How can Americans claim Europe is cucked>
>60% white
>president literally praises those who riot
>police are murdered by blacks
>lefties literally walk around saying "America is not for white people"
>Universities are completely infiltrated
>Affirmative Action
>Blacks are treated better than whites by the government
>Education is appalling
>Biggest producer and consumer of cuck/interracial porn
>Have people celebrating the genocide of white Americans
>Media is incredibly biased
>Every time a black is killed the country riots.
>Every time a white is killed by police the media is silent
>Literally ran by Jews. Even Trump is surrounded by Jews
>Christians are openly mocked by universities and young people
>Half your country deny evolution and climate change (shit education seen here)
>No history
>Shit national anthem

>"b-but m-muh guns"
Why do Americans act like it is only Europeans that are cucked, when they are most certainly worse than 95% of Europe.

Other urls found in this thread:


>mfw yanks say "America isn't cucked"



Reminder the world would be better off without Americuckland.

If you're a cuck wouldn't you know what other cucks look like

Also reminder that America worked tremendously hard to ruin the British Empire, then refused to go to war with the commies when the British suggested it.

>"I know you are but what am I?"

Nowhere did I claim that America isn't cucked, wait to miss my point, numbskull.

just because u brits take benefit from eu citizens that have white skin, fucking fags, enjoy your indian-pakistani immigrants now

>wait to miss my point
You have enough braincells to make something resembling a point? I'm pretty impressed.

Pls someone post the pic of American TV of a white man allowing a black man to fuck his wife.
>"muh so uncucked"

Is this a leaf in disguise trying to make euros look bad

america is fucking massive, with a massive population. some places like CA or NY are insanely cucked, white others like the north western ones aren't so much

>america is fucking massive, with a massive population.
And a massive amount of negroes and mexicucks.

All Americans are mutts

They destroyed Europe and the West

Treat them as such

Pretty much. They ended European supremacy and now the world belongs to a nation less than 60% white.

kill yourself inbred krautcuck also enjoy rapefugees

Nice divide and conquer thread

Maybe you should add one that says
>topple middle eastern nations and uncork Africa to create and onslaught of low IQ migrants then act like its not your fault
With this picture

>Ahh he has caught me. I am paid to insult fat yanks who don't leave their house because it will surely crush the current right wing trend.

>white Europeans
>No pale, brown-haired, light-eyed masterrace

Americuckland is an edgy teenager that left home and took none of the advice.
Kept getting texts from their parent's. "Shouldn't do X". They say fuck you Mom and do X, cause a car crash, Mom and family die in car crash.

we are enjoying them together, stupid asshole, be sure to vote Alternative für Deutschland next time instead of cucked Merkel

Im a turkish immigrant fucking dumb krautcuck

>what are: cities

If you were to remove cities from the United States of America, whites would immediately shoot back up to being the supreme racial group in the U.S. Cities are massive cesspools for niggers and liberals to grow, if you were to bomb cities, almost all niggers and spics would be dead.

Think of them as subtle containment centers.

go home.
we, the nazis, don't want you

>the nazis
Tell that to all your population getting raped by somalis hanscuck

Pretty much.

The exact same could be said for all of Europe...

I can legally say fuck jews and fuck niggers without being arrested



Horrible argument, kill yourself. You could have mentioned that our Hispanics make more money than the average European, and our blacks make more money than the average eastern european.

>How can Americans claim Europe is cucked
yurops go to jail for shitposting

>policemen are murdered on the streets and president celebrates the rioting.
>"muh doesn't matter because I can call black people niggers on a Vietnamese sock sharing forum"

60% goes to jail for crossing the road

> le put asians and arabs together

Americans are subject to "No knock" raids at anytime, where if the home owner kills the invaders he is held prisoner for 2 years, even if proven they had no reason to invade his property.

I'd rather get a slap on the wrist for spamming niggers on social media, than have my home invaded and be imprisoned for fucking nothing, you cuck.


I think this all depends on how you draw city limits.
American cities have tight city limits which don't include the white suburbs. If the limits included those these pie charts would be considerably more similar.

It's funny how you claim Americans are cucks when in reality, the supposed mongrel-race got off their asses to vote for someone who indirectly goes up against Jewish Globalist values and promises to return America to it's once powerful state. We did something about Obama and his reign of "kangz.."

