Why are liberals always so fucking condescending Sup Forums?
Why are liberals always so fucking condescending Sup Forums?
Projection of self-loathing.
They're condescending to you because you're retarded.
t. Mexican Intellectual
They have no arguments, so they try to make you feel you're wrong.
Literally all they have are feelings.
>Mexican Intellectual
Fucking Topkek
Raging inferiority complexes
good one m8. please provide us with philosophical musings on salsa temp ratings.
Probably because you'd have to be pretty stupid to not be a liberal
Coincidentally, they think all facts and logic are on their side, and conservatives argue with religion and emotion.
I forgot which hack talk show said it but it was something like, "Reality has a liberal bias." They really believe that, and it shows. So they treat non-liberals like children
Because they have no valid arguments that can stand up to scrutiny nor any balls to stand up with. So they use "techniques" instead, such as this one.
Moral relativists can't make solid arguments that hold true to objectivity because they're just trendy people who want to rebel. Condescension is their tool because it creates the illusion that they're correct all of the time.
I think some people mistake politeness, and explaining concepts when they are first used for condescension.
In reality liberals are the ones who appeal to emotion and ignore facts
I honestly think they're compensating for something.
like this
Same reason us Dutch are: because we're better then you.
You mean how everyone in this threads projects condescension onto liberals. Liberals are actually really good people and you guys are just insecure, self-loathing, fags.
>I forgot which hack talk show said it but it was something like, "Reality has a liberal bias."
It was the Colbert Report.
They have to be because they know they're policies suck and require the constitution to be shredded. They must assume the moral his ground so they can throw around their awful ideas that only reward failure and degeneration to make your feel inferior. They are the real problem in America. If I could hit just one button to make all the progressive communists disappear I would in a second. Granted it would wipe out a fair portion of my family but they're all losers and for the good of the nation it needs to be done.
Moral relativism isn't a viewpoint anyone actually holds; it's a standardized viewpoint used in discussions to remove personal bias from decisions.
The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.
City people all voted for Hillary.
Can you teach me how to flay the face off a living man? That seems to be the only thing you people are good at.
>liberal under 30 no heart
>liberal over 30 no brain
Pick one
You don't actually believe this, do you?
Both sides are guilty of it, really.
But lately the left has been more guilty of it than the right with this gender and race bullshit
>"Reality has a liberal bias." They really believe that, and it shows.
One of their comedy 'news' shows. John Oliver, maybe?
Anyway, what they fail to notice is that when context doesn't have a conservative bias, it's flat-out reactionary.
a false sense of justice
feel so much guilt they project it to others
don't question the regurgitated education they receive
they are on a jihad with what they believe and if you disagree then its war
think they are better than anyone with an opposing ((wrong)) view
Look at the all shitty threads with zero replies in the catalog.
Why do Liberals hate Sup Forums so much?
>Moral relativism isn't a viewpoint anyone actually holds
Well. That's... Impressively wrong.
It's actually the basis for the social logic of the left. So they all believe it, at least until it comes time to blame Russia.
>Why are liberals always so fucking condescending Sup Forums?
Sigh, if you can't understand it then its hopeless to try and explain it to you.
I get so tired of people asking me to justify my opinions it really shows how ignorant they are that they need me to explain why they're wrong.
>Liberals are actually really good
Yeah, not even close. Some liberals are of course not bad people but in general conservatives are far more generous and courjal.
If you are willing to abdicate your personal responsibilities to a gang of pedophile psychopathic elites you are a deeply broken person. Just because most people are logically retarded doesn't mean objective truth doesn't exist. It is there and as long as you don't accept it you are on the side of evil beyond the most horrifying, gruesome, nightmare that you could ever come to begin to manifest.
>gang of pedophile psychopathic elites
Funny how it's only Republicans who have ever gotten arrested for pedophilia
Equating sound arguments against Muslim migration with "THAT'S RACIST," equating disapproval of same-sex marriage as "HOMO/TRANS/WHATEVER-PHOBIC," basically resorting to any type of name-calling that completely ignores sound, deductive arguments they don't agree with.
No I just said it to get a reply from you. My plan worked perfectly
Oh really?
Many (most) liberals are spawned from universities where liberal professors indoctrinate them.
These professors are the origin of the condescension the left generally exudes. It is because the profs. spend years in a uni and feel quite superior until they see an investor or a businessman make ten times their earnings in a tenth of the time. This makes them very asspained so they cling to their "I'm an intellectual" personna like DiCaprio clung to the board in Titanic, only to slip into the icy waters of "nobody gives a shit" So they smear their student's minds with the shit of their own failing and regret, who in turn grow up to be just as smug and shitty as their professors.
That, is why liberals are so condescending.
>doesn't mean objective truth doesn't exist
Holy shit you're wrong