If you aren't blue, you have been cucked by the Jew


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Why is South Korea red?

Why do gooks dissect their tiddly winks but japs dont?
I dont understand.

Too bad your parents fell for Dr Shekelstein's advice.

20-80% is a lot of wiggle room

>at least every 5th male is mutilated.

Sry mate but you have been cucked

>No Data
Makes me wonder if the pope is cut.

>no source

off with you



what do you think?

You don't understand

My dad WAS the doctor

I still have my foreskin, idgaf about the rest of my country.

Woah ,lad.

My country is grey but I can give you the data - fucking no one is circumcised because it's a horrible and retarded thing to do

I just remember having this convo with my parents and I learned that both are fucking retarded sheep people despite what they like to pretend.

My parents excuse was "Dad wanted you guys to be like him."

Fuck you dad. Seriously, go fucking die of cancer you shit head. I had nightmares about my circumcision for years after. Its pretty much ruined my life.

I tell my mother I hate her every month or so. I haven't been able to have an orgasm with a woman. I can cum, but I never shoot halfway across the room like I used to. I honestly usually have no sensitivity.

gooks are christian now

>tfw based Dad wouldn't let my Mom get me cut.

>all those muslim countries
> >80%




Wtf are leafs really the subservient to their burger neighbors?

I'm sorry lad.

My dad was the one who insisted that I don't get circumcised albeit being a Jew himself (mom mom's Christian). But he unfortunately did die from cancer later on. I miss him very much..

my vagina is mutilated though op

Have you been fucked by the jews?

This is some next level cuckery right here


I know right? And everyone's consensus is " Oh, well a good health sex life isn't important! Here have some Viagra!"

I honestly want to start finding female nurses who support this and start shaving the skin off their cunt, see how they like feeling nothing but pain and discomfort.

at least post the latest one, jewnigger

>USA 70-79%


btw Jesus was also cucked


I wonder what happened there :^)

>Worst Korea

>serbia orange
>well thats bs

Any muzzies over there?