Anyone else who started hating whites more after browsing Sup Forums?
Anyone else who started hating whites more after browsing Sup Forums?
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me desu senpai, since I'm only 94% white.
white people are either supremely hip or supremely lame
what's up with that?
>genuinely friendly
ebin bait
I really like that image
>genuinely friendly
could you at least try?
>0.60$ was deposited in your account for this post
Blacks kill more blacks than anyone.
Whites hate eachother more than other races.
Yall circlejerk over your supposed collectives while the rest of us work for ourselves alone. Thanks for dropping out of the race to the top though
yes, at least the Sup Forums types. but don't forget that this site attracts some of the worst. some neckbeards on the internet do not represent an entire race of people.
hello pol
>Sup Forums
>hating whites
you're not the sharpest tool in the shed, are you?
There's no faster way to reveal that you know literally zero black people in real life than unironically falling for "le cool black guy" meme.
>implying all threads on Sup Forums are pro-white
>hates something
>no experience with it
it's past bedtime for you
Have you ever met a black person? They are the funniest and most welcoming people, meanwhile milquetoast whiteys just look like they're either gonna cry or shoot the place up
>rarely egotistical
>bringing normie issues here
blacks are the most memed persons on the planet. you clearly don't know many of them.
after you've been around more than 2 blacks and you're ability at pattern-recognition isn't at a retard's level, you'll see that they're basically animals who just ape the latest "le PoC, le soul" memes.
A lot of whites are more reserved but that's because they have actual personhood.
I take it you're upset that white people are generally successful? It's a little pathetic I guess but we can talk it over if you want. Y'know, to help you feel better.
As opposed to niggers who are ready to fight if you look at them the wrong way or insult their favorite rapper, right?
>generally successful
>posts on message board dedicated to white suicidal losers who can't figure out how to function properly in society
yeah black suicidal losers at least have the decency to get murdered or go to prison
Hm, so were your ancestors conquered by whites? And you're still butthurt about it? It's not really a big deal man, there are winners and losers in history, y'know? Should just try to let it go, imo.
>Claims black people are meme'd
>Fails to realize this is because white people are try to steal their culture
Whites are more reserved because they're beta males
Ain't even but I agree with him. So much for being a successful white male
They prob just look at you like that because you look like a mass shooter. Quit being a nasally jumpy little bitch and they'll probably treat you like a member of society
I'm Asian. My ancestors were never conquered by whites, we actively tried to keep you fuckers out of our continent.
>They prob just look at you like that because you look like a mass shooter. Quit being a nasally jumpy little bitch and they'll probably treat you like a member of society
Can we end this meme? You're either baiting or a sub-80 IQ nigger. Blacks are much more likely to be aggressive and violent than whites.
We're not the same race just because we share a skin colour. Race is your ethnic and family background with DNA results such as haplogroups coupled with blood type and phenotypic features. If you possess all of these then I will call you my kin. Otherwise you're just a fucking normie ol nigger to me.
lol no one cares about Asian males
Blacks are more likely to be aggressive and violent towards a specific person or people. You rarely see blacks mass killing innocent civilians indiscriminately. You rarely see blacks shooting up college campuses because white girls aren't fucking them.
Chinese or Indian? Britain's Bitch
Japanese or Korean? America's bitch
Anything else? Literal monkey
>what is the opiumwars
>what is the pasific war
you prioritized the rice fields over history class, I see.
careful whitey. The gook might start to hate you even more
All I'm saying is that anyone on this site is too beta and socially inept to even behave correctly in public. Furthermore anyone here is likely to just look up to Sup Forums like some empty sacked bitch
Yeah, blacks aren't intelligent enough to do a mass shooting. They kill rival nignogs so frequently and indiscriminately that it doesn't even count as news. Black city areas are a fucking warzone because niggers are too dumb to control their animalistic impulses.
>inb4 hurr a few """white""" hapas did mass shootings that means that most violent crime is perpetrated by whites
>inb4 muh opression he wuz a good boy he only killed Jayquan because of the evil white oppressah makin him violent!
>implying niggers don't behave like animals in public
>implying they don't just get away with it because black
>implying walking into an elementary school and killing children requires intelligence
I know you probably have trouble with things like charts and math, so it would be unreasonable to expect you to grasp this immediately. You should try to work it out over time though, see if you can figure out what it means. It would be a good learning exercise for you.
Complete opposite for me.
I used to think everybody was the same but now I realize that race is more than skin color and niggers are borderline subhuman by definition.
