Leftists with the most punchable faces
Leftists with the most punchable faces
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I noticed everybody with that eye shape is fucking crazy. Nigel Farage has it (but he is the good kind of crazy.) That insane gay African guy has it too, I think his name is Gazi?
It's like the eye equivalent of that fish mouth syndrome.
Fetal alcohol syndrome?
This is the person I hate most in the world
I would give anything to be able to murder him
Nothing tops the assortment of cancer you get from a /leftypol/ meetup pic.
This cunt
>So far right you perceive Seth McFarlane to be left
>posting this on a pro-leftist board
a fucking leaf
fucking hell, this guy.
take your pick
Knew a girl with that eye shape.
You nailed it OP. Never will there be a leftist with a more punchable face than John Oliver.
Bottom left or bottom centre.
Funny, aryan face structure, hates sjw's. Why so much hate?
I win.
His chat with MW was kekworthy. Spino more like spineless. Degenerate gypsy cunt.
he's not a leftist? Thought I remembered him shilling for Obama's shit policies on Piers Morgan but I don't really follow him. He always seems to shit on conservative values with his crap cartoon.
Fuck you Snowden is a hero
Whoever the fuck this irrelevant cunt is
So much going on at that pic.
A caveman, a goth bitch and even a guy trying to false flag the japs. I just don't know where to look.
Snowden is not leftist, and he is cool
That's a man
>a guy trying to false flag the japs.
>t. putin
stop haxoring our emails. reee
The leak was an inside job, we didn't do nothing
rat face little hack
Own Jones
Anyone who uses this face
This cunt deserves gassing
Sally Kohn is the absolute worst though,
Lena Dunham
Rachel Fucking Maddow
This X100000
I'm pretty sure he's a libertarian. And if he was a leftist, he'd be a pretty shitty example of one considering all the racist shit he has aired on his shows.
whatever you say... as soon as his presidency is over, were sending in Barack to take care of business personally.
This guy is fucking disgusting.
That black woman with the smooth short hair who sometimes appear on your news/TV. She was on that talk show where the audience laughed at the woman who said donald trump had the highest chance of winning.
When has Boogie ever talked about politics? Genuine curiousness.
They laughed because all of the shillbot media outlets made them think the truth was that Trump was a non-threat. Will there ever be a neutral source of news in America?
just look at it.
Oh look, it's Sup Forums's favorite Ghoul Gamer they looooooovvveeeee to hate.
He supported Shillary since she backed universal health care to pay for his fat ass.
>no one posting smuggy the dwarf.
This one?
Pretty sure he's more neutral than anything else.
>no jimmy nu-tron
disappointed tbqh
God damn that is fucking revolting.
Does that hideous beast think he's hot or something?
Labor loving faggot.
Do blacks actually think they look like humans?
A dude named Rachel?
God imagine the years of counselling it would take for her to get over being punched in the face. Most mentally ill person on Youtube
Cant believe nobody has posted this cunt, he's still butthurt of the election, just look at his fucking youtube channel, he can't get the fact the shillary lost.
its so dense
>MacFarlane is a supporter of the Democratic Party. He has donated over US $200,000 to various Democratic congressional committees and to the 2008 presidential campaign of then-U.S. Senator Barack Obama.
Fairly sure he's a high functioning sociopath too. Also, rare flag I guess.
>even workout equipment hates this guy
Is that Larry Sellers?
>just look at it.
looks like a multicultural Glen Beck desu
Don Lemon
Well alright. Still a shite example of a generic leftist as he's pretty racially insensitive.
I do like that part of the trump victory compilation video where he is begging Trump to run for president because he thought he would never win unfortunately the current year wasn't with him.
suprised this fag hasnt been posted
God i fucking hate that smug arrogant face so much. Triggers me to hell and beyond every time that self-righteous nigger shows herself on TV
No one thought of this specimen?
You can't punch Rachel Maddow. It's a woman.
>I would punch her face with my dick.
dumb fuck is ready to pull that front brake....good thing he has that cool helmet
Two of the worst and most annoying far left politicians, and as an added bonus two of the prolific anti-war protestors that can't expire soon enough.
I didn't know you guys had the internet let alone electricity.
>confusing Maddow for Chris Hayes
Maddow is way more manly.
this nigger
John Oliver doesn't just have a punchable face, he has a limey faggot punchable voice as well.
you're lying to yourself if you think anyone else has a more punchable face than this cunt
whenever she's part of a debate and someone else is speaking she's making faces at the audience like "can you believe what we're hearing?" :^/
It's astonishing what difference a beard can make. He really looks punchable as hell ever since he shaved it off.
Yeah, I'd love to stomp his ass. Strikes me as one of those belligerent tuff guy types who'd melt like butter after one good hit.
Where's michael moore?
Nice to see that others feel the same way. His who le fight fire with fire schtick annoys me.