Eva Bartlett exposes corrupt media. Western propaganda is in full effect. Russia is NOT the enemy. Assad is NOT the enemy. Follow the money follow the influence.
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Free bump for you OP
Bump for truth. This needs to go mainstream
Why would we believe some random french journalist?
This is your only source? Fuck off.
Pretty much this.
CNN, NBC, FOX, BBC etc. are all reporting that the Assad is killing civilians in Allepo.
Some random french Putin shill can't prove otherwise.
Fuck you, CIA. Posters from serbia and croatia have no legitimacy here.
The Assad regime*
Wow. Congratulations on your first day, moron.
>Being this much of a shill
Nice didgits, shit content. Do look up territory held by militants and tell me how you are gonna fit 10's of thousands civilians in there.
Zero arguments. Zero.
your proxy didn't work m8
Is this the CTR shill trying to act out?
Or did they send someone new who bought a proxy from Serbia?
>Same id
>100 posts apart
You could atleast try
Nice try Ivan. This is not compelling. SHOW ME PROOF!!!!!
My argument is backed up by your own posts.
Figured out how to use another IP huh? Great job!
read somewhere that she's a shill. also doesnt back up half her claims. the white hats are still bs tho
>CNN, NBC, FOX, BBC etc. are all reporting that the Assad is killing civilians in Allepo.
Doesn't all of their information come from a single human right organization that openly opposes Assad and has its headquarter in London? Which has already been critisized for spreading fake reports?
Is that like Serbia's crown export or something?
I'm not him, you stupid cunt.
I'm saying he's either that one annoying CTR shill who popped up in almost every election thread or he's just some new faggot who bought a proxy that links him to here.
Fuck if I know.
>haha ur so stupid u didnt spend every day in /sg/ circlejerk learning about how assad is killing ISLAMIC MILITANTS not civilians ok praise putin
The Syrian war is a dirty war where killing of civilians is done by the rebels, the government, the Russian airstrikes, and sometimes even the coalition airstrikes.
Normal sensible people see this and go
>damn it sucks for those innocent civilians who die
/sg/ and putin shills go
And of course the liberals go
>Everyone that is being bombed is a civilian, the rebels are secular, no Islamic extremism exists in Aleppo
There is so much propaganda being fed here by both sides it takes forever to wage through the bullshit. It's simultaneously the most documented war in existence and also the most propagandized.
The western media does what they are told, which is why they hate that Trump is going to take power.
He is such a loose cannon to them he might tell us all how fucking corrupt they are.
>follow the money
Okay fag, where is the money coming from and where is it going? Who gains from lying about what is actually happening?
Nice one same-faggoting shill.
All she's doing is saying what we already all know. US/israel are supporting terrorists trying to overthrow Assad. Russia didn't want it and helped them fight back and so far win back territory. The mainstream media has been trying to paint ISIS as the good guys for years now and still are, even though they know god damned well this is fucking bullshit.
She's Canadian.
You're joking right, it's a troll? You can't be this fucking stupid.
You're even fucking replying to yourself half the time.
>fake news
Yes you are him. Blow your brains out. Literally only shills call people "CTR".
>how fucking corrupt they are.
>While he appoints Goldman Sachs to take over the economy and Exxon to take over foreign policy directly
Alright, fag.
The MIC and the oil companies, obviously. This is mostly about a pipeline.
Also, Daily Reminder: ISIS STILL HAS NO ATTACKED ISRAEL, but HAS attacked exclusively israel's enemies. Hmmm...really makes you want israel nuked.
>yes you are him
I'm honestly curious, what twisted logic are you using for this when I'm shitting on the guy myself?
>Shill samefags not knowing about post IDs.
Bump agreed why isnt this news?
It is a leaf, and yeah not-credible journalist speaking at the UN? - hurr durr
fuck you ctr, shoo shoo silly shilly
Holy shit, you're a fucking moron.
By that retarded logic, every USA flag here is the same person too, even though they all talk differently and have different IDs.
The part about Israel is likely because ISIS is currently trying to unify the arab world before they try to take on their enemies, in the same way that pretty much every great muslim conquest began.
It probably won't work, but if it did they could be really annoying on the world stage. They wouldn't declare outright war on anyone that they don't have to for that reason, because they want to build up their strength and dominion and establish their caliphate before turning their attention to outside enemies.
