>durr le trump is an economic genius XD
>would literally be twice as rich if he had just put his small inheritance of 200 million dollars into an index fund and didnt touch it
Durr le trump is an economic genius XD
Other urls found in this thread:
This, guy accomplished nothing, he is just his father's son
H-he figured out how not to pay taxes. That makes in schmart.
this shit was debunked so many times during the primaries it's getting really boring. what are you sliding?
and he would have created how many jobs doing that?
and yet you wont post proof
>would literally be twice as rich if he had just put his small inheritance of 200 million dollars into an index fund and didnt touch it
He's already rich as shit. He has a house that's probably bigger than those of everyone in this thread combined and more money too.
>le created jobs
Yay! more low paying jobs for hispanic immigrants.
Post proof of what? Trump is a billionaire. If being a billionaire is so easy, why don't you do it then?
If he spent nothing, built nothing and had no life. But what fun is that? Now hes president. You would have spent your money on hookers and blow.
nice try
It's Mr. President-Elect for you.
and he inherited 200 million dollars. Id have a huge house if I was given 200 million by my daddy.
You also forget the 6 or 7 different times his daddy bailed him out when he fucked up.
Fuck drumpf and fuck white people.
according to the (((MAINSTREAM MEDIA)))
If i was handed 200 million dollars and then given tons of business connections and was able to have my dad bail me out 6 or 7 times with over 50 million dollars, Im sure Id have a lot of money.
Do you realize that the Israelis love trump right? They are a far right wing country. Trump wants to recognize Jursalem as the capital of israel. the Jews love him. So your little meme doesn't make any sense
Wow, this really puts things in perspective. Looks like I'm a #cruzmissile now.
The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.
City people all voted for Hillary.
Anyway, he's more succesfull than you.
ummm can you read? the media represented exactly what he said. He siad
'many vets cant handle it' then the media says 'trump suggest some vets cant handle war' and you go crazy. how stupid can you be?
I suppose the operative question here is why did you lie? You can check for yourself that Trump has already turned his million dollar loan into a billion dollar business empire before getting the 50 mil when his father died.
Who benefits?
I just informed you this was debunked. I did not volunteer to dig up information for a troll who would not be interested anyway. besides, I don't really see the proof YOU posted. you know, all those pesky numbers and shit.
so, what are you sliding?
To say that someone is stupid because of the neglected option of investing in an index while not touching it is sheer retardation. For example, since you were a beta virgin for all of your life, you are an idiot for not opening your index fund for investment by street trannies, since you could have gotten laid.
Good thing he decided to make america great again I stead faggot.
hello JIDF
ahh. The classic 'well they're better than you' defense mechanism
>criticize local football team quarter back for losing 16 out 16 games this year
Duuurr well he is better than you at football, so his massive failure as a quarterback somehow doesnt matter because he's better than you!
Here is a tip. If I had inherited 200 million dollars and was given countless opportunities and connections, as well as the ability to be bailed out 6 or 7 times, I would be significantly more succesful than trump
But he wouldn't become a president
>im a foreigner and i think i know american society and culture :))))
Your nation has and always will be a cheap knock off you accidently buy
What the media implied was that Trump said that veterans can't handle it because they are pussies. Anyone can see that.
Are you on the spectrum?
i am telling the truth. the whole '1 million dollar loan' meme needs to stop. His father lent him 10s of millions.
>The Wall Street Journal tracked down a 1985 casino-license disclosure that showed Trump’s father lent him $14 million — a value of $31 million in today's dollars.
That is just one of the loans, it is valued at 31 times more than he said he received.
so it appears that YOU ARE THE LIAR. I wonder how you are going to spin this one
But you didn't because you're shit and your father's shit :^)
And if he did that, you faggots would complain that he made billions through the stock market or hedge fund.
hahaha pathetic. Just resort to your defense buzzwords when you are backed into a corner with a logical argument. Even with the word doesn't even remotely imply.
People like you are the bottom of the barrel of scum and stupidity
If he put all his money in an index fund, he wouldn't have anything to spend on food and would have starved.
Looks like he's smarter than you.
>criticize local football team quarter back for losing 16 out 16 games this year
But Trump didn't lose 16 out of 16 did he? He's rich and President of the United States.