>implying an angry nigger wouldn't just kill a single person if he was angry instead of planning in advance a mass shooting to maximize the possible victims
ooga booga
>Racially profiled constantly
>Unequal criminal sentencing
>Generally in areas of high poverty
Somehow you're surprised black americans need to rely on crime to survive? I bet you deny having white privilege too
This isn't even worth replying to other than with a bait picture.
hold the phone, areas with high black crime tend to have higher frequencies of criminal sentencing and profiling? RAYCISM
no they aren't I've hung around 3 of them, one who is a nerd was alright but he was a dopper
Lmao stay beta. You're relying on scare tactics used decades ago to dehumanize a superior race. Really the only thing whiteys are good at is being dishonest and deceitful
>how dare these meany white people arrest us when we commit crimes
But you're right, having an orderly society is pretty Eurocentric. It's unfair to expect tropical peoples to internalize bigoted colonialist concepts like respect for the law and civic responsibility.
obviously some tinfoil hat that has been reading about false flag and had the genius idea to try it out himself
Sentencing for cocaine is a margin of what crack is. Cocaine is seen as a white drug while crack is seen as a black drug. Slavery really hasn't even ended tbqh
>can't develop civilization in their home country
>get subjugated as slaves because they're too weak and stupid to fight their superior white masters
>have to rely on guilt-tripping whites to get equal rights
>somehow they are the superior race
Protip: the real master race is whites. The only reason people let you say this shit is because they KNOW it isn't true, they will laugh at the irony because they know deep inside, behind all the macho posturing, blacks are scared shitless of the white race.
no but i did become more racist after reading blackbot posts
i know they are mostly trolls and shills but still couldn't escape the mild racism that formed from that
now when i see black people i cringe remembering what i've read posted here by them
i know i shouldn't because the posts are made by fedora trolls but still can't help thinking back to them and having face painted with mild disgust
>waaah raycism slavery hasnt ended! STOP ARRESTING BLACKS U RACISTS!!!
go back to facebook, normalnigger
not really, only idiots like you that race bait and ultimately make the world a worst place
Too bad blacks don't realize the simple truth that if we actually were as racist as they think they wouldn't exist anymore
>Scientific Investigation
>not being retrograde savages who create destitution everywhere they go
but I guess all that stuff was stolen from the Kangz, my bad
You're right in hating blacks. All black people blame white people for their problems. They're racist as fuck.
Hating other races is actually kind of a dumb meme. Better to just acknowledge the differences and work out a solution from there.
Let them, their opinions don't matter to me one way or another,
if they want to use my skin color as their boogieman while i am doing my thing i couldn't care less
honestly blacks seem very juvenile and pompous, they should just grow up and start improving their neighborhoods through example set by themselves
Lol name one civilization that white people haven't tried to exploit.
Protip: You can't
White people are legit insecure and scared, so they'll just keep ruining the rest of the world for peaceful races
>Looking at people with disgust
>Supported by the guy who said black people weren't friendly
>Looking at people with disgust
>i did become more racist
>become racist
What was your point?
>Will complain about minorities and white women being "whores" in the safety of his anonymity online, but does not dare to say one word in real life
When they do talk about it you just call them edgy virgins anyway so what's the point? I've only ever met one black person I found interesting or engaging or welcoming at all and even then I only really talked to her maybe once or twice before cutting ties. They usually have very basic tastes in food and culture. Their personalities swing from boring to downright annoying so I don't really hate them, I just don't bother with them. As for:
>being egotistical is a trait rarely ever found in him
Not at all. On average they are very obssesed with their own image and they focus a lot on bodybuilding and fashion to the point of severe excess. I've never seen any black person put their money or ressources towards another human being, it's always directed solely at themselves.They buy gold iphones with their name engraved on them, the latest headphones from Dre and big stereo systems to play loudly in parks and at bus stops with their usually immense gang of acquaintances. And I say acquaintances because they don't make friends, they just form relationships temporarily with these people to get something out of them, usually money or drugs, before cutting ties.
>Improve their neighborhoods
>Faulty educational funding through property taxes
>Having to fight for a living wage so they can gain any social mobility so they can move to better areas
Typical whitey mentality. Ignore the decades of being pushed into ghettos, just focus on fixing the problem that we intentionally caused you.
My point is that white males are timid, and black men are outgoing and friendly.
Notice how no one in this thread has made any argument that white people are friendly?
I have met niggers before. They are okay as long as you treat them like children.
You tell them that they are great and you never criticize them because they can't handle criticism.
So when a nigger tells you that he can't find a job because the country wont allow him while he came here illegaly and does not know more than a few words from your language you just nod and offer him a drink.
Niggers cant handle alcohol so later you call the cops on the ape when it is in it's drunken state.
You hope that after a few arrests they will deport him.
Mm yeah but what about mulattoes?
Well actually if you read a book you might understand how xenophobic PoC were to resist white colonialism. They really should have been more inclusive and accepting of the diversity Europeans were bringing to their lands. Can you really imagine being so fragile you sperg out and ruin your own country just because you're afraid of people with white skin? It's pretty bigoted, honestly.