However, you Europoors actively don't, instead you'd willingly accept the hoards of niggers and muslims for the sake of 'muh muh progression'. You lot would rather change the genetics of your country for years on end and watch your families be raped then have a pair of balls and say "oi piss off cunt".

>muh muh brexit

You cunts haven't even triggered Article 50 yet. You're still indirect puppets of Mama Merkel.

Let's face it, we run the world and you Eurofags need us despite your whines. If we gave Russia free-reign to to invade Europe without our intervention, they'd steamroll you "proud euros" in a matter of hours.

You need us. Don't bite the hand that feeds you.

Trump is an Israel loving kike

>We did something about Obama

Let him serve his entire 8 years peacefully and with minimal opposition?

You sure showed them, lol

>It's another UK thread trying to prove his superiority to America

Do people not understand that the USA has a population of 320 Million people? If 60% of our population is white that means there are 192 Million white people United under one flag. That means there are more white people just in the United States than the general population of most European countries.

We showed them by electing Trump, the biggest fuck you to Obama and globalization. You can keep talking if you actually exit the EU. ;)

>the biggest fuck you to Obama and globalization.

After you sucked their cocks by re-electing him after his 4 year term?

You useless cuck, lol

>it's another dumb cunt embarrasses his country thread again

It also means there are 128 million shitskins & negroes in America

And that is a horrifying prospect

>the supposed mongrel-race got off their asses to vote for someone who indirectly goes up against Jewish Globalist values
By voting for someone whose children have all married or are in a relationship with Jews? Trump isn't anti-globalist. He isn't anti-globalist unless he and America profits from it.

>However, you Europoors actively don't, instead you'd willingly accept the hoards of niggers and muslims for the sake of 'muh muh progression'.

The refugee crisis started a few years ago because of America, and since then

>UK voted to leave Europe. Italy voted 'NO' to stop their power being centralised in cities.

>Netherlands almost elected Geert Wilders and are having a re-election in 2017.

>Sweden had a Nazi march, and haven't had the opportunity to vote yet, the same goes for most of Europe.

>Mosques are being burned in Germany. Right-wing parties are making incredible strides in France.

>UK built a wall in France.

>Hungary have a right-wing leader.

>Poland regularly have anti-muslim marches.

>UK signed petition to ban all muslims.

Tell me more about how Europe have done nothing to stop a crisis that started in 2015, and tell me about how great America is for electing a right-wing leader 30 years too late?

>You cunts haven't even triggered Article 50 yet.
Do you expect us to trigger A50 without even having backup trade deals? Do you even have a grasp on basic economics?

>If we gave Russia free-reign to to invade Europe without our intervention, they'd steamroll you "proud euros" in a matter of hours.
We have the 4th best military in the world. We have the 4th best navy in the world. We have overseas territories to use strategically. We have the best intelligence agencies in the world. We have the best special forces in the world.
The "big powerful Russia could conquer Europe in hours" meme is just a meme. Russia could not conquer all of Europe.

>No argument

We were stuck between two useless, almost identical puppets in 2008 and 2012. Again, we proved ourselves, now it's your turn. Exit the EU.

You useless cuck. :)

That also means there are a lot more non-whites in USA than there is in all of Europe.


the United Kingdom is going to leave the EU soon, and anyways it isn't on the European continent so who gives a shit about an island filled with people.
To be honest our world is FUBAR already and we just have to wait for it to get worse.
It ain't going to get better folks, don't look for it.

No argument?

You're trying to imply you "dealth with" Obama, after you elected him twice, and provided no opposition to him despite all your "muh guns" posturing.

You absolute fool.

rly make you thing

>A yank can't disprove anything I said so he says "I know you are but what am I".
I never said UK wasn't cucked, my question is "how can the US pretend they aren't cucked?"

But we dealt with his legacy and policies by electing someone vehemently opposed to it. You're smart enough to grasp this simple concept, right? Hell, one could easily argue that Clinton was simply Obama 2.0 (which even she let herself on to be) and you know what happened with her.

Come on, ya limey fuck. Uncuck yourself.


>and you know what happened with her.
She got 2 million votes more than Trump?

Good point.

