Why not? There should be one at all times. The only way this isn't legitimate proof of a fake certificate is if the Ah'Nee birth certificate was forged from Obama's. We have about five years of anti-birthers telling us it's genuine.
Why not? There should be one at all times. The only way this isn't legitimate proof of a fake certificate is if the Ah'Nee birth certificate was forged from Obama's. We have about five years of anti-birthers telling us it's genuine.
Other urls found in this thread:
The Ah'Nee certificate barely even matters. This needs to be spread most.
Hueeee use their FakeNews bullshit narrative against them with the words real news, being slid or archived in 3 .. 2 ..
Obama's birth certificate says African American, when during the time, they used the term Negro. Its forged.
The thing is, the Ah'Nee one was once used to prove this doesn't matter, because it had layers too.
Any evidence of that?
Getting slid hard. Pic related was in a thread yesterday. There is a slight difference on the O's. It might be that they needed the font to match the O in Obama.
This doesn't explain the date stamps or the five text boxes across four lines lining up perfectly between the two BC's though.
Or the stamps used are slightly different
>two separate sets of stamps with the exact same angle
>between two documents that also share perfect placing across five separate, hand-typed text areas
Nigga what?
Hand typed with a typewriter
Typewriters don't move their spacing
They seemed to here. And would you look at them stamps.
Do you understand that not every document comes out the same
I cant fathom that you think it's a fake
What I'm wondering is, why would they transfer bits and pieces of the Ah'nee certificate over to Obama's, what was the point? Clearly they had to forge certain aspects of Obama's certificate from scratch, like his name, so why not forge all of it?
This highlights the issue with the main stream media.
They only cover news that suits their narrative, if this was about Trump is would be on every news channel, newspaper and website. Since its Obama it's ignored.
The real question is what Trump will do with it when he gets into power.
Because it's not forged and people are really reaching for any reason they can find to paint Obama as a criminal
>I can't fathom that you think it's a fake
So you're baiting or you're braindead. Care to explain away the pdf on and its literal layers in Illustrator?
Your only """""""source""""""" of """"""""""""proof""""""""""" is a pdf with layers.
Last time I checked layers of a pdf is not proof of a document being forged.
Your argument seems to be that they do.
I've thought about how a typewriter can do this.
1. It would have to be an auto returning one, though that doesn't make sense because the distance between the line on the same document is never the same.
2. Assuming they DID use auto-returning typewriters, they would have to have hit the tab key the exact same number of times on each document. I could accept that if there seemed to be any kind of standard protocol on number of times the tab key must be hit, but all other certificates show otherwise. None are even close to each other.
And with the angles of the two separate pairs of hand placed stamps on top of that, how the fuck can you think they just came out exactly alike in so many different ways?
You're correct, but the last time I checked, a scanned PDF at *max* creates OCR objects, not *actual* Illustrator layers literally created by Photoshop.
>I haven't opened the file and messed with the layers
Oh okay.
So your proof of this document being a fake is that the information on it is in the same places as another document of the exact same type?
You need to check again mate
I know how layers work, thats not proof of a document being forged
Yes this is completely normal and not faked pay no attention goy.
>So your proof of this document being a fake is that the information on it is in the same places as another document of the exact same type?
Yes. For the reasons I stated. Are you able to produce any others that have the exact same positioning as these two documents. Or any two that have the same position as each other for that matter?
Why do you think it's possible for humans to be so perfect?
>You need to check again mate
No, I don't. I really don't. Can you please provide any singular example of why I'm wrong?
I scanned documents for a state government for more than a year when I was in high school, and used multiple scanner makers and models, as well as multiple software developers and versions. Sometimes I would have to correct information on the documents I scanned, and used more than a few software suites. My scanners created Optical Character Recognition *objects*, and only when I specifically told them to because I new I'd need to edit them, but never Acrobat, GIMP, or Illustrator *layers*.
What? Like why are burgers pretentious or "WHO READY FOR PRESIDENT HILLARY?" Fuck off and explain why this is fake so I can shut more of you desperate virgins down.
Autism: A collection of posts
It's not fake, but it his shitpost is something that sounds similar
You aren't even going to pretend to be right?
The Maricopa County Sheriff's Office said that they will submit their findings to the FBI/DOJ (after Trump is in office). It will be up to them to investigate and/or file charges if the evidence warrants....or they will choose not to pursue it)
There is nothing to be said about it right now. Hence, no threads.
>Can you please provide any singular example of why I'm wrong?
Sliding this will only reaffirm both of our positions and damage the truth. Please provide any singular example of why I'm wrong.
I find it awfully convenient that you worked for the govt scanning documents
If you did post proof
Because its laughable how you people actually believe this conspiracy.
>Because its laughable how you people actually believe this conspiracy.
If that were true, you'd think there would be a reason. Is it that there isn't one, or do you just not know what it is?
The old document archival format DjVu splits images into layers via feature detection, it splits out the background, typed text, handwritten text, and lines, and then uses different compression methods on each layer.
It's overly complex, and since storage is so cheap, it really isn't used much anymore.
Another interesting thing, is that the text layers are compressed via a patch match system; it attempts to undo typesetting, by detecting similar glyphs, and reusing the first match it finds. So letters, checkboxes, stamps, etc will all be replaced with the first sample it saw.
I refuse to, because you:
1) Are merely shirking a burden of proof that you yourself brought up but did not address
2) Forget that I said "in high school" and that the average age on here and my current speech pattern might indicate that my age is anywhere from 21-32
3) Are asking for me to reveal identity information
3a) Cannot verify literally any information that I post regarding this proof without compromising my identity
So instead I'll just point it out once again: You made an assertion that I asked you to back up. You can double down on that assertion and use ad hominums without evidence to the detriment of both of us and anybody that reads this (blah blah, sociology studies that show those convinced of a false narrative become more convinced when shown evidence against it, blah blah) or you can respond to the original attempt to seek truth: Please provide any single example of why I'm wrong.
Dude, you could handstamp literally a million documents and the chances of two stamps on two documents lining up at the exact same angle would be impossible.
What are they going to do? Obama's term will be over.
It wouldn't just invalidate Obamacare, but every single dollar spent on anything at all would have to be recovered or revoked. Supreme court decisions from Hobby Lobby (that's one conservatives like) to gay marriage are ripped up (I'm sure that won't bring out the Democratic base for elections.) Would it mean McCain needs to be sworn in as President and serve 4 years?
It could go on and on, and by the time a decision would be made the 2020 or even 2024 elections will be all anyone cares about.
4) you dont have any
You're right, because I didn't mention
2a) Any proof I might even be able to obtain is approximately 10 years old and therefore extremely difficult to obtain.
Far more difficult (I would fucking hope) than it would be for you to obtain proof of an assertion you made on your own without proof. Otherwise you're making this assertion without any proof, and you fall into the category of the previously mentioned false narrative being presented with evidence counter to your belief that only reaffirms the lie in your mind.
who would go on the internet and just lie
>who would go on the internet and just bait
I believe it
CBS video on this has over 1mil views. is CBS cool Sup Forums? can we give them click shekels for the sake of spreading this?
this is literally dnc