>I would be significantly more succesful than trump
Keyword: would. But you aren't. But keep thinking that. Dreaming is free after all.
The $1 million was in the 70s.
You even admit one of the loans, meaning he got multiple loans.
Meanwhile retards get hundreds of thousands in loans and waste it on a degree they can't even use.
that is what he implied
>well you in this room can handle it. you are actually strong, but some cant
clearly implying that they are pussies.
If he parked his money in an index fund he wouldn't be famous and he wouldn't be president.
More importantly, why were the Democrats unable to beat him? Was it the Russians or meme news?
Or because Bernie got stabbed in the back?
No wealth management analyst would ever, ever tell someone to just put all their money in an index fund. That is the single dumbest thing you could possibly do, and would have put him at risk of losing almost everything in the multiple crashes that have occurred since the 70's.
Not to mention nobody even really used index funds back then. Their popularity has only began recently post-08.
PSA to all hillshills: put away your handbooks about the blue collars.
arguing that Trump is rich: your handbook says there should be class hatred, but workers only care about how much they make, not how much some remote abstract rich man makes.
arguing that Trump is not a good businessman: your handbook says this is a deal-breaker but blue collars don't even understand why you think this means anything.
arguing that Trump is racist: workers should be horrified by this, driven as they are supposed to be by proletarian internationalism. real workers think you are just badmouthing him because you are interested in importing cheap brown slaves to displace them.
arguing that Trump is sexist, which should horrify the vanguard of humanity that's supposed to be the proletariat. this only results in convincing blue collars that you would outlaw large swaths of their culture if you could.
bottom line: you can't stoke class hatred and get a revolution this way. there never was a proletarian revolution as prophesized by Marx. All except the Russian revolution were soviet exports, and proletars did not participate in the Russian revolution, Eizenstein notwithstanding. it won't happen. the elite has to be purged, indeed trimmed to almost ground level but your ilk won't be able to do it.
>$14 million — a value of $31 million in today's dollars.
Can you even fucking read you dipshit?
Trump supporters are just incredible. Will literally ignore evidence that is right in front of them and then just blatantly tell lies.
>$14 million — a value of $31 million in today's dollars.
>$14 million — a value of $31 million in today's dollars.
>$14 million — a value of $31 million in today's dollars.
>$14 million — a value of $31 million in today's dollars.
>$14 million — a value of $31 million in today's dollars.
>$14 million — a value of $31 million in today's dollars.
>$14 million — a value of $31 million in today's dollars.
>$14 million — a value of $31 million in today's dollars.
>$14 million — a value of $31 million in today's dollars.
14 is not 1 you dipshit.
>In September 1980, around the time Mr. Trump was laying the groundwork to build a casino in Atlantic City, N.J., his father lent him $7.5 million, a matter previously reported.
Looks like I found another loan, this one for 7.5 million dollars :)
Fuck off reddit
>Recent availability of index funds
Index funds are for poor people. If you had 200 million you would have been able to replicate a similar investing strategy back then for probably less administrative expense than what you would pay if you bought indexed funds with that amount.
>people don't understand how retarded this is
Three things:
1) Trump NEGOTIATED the money out of his dad. He needed it to start what would become a real estate empire. His father was putting a significant investment in him, which turned out to be correct. Modern day cucks can't even negotiate car loans with their parents.
2) Trump has built some of the world's best hotels, resorts and golf courses as a direct result of that loan. That is a significantly larger achievement than any of us will ever aspire to.
3) For some reason you cucks think it'd be more amazing if Trump had future foresight to invest his money and do nothing but fingerpaint, instead of building a business empire that'll last for decades, maybe even centuries. The man has been infinitely more successful than you'll ever be so all you have to resort to is pretend that you're smarter.
you're right, they would have told their client to invest it wisely. In this case, he would have made more money doing something that is not recommended because he is just that bad of a business man
work on your reading comprehension jesus christ
he's saying the $1 million loan claim isn't false, because he said he got that loan in the 70s to start his career, and that he got other loans (like the one you linked to you fucking retard) later on
>Your nation has and always will be a cheap knock off
ok buddy
I think he was talking more about the fact that things like having your friend's face blown off while he's standing next to you and sleeping with the sound of constant bombings is more than some people can handle. I don't think people in the army are the hardcore terrorist killers you see in movies.
ldid you know we can scroll back and read your OP?
provide proof that an index fund for all his starting money would have been better. that was your claim, nothing to do with the incoherent shit you just posted.