Even though we are pretty cucked hopefully Trump can slow down our demise or halt it all together. It's going to be an interesting 8 years.


>his legacy

All the policies still in action, and the damage done?

Yeah great, good work. You fucking idiot.

Okay bong, you've proven yourself to know absolutely nothing about American politics, considering that your point has been disproven to death. Refrain from commenting about us or we'll dump your tea again.

>Hollywood pretends Burgeristan isn't 70% overweight with 30% of those being obese
>American Sup Forumstards pretend they're not the ones who are cucked

It's like pottery

UK is literally a bunch of inbreds, genetic purity is more or less guaranteed

>genetic purity

>60% white country talking about genetics

loving every laugh

He's not president yet you fucking dolt. Those policies will be out the window come the first 100 days.

>But it hasn't happened yet haha xD checkmate, looks like I win!

America is more a 2nd world country with freedom of speech and relatively okay living standards than a 1st world country.

>All the policies still in action

>all executive orders that can be repealed day one with a pen stroke

UK intellectuals everyone

>Those policies will be out the window come the first 100 days.

So you constantly say "lol leave the EU" while you too are also waiting for things to happen?

Christ I never believed the "Americans are stupid meme" but you're helping me

We will just redefine whiteness to raise our percentage again. We are already are doing that with some Hispanics.

What I said was objectively true.

> Refrain from commenting about us or we'll dump your tea again.
>You know you have no history when every yank thinks we care about the Tea dumping.

>We will just redefine whiteness to raise our percentage again.

How long before you include half white blacks as white to increase the percentage again?

10 years?

and the brits will still be a bunch of ugly retards from generations of fucking their sisters and cousins

>but at least were white ole chap!

>Republican Senate, Republican House, Republican President
>Somehow these changes will not happen
>UK increasingly less likely to leave the EU

Yeah, it's totally the same thing. Love you shitter shattered limeys.

You're objectively correct, but it's meaningless in the wake of illegal voting and absentee ballots not being counted.

>American accidentally admits he wants to be black, rather than white

Good job, you fucking idiot

>Love you

Oh look, the American is the first to start gaying it up.

You left leaning parasite.

What the fuck are you talking about?

>brits admits hed rather be inbred and retarded than non-anglo

how is that better exactly?

>No argument, reduced to memes
Looks like I won, and no further thoughtful conversation can be had. Ahh, feels good to further American hegemony. Toodles! :)

>Looks like I won

An American winning. Well shit, a first time for everything.

>Americuck is literally founded by British descendants
>"ahahahah all British genetics is stoopid n shit"

>5 largest UK cities
>UK cities
>Posts 5 largest English cities
nice try but Glesga is bigger than Leeds you wally.

>inbred and retarded
>Resonsible for most every technological and scientific developments
>Largest Empire ever
>2 world wars
>Industrial revolution
>Amazing history


Because America wasn't originally white. It's based a country founded upon immigration.

U.K is more cucked than Canada

TOP kek if you think you are on the level of the U.S, they are the GOAT country thanks to Trump.

Brit genetics are fine

Inbreeding for several hundred years would probably turn any group into the ugly retards you guys have become.

don't worry too much those, the muslims will hopefully be able to rape you guys away from complete self destruction

>Canada tries to involve itself in a conversation that has nothing to do with it
>Also sucks Americas dick quickly to try and win favour

Whatever insult I throw at the yanks in jest, I'll never call them a fucking leaf.

American cities are irredeemable, nothing but cesspools of shitskins and brainwashed degenerate whites.

may allah forgive you for uttering that

May Obama/NSA forgive you for uttering that

What got you so assblasted to create this thread?

>hes been dealing with thoughtcrime laws so long he doesn't realize americans still have free speech

I just went from being disgusted to pitying you so quickly

the fuck happened to you dad?

>PM who cries on camera
>Prime minister who unironically is a cuckold
>our referendums aren't binding because we have a history, laws, and a constitution
>you are literally a gateway for subhumans from America to escape too

What got you so assblasted to reply to this thread?

>ugly retards
>ruled the world at one point
>the people who founded america were British

>the muslims will hopefully be able to rape you guys away from complete self destruction
Every Muslim nation is far more inbred than the UK.

there's a difference between these two incidents

you jelly they like us better?

>UK built a wall in France.