Be aware if you attend
Be aware if you attend
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im gonna go check it out
im wearing all black today, so i can probably pass off as some black bloc kid
bring some bombs
I wish there were anti-fascists around where I live.
Get flyers for any after parties or music events.
Attend said events and take note of fire code / safety violations.
Report all violations to Vancouver municipal authorities.
Share all Intel with cripplechan /rwss/ to ensure prompt shut down.
>tfw live in Vancouver
>tfw too high to get out of bed and watch antifas make a mockery of themselves
I think you meant caltrops
no they bring the caltrops, we bring the caltrop proof boots
the facebook event page for this is gold
so many violent fascists here in vancouver...
Go there and see if you can find out about any sweet DIY spaces
based Jeridan
Real men will use there fists.Do eeet
>Protest free speech
>Other people are fascists
funny isn't it?
We are gonna be beating up small dick white bois beware Drumpf supporters
Don't be pussys.
AW SHIT. I made it just in time for some good ol' commie fighting!
There was 0 antifa presence in the US before Obama. There were left wing protesters, but no antifa. This has the fingerprints of Soros all over it.
>struggle against neo-nazi's, colonisers
wew lad
I fought with antifa/hardline communists in Europe. I don't know if antifa in the US are a bunch of pussies, but the ones in Europe came armed with knives.
Best part? Here is a photo of the evil misogynistic white-supremacists they are protesting. It's a bunch of Chinese kids!
>buzzwords: the poster
Why I'm not surprised?
I am sure that they are nice people, but they all look like they could get their asses whooped with a wet lasagna noodle.
the ones in Sacramento were semi-armed
i walked by that table that day and it seemed like they were just having a good time
why do we have to have antifa scum getting so violent over this?
Yeah, I'm not too hopeful for these guys if there is violence.
No, no, my friend. You don't see the truth. It's all a ruse, you see? Under their friendly and unassuming visage, there lurks the might and fury of an emergent Reich! Antifa must act swiftly, or soon these smiling faces will inspire legions of stormtroopers to rise up!
Consider suicide
Vancouver has always had a large retarded leftist population that will protest anything like building a pipeline to Burnaby that is literally three feet away from a pre-existing pipeline. They actively held protests in Parliament over the Iraq War despite Canada not even being a participant. Their love of gibs and hatred of making money led to the entire city being sold the Chinese. Once the transfer is complete, the DTES will be cleaned up from demand of the new Chinese constituency who has no patience for that shit, and hopefully the native Vancouver population can go get fucked in Surrey or wherever
Couldn't help but reading your post as if spoken by Milhouse. Made it even better.
Holy shit, why arent we killing these AntiFa faggots?
You can, but only when provoked
>tfw bumped into some slut i fucked at a party
>her friend says "you have a big schlong huh"
That means its true right guys?
We're keeping them safe.
If you dont go help them youre no better than the antifa
Because we're faggots who complain on a Brazilian zoology forum instead of taking action
Tell me, do these people rally in California? I will personally go to there next "bash" and ... well I cant say that on air
Busy making Videogames with people I met through a Vietnamese cartoon website
>kill antifa faggots
>thus (((justifying))) what they're (((doing)))
The best way to kill them is by waiting and not giving them any attention. Like any other leftist movement, they'll turn into themselves and then, hopefully, cease to exist because it's not relevant anymore.
I really wish there was antifa near me. I'd love to walk around with my MAGA hat and packing heat. All it takes is one swing and they've got a coupl extra breathing holes.
is that how it works? i dont want to get smashed up by antifa
also witnessed.
go you fucking degenerate
Hey, you're shittalking about russian "hacking" wasn't very appreciated you dirty alphabet soup nigger.