ITT: Sup Forums posters you recognize

Because sometimes you just can't remain anonymous in an anonymous board.

> The American who replies to all leafs in the thread with ">leaf"

>shart in mart

>eric trump
>having that piece of shit credit card

>ruining europe 3 times in 100 years


> The butthurt German cuck who tries to defend refugees but always fails.

>that Romanian faggot

A canadian who hangs out on Sup Forums all day but thinks he is the most alpha chad ever.

>cant afford medicine

>le 60% white face

>that pedophile who shows up in every thread relating to it


>Obama leaf

Let me guess, you're one of the new Germans?

>credit card
This, credit cards are for chumps.

The austrailian who respond to swedes with google translate

>Thinking you can afford medicine for 1 billion niggers long term

>The swede whose only argument is tu quoque and posting pictures of american churches
As I recall I think he admitted to being a nordfront member and calling other swedes who asked him to stop poisoning the well what I can only presume as "jewish agents".

that serb ctr shill

>the spaniard commie
>the british commie that at least wants to kill all the degenerates

>the British flag who gets extremely butthurt about whites guys fucking Asian girls and users capslock to express his very well-formulated and grammatically correct opinions

And there he is

Non, you are all faggots

the NZ guy that always says that he was visited and our time is due soon


This guy kinda looks like me. hes a qt

>the german who keeps posting deer threads

>that faggot that posts Korean whores with tumblr filenames every post and spaces his words oddly
He posts on Reddit9k as well.

>that autist that shows up in every single thread
I'm onto (You)!

Also, the WE WUZ ROMANZ N SHIT swede, i recognize him.
And i also recognize that norwegian who posts You said i was a dreamer Hitler video.

Say that to my face fucker

I haven't seen him in weeks. Did he ever post the "Drumpf BTFO" collages he said he was making?

That one guy where you never know if he's serious or on several levels of irony

>That American guy who spergs out when you use Hispanic as a racial term


That guy who posts RICED FB pictures.


What kind of mongoloid are you. Get a credit card with returns on your purchases, use it instead of debit, pay it off in full every month, and reap the benefits. Not to mention a lot of them have customer preference (you get special deals for having/using the card).

By far the best bantz against America.
I think its more like 56%

>The eternal Anglo German
Haven't seen him in a while
>The American with a script to reply to every Canadian saying : leaf.
He posted in every thread 20 hours ago or so.
>Mr. Westmount with his fetish for that tennis girl

>That guy who posts shitty Occupy Democrats memes for (You)s and doesn't even reply to anyone
[spoiler]Ya got me, sometimes it's me


>that canadian who always defends Dan "Hymen Divider" Schneider
>that one guy who thinks white's are albino blacks that were made by black kangz and always posts albino posts
>that German who always posts bait with deer pictures
>that Serb shill
>that pharmacist in psychadelic threads who thinks he knows everything about drugs because he knows the technical aspects of them

Whatever happened to the guy who included Froppy on all his posts?
He brightened my day


>The Estonian with that gif of the gamer gate bitch

That Turk Roach who always posted dead American soldiers.

>he admitted to being a nordfront member
I fucking hate this faggot. Ruins every SweGen.

Do you feel jealous that we are kek's choosen and best shitposters?

I bet Eric was the first awooposter

The Hoppeposter on portuguese politics generals

>be German
>try to fuck everyone's shit up
>get shit fucked up
>tries to fuck everyone's shit up
>gets shit fucked up
>fucks own shit up
>fucks everyone else's shit up

KEK's avatar is my president, not yours. You will never unseat the Australians.

How do I become famous on Sup Forums?

Is the angry brit a hapa girl?
Woud bang


That norwegian who says our government is actually competent.

Pray for Kek's blessings.

Kek vult

>An avatar for anything other than fascism and Hitler'a ghost

Nice try statist cuck.

>make youtube channel
>do pretty much anything Sup Forums related on it
>subtly meme yourself on Sup Forums and other boards through reaction images and the occasional reference to yourself or threads asking "What do you think about me?"

Or write a bot and spam pictures of Accelerator or something.

Cthulhu posters


user please
Obama is currently your president...

Clearly meant Hitler's


>That one Argentine guy who plays Risk

We had a game with me playing Austro-Hungary and him being the Ottoman Empire but I haven't seen him in a while.

You rang?

KYS and live stream it.


That Canadian who always posts that gif of the girl eating snot from a discarded tissue and calls it 'tasty'

>live streaming after he kills himself


There's this serb who I can tell English isn't quite there yet. He tries tho

the idiot who always posts louis sachar's holes poem in Kek threads

The Québécois that always post in French with a picture of Eugénie Bouchard

I miss him : (

>That Finnish guy who spams spurdo memes

Miss him

I have to admit i honestly dont know of anything your country has done.
Besides holding out a white flag..

Got more of that stuff huh? Disgusting cunt

America has more white people than any country on earth, chink.

user please
You have great diversity too
And great multi-culturalism.
And obama..
Stop fucking up your empire.

That one poster who chooses to not use the toilet to go potty.

Only for 34 more days...


Malaysiafag. I haven't seen him for quite some time. Hopefully it will stay that way.

America could blow the world up in less than 1...

Saved. Chinks roleplay as niggers. Pakis are pretty obvious to spot to in anti-mudslamic threads.

And yet you still let black people and jews walk all over you


Funniest part is he's a Cuban Mulatto. Serious identity issues with that kid.

>this guy looks kinda like me
How? His skin isn't brown enough to look Swedish

>the one Dominican guy who calls every single white person Germanics.

I haven't seen him in a while but he was annoying

American user please
You have your own diversity problems
Let swedes burn.

the insane gendo posting plunger-jockey who only posts the same 6 images

Haven't seen the Eternal Anglo German in a while. He made those threads almost daily.

Yeah. Some guys really have no life whatsoever

no safety nets here

I just fucked three ladies in the last hour what have u done fag?

Not having anything to live for is our greatest strength desu senpai.

that's a fucking costco card lmao

user please
You have safety nets literally everywhere..