Why are men waiting longer to grow up and start a family?


White men are no longer respected like they once were. Why should they do anything? Go fuck yourself

we need to wait for women to Finnish riding the cock carousel.
we are willing at 18. dont come at 28 and be surprised not much is left

My pussy dried up immediately upon seeng that picture and I'm a man

Fucking pubebeard

dude im 28. and theres plenty of women. if you live in a shitty small ass town. then sure.

Because it's economic suicide

okay. i'm game. what is marrying someone going to get me?

> I'lll still have to cook and clean
> woman will fill kid's minds with liberal garbage
> take a more than 50% pay cut
> act like a man and goodbye my house

not even meming. why on god's green earth would I do that?

more like population control. Only Alpha chad with six figures is allowed to raise a familly

Because all you hear about nowadays is how some dudes wife cheated on him, then they divorced and she got all his shit and took the kids.

I mean look at these faggots. They would not know what pussy was if it fell on their face

>Angry Joe

Every relationship I've been in thus far has been more headaches than orgasms.


Lucky you, you get to have your pick of the trash heap.

>if you live in a shitty small ass town

You live in fucking Canada.

because of the high divorce rate. and the cost of having children. and poligamy



that implies men plan to grow up and start a family instead of living their life without any long term plans

Well, I'd like to have income and a place of living before I actually get married and have kids. Seeing that that is now at minimum 25 (with school, getting a job and a proper sized place), it's no wonder it takes longer for men to start a family. That being said, a family is started by a woman and a man, not just the man, so it's not the fault of men specifically.

yeah let me have a kid when i can have fun on my own/with a wife for my lifespan lmao

Yea you come from an unbroken line of men who overcame sabretooth tigres, tribal wars, plagues,. famines, natural disasters, world wars, slavery, thralldom, genocide for 200 thousand years and still managed to reproduce.

And you can't because shlomo showed you some rapid moving pixels on a telescreen

Everything in this picture reeks of not growing up. The memorabilia, the amount of boardgames, the light saber, the way they dress.

So did mine, though I'm not a man.

You need a family to have a double income. You need a double income to even be able to buy a house. You need a house to start a family.

>Wanting to have anything to do with women in this day and age

No thanks, I'm not running the risk of being branded a rapist because some chick decides to lie and turn on the water works, or getting stuck with a kid and having no say in that decision at all.

I'd quite happily have my dick cut off if I didn't enjoy porn so much.

This. It's truly a shame that illegal immigrants and blacks are propped up by the gov and can have five kids by the time they are 30, yet good citizens can't afford to have even one kid without risking everything, unless they are making susbtantial amount of money

It's amazing fail of women when you have so many reviews on Rogue One and not a single honest love song made. The only real love songs being produced these days are by Jew guided boy bands who don't even write songs themselves.

>implying everyone ever got to reproduce

>waiting longer
I admire your optimism.

Because men have close to no rights over their own family. It's a life ending investment for most.


two main problems
>relationships with men / women

Hass less to do with Schlomo, than the fact that I won't marry a non-virgin.

200 thousand years of ancestors can go fuck themselves, I'm not compromising.

Not enough money. If we had a better economy white people would have more kids.
Min wage hasn't adjusted for inflation, and people have been jewed into thinking they must move out right at 18 just to get an apartment and pay off some kikes mortgage through rent. Raise the min wage to a living wage and convince people to stop moving out before they are ready to move into a house and whites will start having a lot more kids.

The current generation of men were brought up by fathers growing up around 1955-1970... which are mostly leftist retards thinking low-investment parenting will be just as good as long as the government takes care of the kids to some degree. What is the result? Men who were never tought to be men. What the result is are emascualted man-children who age but are stuck at 14-16yo in their mind, they never grew up. And to what leads the resulting low self-esteem? Fear and anxiety of the future.

The fear of having children terrifies them so much that they only consider getting a kid when they are completely financially safe, i.e. have a degree, good income and paid of student loans (in case for the US).... and by the time that happens they are 30-35. And even then, only some of them manage to have grown up by themselves and achieved mental autonomy. Of course, they are not conciously aware of this, otherwise you wouldn't need therapists to fix these deranged individuals because they would look for the answer themselves.