Yes, pretty much. But it has a legit sounding name so off to the presses!
You already have a reputation. Sorry about your luck. Now fuck off. You want credibility, use a different proxy.
>Trying to unify the arab world
>By destroying every non-kike Middle Eastern state and killing millions of arabs
Yeah, fuck off kike shill.
>use a different proxy
Kill yourself, you stupid fucking fat cunt.
No, seriously. Do the world a favor and eat a bullet.
И пoпyшиш ми кypчинy, пeдepчинo дeгeнepичнa. Ceмe ти ce зaтpлo.
Syrian war is staving off Iran from getting a nuke
I don't even read your posts anymore. Your flag means you have no voice here. You're CIA compromised. Fuck off and die.
>>By destroying every non-kike Middle Eastern state and killing millions of arabs
yeah a little similar to how ever other time it's been done a prominent muslim power went to war with everybody else (or unified various muslim powers through political sorcery, which isn't a viable option here) and beat them to unify them. You know, right before they then go to war with non muslim powers to expand the muslim world.
god you're a dumbass.
Nah you're just a shill. Now get lost, kike.
wheres the evidence of them recycling the same girl
wtf i want to nuke israel now
even though her pussy is probably as cold as the ice-bourbon mixture in the bottom of my glass right now.... I WOULD, based on her deft logic and argumentative forte!
This one Serb is always shilling for cuckoldry
And Sup Forums was right again
Truth bump
The irony of these two posts is now we have proof there's people trying to hide what's actually happening in Syria.
0.50c has been deducted from your account
You picked the wrong proxy idiot.
Use America next time bud.
knew Assad hadn't done shit when i saw that video where the bitch shillary was in:
"sryia yeah they cool we don't give a fuck"
suddenly "syria omg tiem for a regime change"
for fucks sake ... the entire agenda its as obvious as it gets, and even if he was a tyrant which he is not - it wouldn't improve jack shit to remove him > new Afghanistan and Lybia shithole
Shes great. She rekt this Wahhabi twat.
Sadly people are mostly retards and will believe anything the department of truth feeds them.
This is being slid hard by garbage threads
This is important not just for Syria but finally honest to god good, independent sources for Zionist-American corruption. We NEED more of this, and as soon as possible
>All she's doing is saying what we already all know.
She's saying what WE know but not the average person. Spreading this video would do some good
What are we supposed to argument?
I'll ask you 2 simple questions
Would you rather be under shaaria law or a constitution that protects your rights?
And how much do you get paid to shill?
I thought about trying to redpill the handful of normies that I associate with, but what's the point really? They are brainwashed.
I know. I want this to make it into the mainstream, but they're corporations in bed with the government so that will never happen.
>why isn't this news
You don't know how the media works do you?
11:45 sec in
It won't be allowed to spread.
>While he appoints Goldman Sachs to take over the economy and Exxon to take over foreign policy directly
who told you that, the washington post? jeff bezos is just mad his riches couldnt get him what he wants this time
Facebook, post on all relevant political groups
Many will censor, but some more people will see it and share it
It will get through
Jimmy Dore has covered this already. So at least Green Party uber leftists are talking about it.
This is good video should be shared watched and marked up
That british cunt is such an obvious paid agent. He should be executed. I'm so fucking sick of how filled with lies this modern world is. People need to start dying for their dishonesty.
6 corporations, half owned by jews.
His appointments, you fucking shill piece of shit.
this blatant same fagging
If you want it spread tweet it to sargon, secular talk, paul joseph watson etc. If not even they will spread it, it will just be labeled as fake news.
The US wants regime change, they will do whatever they can do get it. No matter who is in the wrong.
The mainstream media will never cover this, just as they didnt' cover the obama birth certificate thing 2 days ago.
Then you might as well spread your cheeks and let that gargantuan corporate media oil get shafted right in your butthole.
she speaks the tru tru
Obama did this.
Liberals defend this horror.
It's not just obama. This has been foreign policy as usual for the US for decades now. Kill arabs, steal their oil, make money off the weapons and drug trade and remove israel's enemies so it can take over.
