2 days remain

Just a reminder that Trump is officially the president in 2 days after the electoral votes are in. Get your salt buckets ready!

only white virgins who were bullied by minorities at school and inbred rednecks voted for Trump

t. ctr

if u say so

he will officially be the President-Elect, not the President. he's only the President on january 20th, numbnuts.


You can't even get laid by either of them since you're still a virgin at 27.

nice try cuckboy


Animals aren't homosexual? lol try again you lazy entitled cuckservative who's mad that all the jobs are in urban areas while the rural hicks are too lazy to move for jobs.

I've read your comment and you are the biggest chicken-shit loser I've ever seen on Sup Forums you make Canada look masculine. fight me irl, you little bitch, I'll even pay for your flight first class so you can get a taste of the good life before I fuck you up. You're just some loser commie tranny who makes shit up online. GTFO you've pissed someone off and deserve what's coming to you, you little cuck.

Send me your info and I'll arrange every thing. PM it if you'ree afreaid to show the world who you are. I'm not afraid of shit, let alone some little bitch like you, you probably cry when girls say mean things about you. I live in New York City so maybe you can even just get a train or something, don't worry I'll still pay for it because I know your broke Commie Tranny ass can't afford shit.

My cell is (212) 673-3000 and my address is :
721 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10022 United States

I live in the Penthouse, I even have my own floor. I'm moving soon so put up or shut up. This is personnel, kiddo.

You won't even reply I bet, just like a good goy.

ok you posted the same 3 replies to me

try harder cuckservative

>handicapped is a gender

u wot

Shit I need to buy popcorn

43 , have 4 girls on the go all in their 20's
>23 year old stays with me Monday Tuesday and Wednesday
>26 year old (bisexual) for drinking and getting high with Fridays and Saturdays
>28 year old best friend, we bang when ever because its fun
>24 year old stepsister, rent her my extra bedroom, been having regular sex since she moved in last year.
But thanks for caring. LOL

Dancing around like a faggot is completely natural

In rich areas, handicapped people get their own restrooms instead of their own stalls.

>43 , have 4 girls on the go all in their 20's
>being 43 and posting on Sup Forums, home of the super virgins
>and bragging about fucking your step-sister, keeping the white inbreeding belief alive lol

>Dancing around like a faggot is completely natural
Can you outdance a homosexual? No? Then you're jealous and can't get laid lol! WOO GAY PRIDE

>a leaf
>fucking his sister

wew lad

2 cents have been deposited into your account by the CorrectTheRecord company

Do you know anything about genetics?

be quiet you filthy bogan

your people descended from criminals, you have no right to speak about american politics at all

well I'm not a filthy drunken wife beating potato eating Catholic wop so I'm not familiar with inbreeding as you are m8

Hahahahahhaah LOSER

I'm a loser because I outed you as a white virgin who was bullied by minorities at school or an inbred redneck?

lol ok