A guy i know who is married was convinced to buy a big big big house, he has adopted three children and had one of his own with her, he works, she stays home and looks after the kids and she doesnt even cook dinner for him because shes shit at cooking.

Western women mate, why would you want to finish work and go home to someone who is lazy and doesnt even cook?

because no money, see you same time tomorrow

Bad economy, inflated housing market, hook up culture, courting women is now considered to be sexual harassment, etc

Even then, when they have all that, they sometimes don't want one.

The last two men I dated were 34 and 30, I dropped both because they "didn't want children" once I pressed the issue, even though I'd be "a perfect mother". They are unable to fathom why you would devote so much time and resources to a child when you could just as easily spend all that on yourself. It's all about freedom, travelling, being able to spend a lot of money on things like their hobbies and complaining that kids are expensive and demand a lot of attention.

They have no idea how to interact with women anymore

Women - Watch pop culture shit in early life and stop developing early thus leaving this garbage as their primary life style.

Men - Watch fantasy and sports becoming detached from what women are watching and do not understand or realize the expectations placed upon them and thus become afraid and cautious due to the unknown

In short fucking kikes ruined women

White men ruined their self.

its not the kids that are expensive

its the women

because "men" now are women hating losers who play video games instead of learning social skills.

Lmao, those types of white men will never have kids. You guys are living in an autistic bubble.

Well shit, are you hiring?

Described my dad to a T.

My mother is a nurse though and i have to help take care of mr.man child because he has "Onset dementia"

He ate fatty foods most of his life and barley exercised. So one of his arteries in his brain is blocked 3/4 almost by plaque.

Eventually the person i've known growing up will disappear but his body will remain without many personal thoughts left.

The world is an odd and cruel place sometimes.

>their self
their selves

They dont have jobs and they spend all their neet bucks on video games, and anime figurines

A 400 pound hacker two faggots and a Neet, I hope this answers your question.

Isn't joe a hispanic with hot latina gf?

this..house...and livings costs
anywhere decent to live costs us $2M. that is gives you enough space for kids and good neighborhood.....yo then need 200K a year plus for living costs and savings to help kids buy a house.

with two kids you go through $100 without thing about it

Unfortunately that is true. A lot of my friends seem to drive the expenses and want to have holidays, cars, nice clothes, makeup etc.
The problem is that for a while all of that money is available to be spent on trifle things and then when a baby arrives suddenly no more Channel make up palettes anymore.
Meanwhile, don't underestimate what a child costs, mostly daycare is insane here, but also health costs. Recently saw just how expensive a sick kid is when my sisters' latest got seriously ill and she'll be paying bills for a while.

Personally, I feel as if the.quality of women have gone down. Family values just don't seem as important to many of them.

Women don't marry down, men will. Now that women are making more and demanding even more, there are only so many people they're willing to marry or even date.

fuck, me exactly

since the 90s there has been a plan to individualize western children. we encourage you to be special snowflakes, unique, #1...etc.
when this mindset manifests into adulthood, it creates a mind so self centered it loses its primal instinct to reproduce. or share a life with someone else. because fuck that, amiright?
further it with the destruction of the family unit and you, the #1 special individual, have no one to guide you.
couple it with propaganda/ memes because if its 'popular' and on the internet it must be the right path to follow. because your blind ass has no direction.
this leads to the greatest genocide the world will never hear of.
men are not 'getting smarter' because they see how things work. they are a product of a plan to depopulate this god forsaken world. this is the white man's AIDS and its working perfectly.
this place is full enough as it is, only the strong will survive.

ps look at japan, that is the practice ground.

Why should men start a family? Name one benefit other than 'muh white race' bullshit

Children are extremely expensive and having a family is the death of the individual

You can't control your woman not to be a lefty cunt?

Good for you but seek her. Invest your time and energy and find her. Don't give up until you do.


trannies leave.

you are pathetic, us Diaspora will have to carry on our blood because of people like you

the future is dumber and browner because you are such a looser

LOL 33 get too. he is real.