That's not enough, we need to appeal to the majority of leftists for this to succeed. The right already knows this or would believe it easily due to current social climate, so its wasted effort
We get the left, we can actually start turning this ship round. I will not allow the fucking Zionist Bolshevik nation destroying bastards to succeed in my fucking country, or any of the white nations
I will, even if they are faggots they can be our useful idiots, you are totally right. It will be labelled fake news though, you know. We need to make sure that we fucking own that tag when it becomes prevalent. The average person needs be shown that all the "fake news" is indeed complete truth that is being censored. Social media is a more powerful tool for us than it is for them
Someone should save this video now in case it gets taken off of YouTube for (((reasons)))
Yes this clip should be hammered relentlessly all over every feminists and SWJ cunts twitter feed and tumbler account..it should be splattered onto ever Hollywood celebs twitter account..especially the lefty cunts like Matt Damon.
To show what Obama and the MSM has been bullshitting them about for years.
Welcome aboard new friend, how about lurking a bit more so you become less of a fuvking faggot?
She destroyed the twat alright.
Dilly Hussein. What a fucking cock gobbler! So this twat is deputy editor of 5pillarsuk.com? He's a fucking tool and needs bringing down. This shit coming out of his mouth, unfuckingbelievable. Muh white helmet heeros. Cunt.
The REAL educational post. Woops.
someone CTR career just got cut short
I don't get why people think their media isn't totally biased, we saw it with Trump and Hilary. Do people not get it works the same with everything?
Get a load of this BTFO faggot piece of shit.
This is why I love Sup Forums.
>The mainstream media has been trying to paint ISIS as the good guys for years now and still are, even though they know god damned well this is fucking bullshit.
To be fair, no one has been trying to paint ISIS as the good guys. But they have been doing that to the "moderate" rebels. And by moderate, I mean jihadists that aren't "moderate" in any real sense of the word.
3rd time is da charm. lol
But can you point to any empirical evidence and studies demonstrating bias?
>tfw some faggot I know literally says that every time someone else brings up lying media
Breaking News: Russia is not a Saturday morning cartoon villain, media is lying
>US/israel are supporting terrorists trying to overthrow Assad.
Follow the money. The House of Saud has a direct interest in the downfall of Assad and Russia. Isreal has no dog in the race there. Syria and Isreal are enemies, but Syria has bigger issues to deal with right now, instead of Isreal.
You Hitler Youth never cease to amaze me, you shove "Duh Jewz!" into everything, including issues that don't involve them at all.
It's morons like you that make the MSM work, because you believe everything they say. You're doing the heavy lifting for people like Obama and Hillary and Saudi Arabia with comments like yours.
Stupid fuck.
I love this new tactic of "everything is Saudi Arabia's doing!" lol.
Please kill yourself shill or at least learn how to use a proxy
Yeah, it's largely about dat pipeline. Saudi's wanted the pipeline that went from Qatar, through Syria and Turkey, to Europe. Assad rejected that one in favor of one starting in Iran instead.
>Also, Daily Reminder: ISIS STILL HAS NO ATTACKED ISRAEL, but HAS attacked exclusively israel's enemies. Hmmm...really makes you want israel nuked.
You just have to keep running your mouth, don't you?
The reason why ISIS isn't attacking Isreal (they are, but it's random and not covered by the press) openly or trying to invade Isreal, is that's not on the Saudi aganda right now - they don't want the IDF getting in, because they'll wipe ISIS out with no remorse, with superior troops, an actual airforce that's feared in that part of the world, and the threat of nukes.
The US doesn't want Isreal involved, because on paper we're still allies, and attacking them by proxy with terrorist groups Obama is secretly supporting would fuck up the globalist plans for Syria.
But you keep spewing your bullshit, kid. Maybe mommy will believe you. You're either a kid, or an illegal arab ratfuck "immigrant". In which case, go fuck yourself and your mother.
>The part about Israel is likely because ISIS is currently trying to unify the arab
I wouldn't say that, I'd say ISIS is the (not so) secretly funded Wahabbi group of militants supported and funded by the Sauds to do their dirty work, because they can't openly oppose or go to war with Syria, because it's about oil, first.
This isn't about unifying arabs, it's about getting the House of Saud more marketshare for their oil.
Here ya go.
Because it is, you dumb fucking mutt.
Saudi's have been behind most of the bloodshed in the Middle East since they rose to power.
Crack a book once in a while, you assinine MSM chimp.