I've taken several 200 and 300 level courses in gender studies and intersectionality so please ask me any questions you...

I've taken several 200 and 300 level courses in gender studies and intersectionality so please ask me any questions you have, I'm sure I'll be able to answer them

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If that image is true then why are they constantly trying for > even though they've had = for years

what is the position of feminism on economic abortion?

>the wage gap (which can be empirically proven yo exist)
Can I can empirically prove thigh gaps exist but it doesn't mean you have one.

>politicians are trying to give life sentences to women who have abortions, while policeMEN who commit actual murder get suspended with pay

cheked and kek'd

>I've taken several 200 and 300 level courses in gender studies and intersectionality
why the fuck do you willingly throw away your life like this?
All this shit will teach you is how to overanalyze the fuck out of everything instead of getting a good job later on in life.

Plant that grows on branches

Why does feminism constantly state the wage gap as if it holds any importance?

The wage gap represents the difference between gross earning of both sexes, disregarding career choices, taken leave or overtime, and whether or not they work full or part time.

It is illegal to pay a man more than a woman at any job. Do you mean to tell me that if I and a woman both applied at McDonalds and worked a 40 hour week, our paychecks will be different at the end? Because that's flat out false.

The truth of the matter is that woman are less aggressive in the workforce and routinely take lower paying jobs and less overtime as a whole. Many women also choose to be stay at home moms and leave the workforce completely.

What is economic abortion? My stance on abortion is that it is the woman's choice, and us men should not make decisions on things that don't affect us. Her body = her choice


If that picture is accurate then why call it feminism instead of egalitarianism?

But why do women feel they need to be less aggressive? Why do they feel the need to stay at home and raise children? Because they live in a society that strictly enforces binary gender identity

I disagree.

Close your legs or use protection. Don't get an abortion because you were a filthy slut. The only exceptions should be pregnancies through rape or if the woman can't survive pregnancy.


I do not believe striving for equality is 'wasting my life'

Because they're biologically hard-wired to think that way due to millions of years of evolution lmao


>college class

wtf dude
you got up to your neck in loan for shit like this?

So if you lived in poverty, had no husband and no job prospects, and you were pregnant, you would choose to screw both yourself and your baby over and not get an abortion?

Economic abortion is the position that since a woman chooses to have a child, a man should be able to choose whether to be financially responsible for that child.

an economic abortion is if you get a girl pregnant, that you can at an early stage of pregnancy, when abortions are still legal (so it changes from country to country...) pay the girl the amount it costs for an abortion and say "i am commiting economic abortion. use this money to have an abortion, or not, your choice, but don't come back for more money".

the entire idea assumes abortion is legal in the country.

Refute this.

>pro tip: you can't

Women are less aggressive by nature. This is a biological fact.

This is the same reason the majority of women couldn't be forced into a STEM field even if it were handed to them.

>and you were pregnant

No, because we live in a male dominated patriarchal society. Genes are much less significant a determinant of intelligence and personality than you think

Congratulations then. You have achieved equality (quite a while ago actually). what is your next project?

If you were in poverty why did you get pregnant? That's gross negligence on your part and you deserve the burden. Put the child up for adoption if you can't afford to take care of it.

he said, close your legs or use protection

Are you seriously telling me again that you should be in control of womens' bodies? HER BODY HER CHOICE

This guy knows what's up. Although the top is a feminism delusion too.

Look here ---->

>Genes are much less significant a determinant of intelligence and personality than you think
That's literally not true. Stay out of genetics you soft science cuck.

>screw the baby over
>by not murdering it

You people can say some truly fucked up shit sometimes.

>Genes are much less significant a determinant of intelligence and personality than you think

and the choice is simple.
close your legs, use protection or get pregnant.
why is murder a choice?

Alright, awesome, name one way in which men and women aren't equal in the west and I'll join your movement.


I took the liberty to fix that for you OP. You can thank me later.

>wage gap (which can be empirically proven yo exist)

It literally doesn't exist. Maddox is a SJW cuckold and even he does a great job of blowing apart the myth.


WOW how in the hell did that person still get pregnant!??
I guess it happened through magic.
A women can't control her sexual urges apparently.
A man MUST apparently control his sexual urges, because no stronk womyn would ever dare to suppress her sexuality, it would equate OPPRESSION.

>women should have recourse to murder because of a situation they created

Look I agree that women are overgrown children who can't be trusted to correctly employ any of the myriad of options they have to prevent pregnancy, but we disagree on the idea that they should be allowed to commit murder because they can't stop fucking up.