>what are expenses and living in absurd wealth
>anti-trump threads are still this big
Hey faggot, you lost, nothing you can do about it except cry for the next 8 years.
Haha I run a multi-BBillion dollar business, Gee I must be a total baffoon
really you think that an index goes up that above 2% over 10 yr periods net of taxes, expense ratios, and capital gains tax along with commissions? please provide mathematical evidence and what about all the corrections in the market too
>instead of putting money into the economy Trump should have done the thing that caused the great depression
Why are shills so fucking stupid?
Well thank god he isn't as Jewish as soros then and actually produced things and created jobs.
>No wealth management analyst would ever, ever tell someone to just put all their money in an index fund. That is the single dumbest thing you could possibly do, and would have put him at risk of losing almost everything in the multiple crashes that have occurred since the 70's.
>Not to mention nobody even really used index funds back then. Their popularity has only began recently post-08.
You totally missed the point with your fanboi superficiality.
Index funds would have had a better performence. This means Trump -despite ripping contractors off - is worse as a businessman than the large corporations that are represented in such index funds were on average. Trump is a sub-par businessman who would probably live off social security after a life as a used car salesman if his daddy hadn't been really rich.
He's going to make trillions with all the inside information his kids will have.
His dad died in '94, at that point trump was already a billionaire.
No, Trump was suggesting that some soldiers couldn't handle what happened to them in combat, however he said the people in the room with him could handle such things, because they were "strong".
I know right. I mean, I beat out the 17 best my party could offer, I beat the establishment's chosen one, but I'm such a complete fucking idiot that these high school drop-outs know far more than I do about my business.
>they would have told their client to invest it wisely
I know you're a fucking retard with no business experience because you think that's what wealth management professionals do. Just tell their client, "invest wisely" top kek.
>he would have made more money doing something that is not recommended because he is just that bad of a business man
No, you fucking retard. Any typical portfolio can't outperform the market in the long-term. The reason people don't just put everything into the S&P500 is because the risk is way too high that it could all be wiped out in a crash.
You accept lower returns for lower risk. Every leftist's favorite faggot Warren Buffet would have made triple his money if he just "invested in index funds" when he started. He didn't. Because neither Trump or him are retards with no investment experience trying to shitpost on an anime forum.
>is worse as a businessman than the large corporations that are represented in such index funds were on average
Almost every investor gets outperformed by indexes. It's why active money managers have been losing clients for years. Their fees are too high. It's also why venture capital caught on in the tech bubble. No one could outperform the market UNLESS they got in before these overvalued companies went public.
Seriously, you faggots are completely ignorant about finance. Stop posting anytime. This guy is the President of the United States, and you still want to pretend he's somehow failed.
Where are you getting this 200 million inheritance meme?
It was more like 1 or 2 million which kickstarted the beginnings of his empire
200,000,000*(1.05^20 years)= Approx $540,000,000
*Assumes investment period of 20 years @ 5% compounded monthly and no withdrawls
He wouldn't be a billionaire by just putting his money in the bank.
nah dude hedge funds with buildings full of people from harvard, yale and princeton are retarded, they should just put their money in an index and get great returns for their clients lol!!!! no big hedge funds have been struggling recently either lol xd
Yeah, but he didn't. Because unlike doing what you suggested, he worked hard and tirelessly to expand his name, his brand, and his company all across Manhattan.
This man isn't in it solely for the money, he's in it to win in life and establish a legacy far reaching than most people, and as president he is about to reach the next step.
Obama's father left him 6 goats and a mud hut and he milked that story into a 100 million dollar book deal.
Barry didn't do much for America, but his ghetto family will be living in a mansion on Embassy Row on our dime.
Real Estate is a shit market because government bubbles. Trump is smart because he keeps coming back from failure.