>Women are most likely to cheat on their long-term partner when they are at their most fertile, and they tend to choose genetically superior men for their fling. That's the claim of a study by Czech researchers, which found that the smell of a socially dominant male is most exciting to women in stable relationships, especially on days when they are ovulating.

>A group of 65 women then smelled the pads and rated the sexiness and masculinity of the scent. Women in the middle week of their menstrual cycle, the point at which fertility is at its peak, tended to prefer the smell of the men who scored highest on the dominance quiz. This preference was not shown by women at other points in their cycle.

joe has a hot white Swedish gf


children aren't expensive to raise, people tend to fall into this "professional parenting" psych and want to give their children lavish lives. Spoiled brats have professional parents.

I helped my friend do his taxes last year. His gf spends on average $7,000+ annually on starbucks coffee alone. It could be just an American thing desu, women have these "coffee hangout sessions" regularly before they go to their menial jobs as hotel receptionists.

Amish people live quite happy lives, so to say raising children is expensive just makes me laugh.


>Woman gets Satan Trips

On a srs note
>They are unable to fathom why you would devote so much time and resources to a child when you could just as easily spend all that on yourself.
This is because they lack a role model, i.e. their own father they could look up to. Their own father was just a provider giving low investment parenting. If they would have had a father with whom they made great experiences with, explored the world etc... then they would want to have that too. But the current older male generation (55-80yo) is completely cucked and their kids are mostly useless, except being good work slaves and muh career and freedomz.

>its the women
This is the other side of the coin. Not only the oder male generation fucked up, having many full retard females today also leads to the MGTOW movement. This could all be fixed though if the older males would have tought their daughters right, i.e. family is key. It was the men which fucked up, we gave away the handles on how to raise children to the government and the result are declining birth rates, more broken families and certain increased crime as a result... which leads to more destroyed families (for the ones who decide to have one).

I wonder (((who))) is behind this.

women are born to be lefty cunts. you might as well date your preferred trap waifu.


I can't find a decent woman with which to start a family.

I wish it weren't true.

cuz women are like pic related


wtf no its not lol

lol 180


>professional parenting trap
I didn't know it was called like that but very true.

>7000 on starbucks coffee
This is a result of the shitty "TREAT YO'SELF" mentality. It's literally always used to get women to buy stupid shit. I don't know why people keep falling for this shit, but then I'm on Sup Forums so I don't exactly qualify as normal.

>family is key
most people have been raised by their moms and saw their dad maybe in the weekends.

You described my situation perfectly. It was sad when I realized that most of the men I knew lacked mental autonomy. Nobody taught us that dignity can't be bought or given, it has to be earned, and without dignity you can't be a man.

>check those deviltrips femanon
Welcome to Sup Forums, you must be new here. Here's a few Sup Forumsfacts:
>Sup Forums is not one person
>Sup Forums is a board of peace
>Sup Forums is satire
and lastly,
>tits or gtfo

The world has changed and merey starting a family for the sake of it doesn't fly anymore.

Everything is extremely expensive, high paying jobs are sought after by thousands of applicants, women are extremely volatile to be around an can bring everything crashing down , all your life's work, in a second and the current 'progressive' society full of it's sickness and biblica degeneracy are no environment any sane man would want to force their potential children to grow up in lest they become corrupted by it.

If your actively trying to start a family, desperately so, in today's world you risk settling for all of the above. Better to play your cards right, bide your time and if you find the right circumstances the do it. Otherwise let it go.

19 year old here.

I don't see a point anymore. You oldfags don't realize how terrible our women are. They are entitled, they are whores, and they were taught to look at us as servants. We pay for everything, and if we don't then we're not men. We have to protect them, and if we don't we're not men. We have to put up with them, and if we don't we're not men.

Meanwhile, they don't have to cook. They don't have to clean. They don't have to please us. If we expect any of that from them we're sexist, or pigs, or whatever.

