>Miss """France""" 2017
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Shit i was about to make the same thread with the same image
Just cuck my shit up senpai
I could park my RR Phantom on that forehead, and my RR Phantom is a big arse car. That's right I work in the city, city of London.
Don't worry about anything lads. Me and the 1% have a plan.
Good job France. Are you frogs even considered white anymore?
She won against her
Shit I threw my baguette on the tv
((( You ))) or just you ?
i've been to paris. most of your nigger are much darker than this. also its like 80%niggers there. the rest are arab or chinese tourist bus.
Is she mixed:
lol fucking niggers.
>Literally niggers vs Shitskin arab
Nukes are the only answear
What the utter fuck.How did that thing lose.
It's so obvious the little mexican is hotter
I fucking left the TV room
Guyane was the ugliest one, they gotta be kidding us
Looks about as french as the average german looks german nowadays. Oh wait.
She has italian blood
France is literally dead ...
Just nuke us pls
o shid
who is this semen demon?
(((Miss France)))
>What did they mean by this ?
>tanned white with shitty hair
b-black power
Oh joy, now niggers can brag about how WE WERE MODELZ AN SHIET when in fact this bitch just looks like a dark skinned white girl
>Miss "France"
ya, sure
I love black women.
It's normal to love your own kind.
Miss Alsace was fucking perfect
it was rigged i swear REEEEEEEEE
Frenchbros we need to do something. We cannot let ((( them ))) destroy us and our beautiful white country
she's not even hot enough to suck the judges dicks into victory
I wouldn't tell my m8s if I shagged that slag
where did all the faggots come from? This bitch is right!
Sorry, I must be missing something. I can't find a single thing on her face that is attractive.
Miss Ile de France (Paris) :
Meggy Pyaneeandee
>pic related
top 12
None of that. I mean us, not ((us)). If the plan could filter through the ranks it would be splendid.
If you're posting here you probably know what to do, and you're probably doing to some extent.
Put on your suit, or your thinking cap, and get to making some money, capitalism and coordination is what we do, and when we play we fucking well win.
this year's gonna end our streak isnt it ameribros..
also i refuse to believe this is the first time a darkie has won miss france
seems like the jury liked Scrubs a lot
the winner looks better than that creature
The reasoning in the picture is so bad hahahahahaha
The rat's not a horse, but he is a resident of the stable. Just like Ahmed is a resident of Sweden
>Shitty negroe hair
>Shitty skin
>WTF is this chin
>Ugly dark eyes
>Ugly face
What happened ?
Every fucking time
just one more nail in the coffin senpai
what streak? An italian jew, a ukrainian jew, a sandniggress, and an ugly slag? Yeah I hope the streak ends and we finally get someone good
fucking leaf
but french come from francs wich are a german tribe aren't they?
Honestly, I don't find any of these beauty pagaent women particularly interesting. They're all like 7-8's at best. If I go to the mall right now, and just walk around for 30 minutes, I will easily find at least 10 women that are worthy of being Ms. World. What makes them even higher caliber, is that they don't have the audacity to enter retarded beauty pageants as a career choice.
that alsatian monster had ugly abs
Dam she is friken hot.
Nothing special there is more prety black girls.
The forhead is made for head butting people
The white of her eyes is kind of attractive. Probably photoshopped though.
I didn't follow this stupid show, is she from overseas territory?
I remember a time we had a good looking blue eyes blond girl and the jew voted for someone else, stopped caring after that.
Just cuck my country up
well obviously, the beautiful ones become models, those beauty pageant only shows the beta women who couldn't make it into modelling
Of course a 3d-woman is going to look better than a 2-d still image on your computer. Models really are godlike beauties in real life.
French people are historically a mix of Celtic Gauls and the Germanic Franks.
But it's 2016, so that no longer applies.
Is it me or are all the "Miss Frances" ugly as fuck?
Then again I never find women who participate in these events attractive for some reason.
>I remember a time we had a good looking blue eyes blond girl and the jew voted for someone else, stopped caring after that.