>No wealth management analyst would ever, ever tell someone to just put all their money in an index fund.
Because that's how they make money.
9 in 10 managed investment funds perform worse than an index fund.
Let that settle in for a moment.
Yes, the managed funds do a little better investment wise, but it's hardly ever enough to cover the fees they charge for this service.
Managed funds are just a placebo to let investors sleep better at night, knowing some Jew is watching over him money (and ripping him off)
Why haven't you purchased a VOO share yet?
Except his revenue over the last 40 years has been in the 100's of billions. His "net worth" is only what his current profits are.
>Not to mention nobody even really used index funds back then. Their popularity has only began recently post-08
The rest was somewhat true, but... niggawhat
These people are fucking clueless.
>9 in 10 managed investment funds perform worse than an index fund.
No shit, that's my point.
No, retard. The point is to preserve capital.
Indexes caught on recently because of anemic performance by active money managers. I don't know how you could dispute this. They were definitely not as widespread pre-08.
He inhabited it after he already made nearly a billion in the late nineties.
The average return rate is 7%
Meaning he would've made 560 million on his 200 million over 40 years,
560 million < 3.5-10 billion
>The point is to preserve capital.
... by losing capital compared to an index fund....?
He didn't inherit the millions before his father's death, at which time he was already a billionaire.
He got his small loan of one million dollar in the late 70s. There were millions of people in the US alone with one million dollars in the late 70s (let's not even talk about repaying the million loan). How many of them are multibillionaire. Even counting simply like this would put Trump in to the top 0.01% of people in terms of return rate.
Pic strongly related to your retardation.
>The average return rate is 7%
>Meaning he would've made 560 million on his 200 million over 40 years,
- American education everybody.
Is $2.9 billion not "very rich"?
They're not losing capital. They're not getting as high of returns compared to the market, but their risk is lower because it's a more diversified portfolio with exposure to more markets, government debt, etc.
I declare I shall never tire of the left's incessant whining and tears. Bow to your President commies.
He got the 200 million only 20 years ago though.
That's a x3.9 operation, assuming a magical zero expense. But he was already a billionaire at the time.
I'm really shocked people are that retarded.
Fuck Drumpf and FUCK white ppl
40 years @ 7% would be somewhere around the $3 billion mark
>trusting the jewish banks with your money
>their risk is lower because it's a more diversified portfolio
No it isn't.
It's usually higher risks and less diversified.
That's why they get higher returns before you subtract fees.
And nothing is stopping you from buying several different index trackers if you're that paranoid.
Also nothing stopping you from hedging with gold and/or bonds.
7% of 200 million is 14 million
14 million per year for 40 years is 560 million
You do know that returns rates are based per year, don't you colgate?
I was going forward on the invalid assumptions OP's argument is based off of.
If he put those 200 million dollars and bought gold instead since gold was cheap in the 90s, he would have done better than the Index.
But here's the thing, Trump trusted actual buildings more than the Index.
>unskilled labor
the skilled people are in suits.
>would literally be twice as rich if he had just put his small inheritance of 200 million dollars into an index fund and didnt touch it
but that doesn't get you as much pussy as being the owner of 50 hotels
except for, you know, becoming POTUS
Of course a libtard would just shuffle the money away and let it accrue, they're lazy as fuck and have no motivation to succeed or desire to help their own economy thrive. To them, sitting on their asses is better than taking chances and participating in the market, even to the point of creating over 60k jobs.
HAHAHAHAHA, American education really is this shit.
Real answer is 200 * (1.07^40) = 2995 million
>investing in an index fund is keeping your money out of the economy
I thought only braindead liberal tards believed this.
This is some decent bait by purposely omitting compound interest. Are you a leaf visiting the US?
>Trump trusted actual buildings more than the Index.
And gold colored buildings more than actual gold.
people want to be hedged during a correction because they lose less money, or sometimes even gain money while others lose a lot
the most basic effort unravels yet another weak attack.
What are some redpilled portfolio diversification strategies?
60% stocks(more if you're young)
>US stocks: 40%
>[insert home country here]: 25%
>Euro/Japan/Australia: 25%
>emerging market: 10%
>corporate bonds
>municipal bonds
>government bonds
please respond