Why do pussified Nu male Conservashits want to bow down to Russia ?
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>mfw leftists go all out TRUMP SHOULD HAVE JAILED HILLARY
>mfw leftists go all out CONFRONT RUSSIA
Hi shills.
I click on "hide thread."
You are retarded. Kill yourself.
Russia is whiter than Obongo.
we live different times u fucking retard. we need the russians more than ever
stay triggered nu male leaf faggot
>Implying Russia is still communist
Obama really is just another dumb porch monkey.
I used to support Trump, but now I have to put my foot down. We cannot allow a racist, islamaphobic bigot run this country. He's going to start WW3 with Russia and China and that'll be the end of it. Personally, I support the electors voting Hillary, as she cares about the consequences of her actions to other countries.
>all people are equal, doesn't matter if they come from a different country or culture. if you treat them differently or are afraid of them for that reason, you're a bigot and a xenophobe....except if your'e russian, fuck the russians,
I'm absolutely positive that more than 2/3 of Americans disapprove of Saudi Arabia and here you are selling weapons to them en masse you fucking miserable failure of an executive. I can't believe we live in a fucking time where cooperating with another world power is looked down on but trading weapons that end up in terrorist hands with literal royal childfuckers is okay. We don't have to like Putin to have amiable relations with Russia.
I believe that she will win
>this lack of reading comprehension
> this much retardation in one post
It's not bowing down you fucking cucked out liberal, it's creating alliances so that we can have enough political and military pull to keep fucking China and the Jew banks from manipulating our national profitability.
Russia doesn't support liberal policies in Europe that promote the degeneration of national ideas, the mass rape of their women and social benefits to aliens. The American establishment, on the other hand, consists entirely of cuckolds and homosexuals.
Why wouldn't you support Russia over America?
Yeah America you shouldn't trust a Christian Russian like Putin you need to trust my Saudi Muslim pals! Saudi Arabia are our second greatest ally behind Israel!
Why are commies so angry about this?
Most Americans approve of Germany and Japan. FDR would roll over in his grave. Things change.
Please explain why we should trust terrorist supporting Muslims over Vladimir Putin.
strawman : le post
sage & hide
Putin has a 80%+ Approval rating
I don't give a fuck what Obama or Ronald "Amnesty" Reagan thinks
>supporting an even worse state just to cut your nose to spite your face
So are you going to spout nonsense all day or are you going to explain why we as Americans should trust Saudi Arabia but not trust Russia.
You shouldn't trust either.
But since you like oil so much...
Why do shills make copy pastas when they already got BTFO the first time?
He's just jelly because putin has an 80% approval rating while his is at barely 55%.
What do you like?
>Bowing down to Russia
I don't think a fucking neo-cold war is necessary just because the international banking cabals don't get the profits from Russia's oil and natural gas reserves. If the Vodka niggers want to monopolize their own resource wealth then good for them.
Because most of them are virgins and believe Russia will send them obedient conservative wives by mail.
Little do they know Russian women are the biggest gold-digging harpies.
Russia's the second biggest oil producer plus we're number three and have easy access to Canada who also produces a bunch of oil. We don't need Saudi Arabia and even if we didn't use Russia plenty of other countries offer oil.
they probably like his authoritarian style
the majority of Sup Forums is a bunch of cucks who need a "strong" "alpha" male to rule their lives or they have no direction and just end up as NEETs.
There is no way they are that fucking stupid. This has to be fake
I think the Middle East should be glassed or walled off. Let them rot in their own backward conflicts.
Oh and they should be deprived of Western technology. Imagine all those rich Arab states that don't produce anything but buy all their tech from the West, then they lecture us on morals.
You don't need their oil for consumption, your companies got contracts in the Gulf as a result of American boots being put on the ground.
His party was calling Reagan a retard 20 years ago
>working with Russia = bowing down to Russia
fucking what
That being said, Donald Trump is not a republican
I assume you're going to rush right out and enlist to fight in the coming war. You're not one of those all-talk no-ass pussified liberals, right?
>occupy democrats
Why would he? Russia isn't communist anymore.
>strawman : le post
> this much retardation in one post
stay triggered nu male hilllary faggot
Because the cold war was 60 fucking years ago?