>I've taken several 200 and 300 level courses in gender studies and intersectionality
Why would you do that to yourself?

I'm an anarcha-feminist and I think financial abortion should totally be a thing.

>Men have to sign up for selective service at 17 so they don't get charged with a felony and have prison time or a huge fine or both. Women don't.

Front line combat positions. Women are just as able as men to fight in combat but our sexist patriarchy disagrees

Have you argued for this in any type of formal setting where other feminists were present?

because I want to live in a world defined by equality and social justice

The first one is feminism
The second one is egalitarianism

>Women are just as able as men to fight in combat

>Never signed up for anything like that
>Am now 24
am i gunna go to jail



>implying a world defined by social justice is good

Why can't women be philosophers? If you disagree, name one good female philosopher.

Are you guys really so insecure that you're going to comment on my video? That is an educational video that shouldn't be marred by your insensitivity, please keep the discussion in this thread

We are not talking about having control over other people, we are talking about not being so dumb that you put yourself into danger by getting pregnant.
Don't be fucking dense.
It's easy to not to get pregnant, or to make anyone pregnant.

You can and you are also not eligible for federal aid or loans, federal job training, federal jobs, citizenship (if you are trying to become a citizen). You have til 26 to register after which you can no longer register and those penalties become permanent. If you even try for any of those benefits they will find out you didn't register for selective service and you can be charged. Good luck there.

Are you registered to vote?

I used to try to debate feminists but once you do it often, you realize that their heads are so far up their own asses that they can't even grasp the concept of their liberal propaganda outlets are wrong.

>What!! You are saying men and women are both psychologically and physically different and therefor naturally choose different jobs as an effect?!?!?!?! SEXIST!

> You dont believe all women are being raped and beaten to a living pulp every day?! Well you clearly must be some sort of MRA

>continues to forget that rape statistics and wage study were fabricated and misleading but claims that their movement is legenimate.


So as long as I'm not a welfare queen I'm fine?

Again women don't have to do any of this and are not banned from those benefits because of not registering. Again not equal.

they live in a bubble, what do you expect?

To not get anyone pregnant.

afraid you might lose control of the (((narrative))), you fucking pinko?

just be like the rest of your crew and disable comments and ratings, it'll totally not make you look like you're afraid of defending your positions with reason and evidence.

They aren't. We didn't divide sports into two sexes because we wanted to keep women down.

Woman can't compete with men physically. And before you pull some bullshit like
>A gun doesn't take strength!

If war were standing still with no load firing at the enemy you might have had a point. But it isn't.

>Front line combat positions.
Women can join the military and fight at the front lines, where exactly is the inequality.
>Women are just as able as men to fight in combat
Biologically untrue, but it doesn't matter since women can join the army just as men (and in some cases with lowered standards).
>but our sexist patriarchy disagrees
pic related

I know this isn't an argument, just a personal opinion - but if the most pressing matter you could come up with was "women can't serve the state to die in overseas wars" seems like there's no need for feminism.

But how can you say with absolute certainty that those occupational preferences do not arise from the patriarchy in which we all live? Society influences you, and a sexist society influences you in a sexist way

I totally agree. That should be changed.


It has nothing to do with welfare. That is a state based benefit not federal.


Selective service is not tied to voting. You can be a registered voter and not registered for selective service.

Well shit.
I guess I should just suck it up and go register.

Man that pisses me the fuck off. I saw ONE thing about it when I was graduating highschool and nothing ever since. Fucking accidentally ruin my life over some stupid mandatory volunteering.

Fucking this.

Feminism is inherently flawed in its basic concept.

>feminism strives to make women equal to men
>this states that women are therefore less than men, by feminisms own admission
>because of this feminists will always see themselves as inferior to men despite their stated goal of trying to make themselves equal
>this, coupled with the fact that there is no set point at which feminists say they will be equal to only goes to perpetuate their stated belief that they are inferior

The biggest hindrance to feminism is feminism itself. In every way that one can measure the concept of equality in a society, women have it, yet they choose to place themselves at a perceived disadvantage in order to both fuel their victim mentalities and garner special treatment from society at large.

It's pure bullshit.

That's incorrect. Feminism is usually the top one, since it's in most cases a form of Marxism-Leninism focused on gender divide rather than class divide.

Goal is the same, equality of outcome. Gynocentrism goes hand in hand with it, but is not an ideological part of it.

Watch this please. If you can't the TLDR is even if you push women to the maximum in one direction and try your hardest to insert them in male dominated fields as soon as you stop forcing them into those fields things go back to normal.
Norway is the country with the most gender equality in the world and distribution of women in male dominated areas or men in female areas is still the same as the rest of the world.