Nice bait faggot
>just focus on fixing the problem that we intentionally caused you
Oh snap did you just admit that ghettos are intentional?
so hold up, hold up son, you guys aren't violent savages by nature, you choose to be violent savages that kill each other for pittance without mercy or remorse, to get back at the whitey?
ooooh shiiit son, and all this time you were only pretending, 10/10 son, oh lawd you got me good
Who opressed niggers in Africa so hard that they failed to invent their own written language and failed to pass down their history?
Blacks whine about slavery but slavery gave them everything they own today. If there was no slavery the black population would be lower than 50 million spread into small tribes.
>please include us in your nice and prosperous society, you evil white devils
that's your whole post
>whites are scared and insecure for being superior to and stronger than all other races
It was actually stolen from Asians, middle easterners and North Africans. Pretty much all of white culture was taken from other races. You all just claimed it as their own. Crazy how a good amount of white racists go to church on Sunday's and pray to a sandnigger
This is what a scared white person looks like.
>ITT: delusional autists who think blacks are superior
How's your dad doing in prison tyrone? Or your mom who's addicted to drugs and whoring herself for them? Be careful now robbing that gas station
>what is cultural transmission
Reminder that the Greeks were white
In that case blacks stole from whites when they learned how to write and read.
They also stole the white european language and made it sound trashy and ugly (Jamaica)
In fact blacks invented nothing of value.
Better than praying to a pedophile.
I ain't afraid of no spook~~
just accept the fact that if whites hated you, you and all your kind would be dead, we don't hate you, we are just tired of your childish attitude and wanton disregard to human life
>slavery gave them everything they own today
I liked them better as slaves though.
More proof that white men are meek and socially timid.
Equating colonial landrape and slavery to the struggle black people go through, nice. Is that some way of feeling remorse?
My bad, probably should have put quotations on that last part
>Ignore the decades of being pushed into ghettos, just focus on fixing the problem that we intentionally caused you.
The above is written in the typical white mentality
A society that only prospered from exploiting other races. Whiteys can't do anything on their own but be mentally unstable
Whites are scared yet every white identity gathering is protested by scared blacks.
You never see whites attacking black power groups. It's always insecure blacks
>stop being strong and superior! It's not faaaaair!
Nah, I started hating blacks more, although I always had a set view of them from my family (I'm Iranian). But from Sup Forums I myself hate a specific hate of them now
*Tips le fedora*
Most eloquently proffered m'lord
>please take pity on us you racist oppressors
lol, no one cares brah
Your hate is the biggest form of adoration
I'm sure slaves both hated their egipcian lords and saw them as gods at the same time
Reminder that Greeks also worship a sandnigger
The ancient Greeks all worshiped white gods though
>every white identity gathering is protested by scared blacks.
Not true, it's mostly dorky white antifa types. CPT and all that, you know how it is.
That's not an argument. You talk about stolen culture yet black american culture is stolen off whites.
Even the rap existed as poetry way before blacks thought about it.
Yeah, blacks just protest it on social media. They're too scared of actually going there and risking getting their ass kicked by whitey
>Whiteys can't do anything on their own but be mentally unstable
Except maybe create western civilization that is still to this day the most prosperous and powerful in this earth we live in?
Industrial revolution and maxim machine gun are really the two main factors that spurred west to become what it is these days and i believe
basically all the dudes there are white (didn't even check, you can do that and post back if you find a colored inventor there)
man i wish i could trade whiny bitch ass card to fathers of western civilization card, i want to say the N word and leave my kid to a single mother too. :(
None'ya crackers have even tried to argue the OP. It's cool tho, whiteboys can hang out in one of the seven active trap threads at any given time
What does that have to do with anything? If whites are so superior then why do they worship some brown skinned kike from the desert?
This shit be legit having a nigga in tears. It's almost easy to trigger white men as easy as it is to trigger middle class feminist white women. I can't decide who's bigger bitches.
False. Watch Richard Spencer and you will see mexican flag protestors, angry black women and black guys.
At least half of the American liberal protestors are nonwhite.
Who do they worship now? Which religion do they take as historical fact and which do they consider "mythology"?
Gunpowder is chinese, senpai
>Anyone else who started hating whites more after browsing Sup Forums?
what is there to argue on that?
"nah you can't start hating us after browsing Sup Forums, thought police get in here these niggas hating on us!"?
>muh brown skin kike
What does this have to do with anything?
Stop trying to sound black.
>rap existed as poetry
>implying whites created poetry
>implying rap's roots aren't in Caribbean dancehall music, which has its roots in Africa
Quit your urban speak and do some reading.