Do they have any source of income?
Based on what criteria are you calling Bush and Trump the dumbest and Obama the smartest?
Affirmative Action.
Trump has a 156 IQ.
Saying Trump is dumber than W. is laughable
B-but Obamacare a-and b-black...
JFK was dumb enough to piss about in a convertible in Dallas
>liberal sore-loser conceit
>Bruce Lindner
Do they really think that Obama is smarter than Thomas Jefferson?
Hey hey hey keep me out of this stupidity. They were dumb before I talked to them.
The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.
City people all voted for Hillary.
Obama has an IQ around 110
as far as presidents go, he's is literally the dumbest.
This and people need to see beyond the role politicians play. Bush (125 IQ) and Trump use simple language to appeal to their working class base, doesn't mean they're stupid.
Obama is smart, but he's definitely not extremely intelligent, not even remotely. Bill Clinton is very intelligent though, i'll give shitlibs that one.
Trump and Clinton are probably the smartest of the past 30+ years. Reagan and Bush I weren't particularly smart desu, though I like the former.
>wins a Nobel prize for being black
I always scroll through Occupy Democrats' facebook page before I go to sleep. Puts mind at ease knowing how many retards live on this planet. Mind ya, almost 5 million people like their page which basically is trying to roast trump/expose russians/praise obama every single post.
It's better than memes. Especially stuff like this here.
Mark them as fake news on Facebook, if you are still dumb enough to have a Facebook.
He snart because black skin break stereotype dumb nig my white guilt hurts
I doubt it's that high. Where are that dudes transcripts?
>the 2 most recent candidates from the party I don't like are the 2 least intelligent presidents ever
>the most recent candidate from my party is the smartest president ever
Really kickstarts the ol' noggin.
user just snarted all over this discussion.
Fuck off.
not an argument
i dont see clinton.
why isn't clinton here?
>your reply
Yaawwnnn stretch fart
>Bush (125 IQ)
Ahahahahahahhahahahahahahahaah. Really?
Obama the smartest? Even the blue-pilled know that's bullshit.
Are they saying he's the smartest because he's a nigger?
Considering his race wouldn't that increase the chances of him being dumber?
Obongo's IQ is maybe 107-112 tops. His wife's IQ can't be higher than 90.
There are literally hundreds of millions of Whites smarter than the Obongos.
drumpfy btfo
haha republicans are stupid XD
>google his name
>Bruce Norman Lindner (born 20 June 1961) is a former professional Australian rules footballer who played for the Geelong Football Club and Adelaide Football Club in the Australian Football League (AFL).
Jefferson, Roosevelt, and Jackson>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Obama
>Bush was dumb
>Trump is dumb
>Bongo was smart
Yeah sure, okay.
>personable = smart
"I also see it that somebody with strong views, and somebody with the kind of views that are maybe a little bit unpopular — which may be right but may be unpopular — wouldn’t necessarily have a chance of getting elected against somebody with no great brain but a big smile"
absolutely shit-tier list m8.
All that intelligence Obama had and he still fucked up Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Crimea, Yemen, Iran, North Korea, etc.
Re: George W Bush
No matter your political stance, you do have to acknowledge that it takes some wit to win the election, especially when you do so in the fashion which DJT did.
Anyone that thinks dubya is an idiot spent too much time drinking liberal koolaid. He was bad because he was a neo globalist, not because he's dumb
Nixon was objectively the sharpest president we've ever had.
>Obama the smartest President ever
Kek, he's not even the smartest living President.
>Not Jefferson by miles
That moment when you realize the only income brackets Trump didn't win are the two Lowest and only income brackets that qualify for government assistance
Nixon was also based as fuck. Too bad his incessant paranoia ended up killing his public image.
without looking him up i can guarantee you the guy who said this is a sub-100 iq moron
There's also the one of him talking about jews
Actually, the dumbest presidents would be Abraham Lincoln and JFK, since they're both missing about 40% of their brains.
I dont think there is something that i get butthurt more than a occupy democrats meme
Its the most biased and always wrong and an echo chamber of madness
Fugggg :-DDDDD
Obama was really good at reading text off a teleprompter.
That's a proper kek right there.
Psychopathy worshipers need to go.
Watching small japanese women eat gigantic amounts of fast food is also one of my favorite hobbys.
George Bush is so stupid he got 2 terms with the second term being a unambiguous win. Uh huh,
I think Trump is smarter than George bush. He seems to have used his behavior more as a way to pander to the conspiracy filled right.
Than again you do get people who co-opt something only to than start believing their own propaganda, so who knows.
trump > obama >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bush
>muh bujillion jawbs
I blame Hillary for Trump.
Everything bad Obama did can be traced to Hillary. She's Obama's Oliver North.
You libcucks have some balls calling people dumb and constantly misusing the word litterally constantly
Intelligence is meaningless if you don't have the balls to do anything with it
I think it just disputed itself.
>This is really obvious to literally everyone who isn't a Sup Forumstard.
he said
on Sup Forums
rather retardedly
After all, consider that Trunp knew the game he was playing while Hillary fucked up what should have been a EASY win. Trump played a risky game and won since he knew what game he was playing while Hillary just assumed she would win and just focused on popular vote while ignoring the advice of her own husband who got the presidency twice before and disregarding the blue wall entirely.
You don't even need the "muh illegals" hoax to explain why Hillary has so much popular vote- she does because she tried to turn red states assuming she won all the swing states trump regularly campaigned and rallied in.
Additionally:Obama yesterday used the word "fierceness". so he can't be all that
In comparison to their race average.
top fucking kek civil war when?
Fierceness is a actual word in American English.
Niggers get a x5 intelligence multiplier when in a position of power
Also nigger aggression in large groups has been changed from x3 to x4. If he dindu nuffin it is x6.
Do you guys read Earth patch notes?
His paranoia was well founded.
It's already started. Jerry Brown plans to defy Trump by building his own climate sat, North Carolina is having some drama and there's already planning for protests of Trump's inauguration in huge numbers.
It may take a bit of time for full civil war though. I suspect we still have a several years till than.
Noah Webster was a mistake.
James Garfield could write Greek in one hand and Latin in the other at the same time.
Like I really do believe a democratic backlash is in store for 2020
reminder to post this when these threads are shilled.
By 2020 everyone will love Trump. Have faith the guy is extremely smart and capable and so are his staff.
FDR was white not a monkey
Really got the water boiling up my steam valve
>a nigger
>Obongo the smartest
>Trump getting more popular than Obama ever was, the sitting President tries to imitate Trump's style by going off teleprompter for a few seconds and speaking from the heart
IF-IF-IF-IF-IFIFIFIFIFIFIFIFIFIFIFIFIF WE...fall for a uh...uh a buncha...uh okie doke
>tfw your town and all the towns around you voted Trump
Kek. Hes IQ is barely above average.
If city people are so damned smart, why are they still living in the city?
>Barrack Obama smarter than Thomas Jefferson
Liberal idiocy on display ladies and gentlemen.
Careful, Obamaleaf might get triggered into instantly putting this thread into the bump limit
Which Roosevelt?
Never change, Australia, never change
>dumbest president
>somehow turns a million dollar loan into billions
why am i not a trillionaire, then?