Egalitarianism is equality of outcome. It can be equated to feminism and other forms of Marxism-Leninism.

oh just as a cherry on top

the person who instituted a female military ban was hillary clinton's husband in 1994, that ban has since been lifted in 2012

>Egalitarianism is equality of outcome
You could at least try before you're completely wrong.

n. The political doctrine that holds that all people in a society should have equal rights from birth.

What flabbergasts me is that these people simultaneously argue
Minor cultural influences shift a person's perspectives, wants and outlooks to such an extent it seems an inherited from gender.

But then if you ask them about immigration they will insist a man born and raised in a culture that treats women like property and is certain of the inferiority of females if given a few months will change his perspective and assimilate perfectly.

I honestly can not comprehend the minds of these people

The pregnancy in this scenario is a direct result of the actions and agency of the women.

Don't like it? Too bad.

Choices you made throughout your life, as far back as childhood, all have effects lasting months, years, even decades into the future.

Despite that length of time, we do not simply erase the existence of our past choices simply because the fruit is sour.

I don't see why pregnancy through that same agency should be treated differently.

It was her body and she had the choice. She made that choice. Now she lives with the consequences.

You got your wish.

Because you give no reasoning to assume that they do come from"patrarchal influences"

Any debate about culture you can claim anything you want being as unrealistic as possible and no one can definitively tell you you're wrong. But this is what feminists do and they think they are fucking geniuses.

No one gives a fuck if you go to stem. The only reason why there is a stereo type of men only in Stem IS BECAUSE WOMEN, on average, DONT FUCKING CARE ABOUT MATH OR PHYSICAL SCIENCE. no one cares if you sleep around with 100 guys(although be prepared that no man will think you are a good partner)

And btw, equal rights means having equal say on any given topic. So when it comes to the government saying "no you cannot abort a baby" women also voted on that issue just as any right by any man to have an opinion that does not conform to you feminist dictatorship of false equality.

Feminism is about women acheiving, at least, the same rights as men. If they manage to get more rights then men deserve it anyway because the past n shit.

Are you seriously telling me again that you should be in control of slavemaster's slaves? HIS SLAVES HIS CHOICE.

fuck off abolitionist shitlord

Obviously that is a false equivalency you bigot

>can you definitively say that there isn't a patriarchy influencing women

Can you definitively say that a baby's life isn't or is its own life in the womb?

Can you not perform mental gymnastics to cry for equality but scream at men and women who disagree with your position on abortion?

Here is the issue, you want equal outcomes, that means equality for you. For thousands of years the division of labor between the sexes worked and was needed. It is going to take time for outcomes to even out if that is what is best for society. You want to artificially accelerate that process, but in doing so you will only cause a backlash. So what do you propose?

Your video is unwatchable. Good thing you're taking a scam major that won't fail you as long as you're giving the University money.

What is an egalitarian?
a person who advocates or supports the principle of equality for all people.

Do you even know what the word "right" means? It means things like healthcare, voting, education, welfare, etc. Gotta love the right to equal opportunity and the right to equal financial status.
So maybe you should refrain from calling me wrong just because I don't support your leftist ideology. I know exactly what you're advocating for and I don't support it and I will never support it.


Claims without evidence can be dismissed without evidence. Abolitionist shitlord. Obviously =/= argument.

I'm just wondering, what job do you hope to get majoring in gender studies? I know said you "strive for equality" but you can do that without a useless degree. Everyone needs money to support themselves, and if you aren't going to college for a job, you're just wasting your time and your parent's money.

I mean look at what these classes are making you do. You're playing with planks for a fucking project. How do you think this would look on a resume? I hope to christ you change your major and realize Gender Studies classes are fucking useless, and you realize being a man and supporting feminism is fucking pathetic.

Is this for normal or special school?

Fucking beautiful point.

I think you're a lukewarm faggot troll, but I want you to try responding to the aussie's point.

It's required for him to get Swedish citizenship.

Hahah I can't take it anymore, this isn't my video retards, you're all just newfags who took some obvious bait. I'm also disappointed in the lack of comments on the video, that's really the only reason I made this post

You can get Draft Registration cards at the Post Office.

Lukewarm? Come on mang I though I did a little better than that

What is the point of bait threads? Either I'm too autistic to understand them, or you're to autistic for me to understand you for doing them.

OP, keep your fucking cancerous idpol to yourself

identity politics is the cancer in america. Feminism, nazism, leftism, progessivism, its all cancer.

your idpol is cancer, OP