Seriously, all of you faggot nu-male CNN dick suckers love to preach about acceptance of other cultures. Why not russia? Oh, because they allegedly influenced the elections. Before that, you didnt like their masculine leader.
Face it, faggot. The only reason you're allowed to roam is because we, the normal people, give you the opportunity. Like any other society, your job is to assimilate or die. Trump is saying we need to get back to that culture, because it helped us achieve good things for all involved.
Who the fuck cares what that great ape has to say about it. The Soviet Union is dead quite a long time.
Reagan would be spinning in his grave at the devastation O'Bomber has heaped upon the US and the Western world.
Watch this and replace the references to Soviets with Islamist and you have the Obama presidency in a nut shell.
This cold war is shit.
Zero respect or tact from both sides, especially the moral high-grounder Washington. Fucking 45 years thrown down the trash. Spit on all the accomplishments of everyone before for globalist cancer.
Fuck Hillary Clinton and fuck Ronald Reagans smelly corpse too.
It's almost like countries can change their political structure or something.
Why do leftists want to burn in nuclear fire?
Go fuck yourself with a brick.
its not bowing down to russia just because people don't agree with obama's attempts to antagonize russia at every turn
Do liberals realise that modern day russia is not the soviet union and that the bad things about the soviet union was the communism and not the russians themselves, necessarily?
Also, tons of leftists in Denmark supported the soviet union. Probably more than over a third of them. Then when the berlin wall fell, they were quick to say, uh, ehm, we did not like SOVIET socialism, but just, you know, democratic socialism.
so you think trump is gonna change anything?
he's already spouting hillary's policy on syria
safe zones for the terrorists
It is though. It's always been a game of realpolitik chess between the US and USSR and since Putin's rise to power, the US and Russia. Putin's not satisfied just being just another country. He wants to win the chess game just like the soviets before him did, he wants Russia to be the most powerful and influential country in the world. The US is currently the most powerful and influential country in the world so in order for him to get what he wants he has to take us down a notch. So it really is bowing down and letting Russia take our place as superpower.
She has already lost, Nov 8 was the election. Now we're just going through the formalities of Trump taking over. If the electors choose to not honor their oaths....other oaths WILL be honored. Trump will be installed, and Barack and Hilary and all other conspirators executed. Liberals will be exterminated.
when you put it like that, it would make a bit more sense for people to fight issues in the already established system, and not so much with disobedience.
Where do you get any facts for the shit you spew?
IMHO, the guy doesn't like have a unified front against him or "any other aggressors" leaving his bloc for the EU. He has a right to protect his land just like the US would protect Hawaii and the UK would protect India.
No, I think the major problem is a global war against folks who wont play ball unless they get their fair shake at the table. Hence Putin.
You want us to forget that homosexual culture is wrong, but don't want to forget that anger against a country the world bankers can't take over is somehow not wrong?
Reggan didnt have anything to do with russia or even know who the fuck putin was.
Besides, wasnt Reagan and Gorbachev or whoever like best friends?
Friends with Germany
>OMG! Truman must be rolling in his grave!
Allies with Great Britain
>OMG! Washington must be rolling in his grave!
Russia has never been my enemy; communists like you are my enemy.
Looks like you can't read between the lines in action. He's stepped up saber rattling and buzzing jets by US forces to the levels where it was during the cold war, modernized his nuclear arsenal (and no, that shit takes research for years to get implemented, it's not an Obama thing, this has all been in development since the Bush administration when we were "friends", let's not forget the land grabs in South Ossentia and Crimea. He wants the USSR's borders back and he wants Russia to be a superpower like the USSR was.
No, Putin doesn't just want Russia to peacefully coexist with the American Hegemony/West, he wants to challenge it, and no, he doesn't just want to be left alone and retire to the countryside, he wants power. Do you forget how Putin came into power? There was a wave of terrorist attacks in Moscow in 1999 that forced Yeltsin to resign and appoint Putin as president. He wasn't elected into office. A lot of people, including a lot of Russians, think those terrorist attacks were false flags just to get Putin into power, because they stopped after Yeltsin appointed him, and Putin has controlled Russian politics since, to this day, and he will probably continue to rule Russia until his death.even if other puppets of his hold the office of President due to term limits.
The only difference between Putin/s Russia and the USSR are that Putin's Oligarchy is a Capitalist one not a Socialist one.