Its not fair and it is not appealing. Maybe when sexbots happen and women realize they are only put up with because of their vaginas, they will start to behave and contribute to relationships instead of just taking and taking. I don't have the stamina to deal with them, especially white women. Which by the way are leagues worse than other girls because of how in demand they are. And they know it, too. That is why they treat men like shit.

eh i dont actually 100% blame them, it's other women that brainwash other women into doing this shit, coffee is addictive.

my parents spoiled the shit out of me growing up and I hated it.

3/4s of my friends parents have divorced.

Literally what is the point.

did she break up with him? Rich

Reason: Fear and loathing.

Tools: Manchilding to avoid responsibility

>Men are waiting longer.

Ask 10 fucking 20-something white women how many of them want kids.

If more than 5 say yes I'm gonna question your sampling technique.

This is the logic of cowards

Fortune favors the brave :^)

Early 20's youngfag here, Pops always told me to wait until I get a stable job before I marry, so I'm just taking his advice. Aiming to find a wife and have kids before I'm 30 so they don't end up retarded and I can see grandchildren, not a lot of qts/non-millenial libshits in New Jersey evidently.

I am a NEET and no woman will breed with me because I lack money.

The entire motivation behind men working at all is the promise of sex, more specifically having a woman sexually exclusive to you, and having children with her.

Without higher education, the only jobs I could get wouldn't pay enough for this. So even if I got a wagecuck job:

>still not enough money to move out of mom's house
>not enough money to afford a wife and children

Therefor I have no motivation to get a wagecuck job, I would rather be homeless before I do.

The only other choices I have; Go to college or trade school.

>Come out with massive debt
>Might not even be able to find a job
>Even if I do, it might be automated out in the next decades

But let's say that I do succeed. I have enough money to afford a house, and I now have the financial status to afford a wife.

>she can cheat me without legal repercussions
>she can then divorce me and very possibly get custody of my children, my house, half my money, and force me to pay child support until they're 18

My only motivation in life to work in a soulless neo-capitalist society like this is if it will lead to me finally getting sex and being able to have children. I've been a NEET for several years because it gives me nothing but bad choices and gambles.

I can't even explain to you how much it sucks. I have the perfect girl, but saving up in any way has been impossible. I want a kid badly, 30 and it just seems extremely unfair that I can't have what my parents did...

I thought I'd tell you guys what a normal life is like

>Childhood is great
>Loved Christmas
>Build snowman and things like that
>Summer vacation was camping
>Autumn vacation was traveling to foreign countries
>When I was 10 I kissed a girl at school
>Didn't get laid for a long time
>But me and one of my really cool friends experimented a little, just us boys.
>Get gf at 17
>Had a relationship until I was 19
>Had a single period where I just slept with a lot of girls from there on to now
>Tried different drugs from cannabis to DMT
>I have a circle of five friends
>I have a job I like

My main goal in life now is to get a family and settle down, so I can experience my childhood innoscence again by giving my children a safe and wonderfull upbringing. I am ready to be a dad.

>Pic related, if you didn't do this, your entire life is forfeit.

YOUR fortune favours your disenfranchised spouse.

both are cute, I can see frame 1 waking up next to me and telling me she loves me and what I'd like for breakfast.

this bitch isnt worth it. id rather stick to porn

Why start a family? Are we taking for granted that, at the individual level, a family is a good thing? If so, what's the logic behind that? I can understand the argument for families at a societal level, but not at the individual level. Smart, wealthy, and otherwise well-off folks can start families.

post tits

Fuck off mate - anywhere decent to live is going to cost $2m and $200k year. Maybe if you live on the North Shore in Sydney's best school districts, but you can live a decen life in Sydney off $$80k/yr with a $500k mortgage.

The one on the right isn't cute, she looks like a generic dumb bitch,

The one on the left is infinitely more attractive.

This user is right

>Hass less to do with Schlomo, than the fact that I won't marry a non-virgin.

Don't dress it up in pathetic, fundamentalist Christian bs with fake science backing. You are simply refusing to play the game on anything but the easiest level. You think a virgin will be easier for you to manipulate, because from the very beginning you are looking at relationships as a question of dominance.

This is why the only virgin you'll likely find will be in the mirror.


>if you didn't do this, your entire life is forfeit.

that way

Nigga u gay