Any competition that is judged by opinion and not math (ie: food cookoffs vs. running track) is for entertainment purposes only and the results are absolutely, 100% meaningless. Like calling a psychic hotline, or asking a woman's opinion.
We dont even have racial statistics
but hey at least we didnt a "mister France" in our Elysee during 8 years .
yeah we didnt
There was the machine that gave scores of attractiveness based on facial symmetry, various ratios etc. That one gave niggers very bad scores. Niggers were objectively ranked as ugly, so obivously the machine was a racist.
Reality Pill: No slayer is racist.
Picture any of THESE guys spending time online whining about minorities fucking "our" white women. Lmfao.
Reality Pill: No cool, chill, low cortisol slayer is going to spend a single minute talking about races. If you know any of the nerdy race-talk buzzwords such as "haplogroup", your incel ass belongs on uncool aspie populated forums, specifically, one ass cheek on Sup Forums and the other on stormfront.
Meanwhile, legitimate slayers are soaking sun with friends of all races not having a damn problem on their mind.
Racism comes from incel nerds who stay in on the internet all day or from lower class subhumans that either can't get laid or have to settle for uglies. Slayers and handsome men in general have a very positive outlook on life and don't hate other races as a result of it. Most slayers could care less about politics, they are too busy living the life.
We are approximately 70% white.
Still 10% higher than you.
she is hot
I like black girls
Of course you do, Mohammed.
Actually the average German looks far more German historically than the average French looks French historically.
I am german
just 10 years ago i remember french celebs like Alizee was considered the hottest/cutest among europe...
oh well what should i say...were just a few years behind now
This guy does.
Where have all the french hotties gone? Post em.
I didn't say you did not had the German citizenship.
I said your name was Mohammed.
I literally fapped to this video yesterday, it was some UCSB college party I stumbled on through suggested videos... that's fucking weird
Yeah but no, the owner of the Miss France show (Geneviève de Fontenay) was literally calling for more colored people instead of white women. So it seems no only the "racists" care about other races.
She it's very beautiful but i aggree, she doesn't looks french.
She is from a cologne of France.
>my comment in facebook give me a lot of lulz.
flashnews Hans you are already fucked beyond relief
your situation is worse ,believe me ,come back in 3 months and we will talk again.
Apparently what you consider alpha genetics doesn't include the capacity for long term thinking.
Shitskins ruin everything they touch, Letting them and filthy halfbreeds make a garbage pile out of your home town isn't good for when you settle down.
Actually multiculturalism wouldn't say a middle eastern or central asian is Swedish. Multiculturalism is the opposite of one nation/one culture concept that people like FN in France try to push (and to what France has to a smaller extent). Multiculturalism would have different people living in their own cultures and communities. Negative aspects of that can be argued but it is not a setting where someone of foreign descent will claim to be Swedish in Sweden.
In France, under FN ideology, someone from North African descent, must claim to be French, adopt French culture fully (whatever that means), etc... Multiculturalism is actually more compatible with race reality than the one culture FN mentality as the latter assumes that people of different races can become Swedish, French, German (ethnicities that are tied to race).
Now of course, the most compatible ideology for race is simply one race one nation, and that's it. Culture has nothing to do with it.
Fucking hell ....
>adopt French culture fully (whatever that means)
A fucking leaf
No they're not worse, but they're not far because of the turks diaspora + the huge amount of refugees they take. I say they're 5-10 years behind.
>having lots of sex makes you a better person
absolutely average
She looks like she got hit by a truck
But brown so she wins!
>She looks like she got hit by a truck
She is not from Nice.
source me nigga
decent strawman
>roided out retards
I wasn't insulting France culture, I wasn't going to include the many different point of views of what French culture is in less than 1400 character post.
>incel nerds
There are tens of millions of these in Europe nowadays. They are getting angrier every day. You might not want to gloat and be so condescending when they finally snap. Your muscles / used up cunt won't protect you very much when you're getting shot.
>women are more than their looks
>winning a beauty pageant is a win for feminism
fucking lol
Can they fuck off with this multicultural fucking gayness. I used to REEEEE... there is nothing left.