What do you think, which group will be the next target of the SJW' after the western white men?
My suggestions:
-White Hispanic and Latino Americans
-Asians, especially japanese, korean and chinese people
-Eastern Europeans
What do you think, which group will be the next target of the SJW' after the western white men?
My suggestions:
-White Hispanic and Latino Americans
-Asians, especially japanese, korean and chinese people
-Eastern Europeans
It's always going to be white men.
They're running out of shit to bitch about in the world so they're probably going to take on sexism withing virtual reality worlds so enough.
It's gonna be a whole new world of obnoxious feminist bitch butthurt when dipshit misandrists realize that not even virtual white men respect them.
black straight men
we already had gamergate
>Implying they will defeat the white male
Fuck it let's make the sjw accounts now
what do you mean "next target", western white men will never not be a target of these tools. At the absolute most they'll just append new targets over time, but never let western white men out of their sights.
Who knows, maybe they'll actually hurt their cause even more by alienating everyone while simultaneously attacking white men who didn't do anything. Maybe they already have, and their house of cards just hasn't collapsed and killed them yet.
what's the protocols of zion have to say about it? i think next up is the erasure of relgion
Gay men. Already happening in some instances.
I like you
They already hate Israel.
Gay white men
Then white women
Then black men
Us commies despise them. How can you call yourself leftist if you believe in capitalism?
White men, always white men. Only their grievance will change.
They are a doom cult, they don't exactly know what they want but they're convinced they need to burn the world to get there.
this is true, especially in cesspits of leftist like universities
I've seen it happen quite a bit
gay men get too chummy with the politics of privileged straight white cis males and bam, suddenly they're part of the big bad patriarchy as well
in all seriousness, when has there ever been another target than whites and esp. white males.
Gay men, even a lot of the faggy ones, are still men. They have even less time for stupid women's bullshit because sex isnt even a motivator.
>They're running out of shit to bitch about
Not sure where you have been for the past month, but Trump won. They will have four years of white male control of the government to bitch about.
The next goal will be outright genocide of whites. You can already see signs of this in how BLM paramilitaries killed those 5 cops in Dallas, before being lauded for it by Clinton and her ilk, not to mention the fact that racially motivated crimes against whites aren`t reported in general.
Surprisingly, Cultural Marxism is going to reverse with Generation Z, as Social Liberals are turning the youth conservative.
Years of poverty and hardship have reversed the Behavioral Sink that defined Millennials. SJWs themselves will become the outgroup, especially after the conflict with Islamism gets real.
Eastern Europeans, now with the Russian thing.
>Who knows, maybe they'll actually hurt their cause even more by alienating everyone while simultaneously attacking white men who didn't do anything. Maybe they already have, and their house of cards just hasn't collapsed and killed them yet.
This is exactly what's happening. As Kek confirms.
Black men. They already complain about "Hoteps."
>eastern europeans
I've been wating for this. Lest them come for my hearth is pure and I shall smite thine whenches with impunity.
They've already started on Japanese. White nationalists keep using Japan as an example of peaceful ethnonationalism, so now they get criticized for WWII war crimes. Every now and then SJWs go beyond race and attack capitalism in general.
Divide and conquer - turn sjw against gay males and vice versa.
Asian women, white women (the masters of the SJW faction) hate Asian women.
Their bs won't work unless applied in the West. Meaning: white men are the eternal target of their ideology.
Let me tell you exactly what I believe will be happening since nobody here is addressing this properly.
This is about the systematic takeover of the structure of society under the flag of equity.
This is a multi-step multi-faceted process which started in some ways in the 1960s and 70s, but really took hold in the 90s.
In the early decades, the concept of feminism arose which on the surface seems reasonable. Equality for women. Except they got that and they're moving past. Gender differences are both natural, but the reason men still make more money is because women went and took fucking art degrees and men took god damn engineering. It's not about inequality it's about men doing jobs that naturally pay more. Men work outdoors, men do dangerous jobs, men do physically demanding jobs which pay more for a very good reason. THEY FUCKING REDUCE YOUR LIFESPAN.
Anyways back to whats going on.
The ideology of feminism as well as ambitious concepts of "freedom" were fed into the minds of young women and men who dared to take any of the social "sciences". This marxist school of though persisted and has begun to permeate into society in particular in post secondary institutions and very much in social studies. That is because in theory marxism sounds alright, but while these fucks learn about this egalitarian possibility, they fail to recognize the reality of the historical attempts at maxism, soviet era forced labor camps and mao's china, but I digress.
These people began teaching the new generations this mindset. Not only that marxist though is progressive, but also exactly how to be activists, and progressed further ideas of subjective freedoms. Now we have an army of ideologist activists.
Enter gender identity politics and the current day and age.
Before I continue think about what SJWs do, the pathology of their thought.
1. Identify human activity
2. Note disparity of success
3. Identify the winners (oppressors) and the losers (the oppressed)
4. Claim allegiance with the oppressed.
5. Declare the oppressors as enemies and take action against them as the source of evil
6. Feel morally superior and revel in this feeling that you are "doing good" in the world
7. Repeat forever.
By continually rooting out what they believe as evil and overthrowing oppressors, regardless of what they do, it's always morally superior because the ideology says so. It's a way for them to simplify the complexities of the world so they never have to critically think about their actions or viewpoints because they're coming from a moral place giving rationality to anything they do.
Now that I've explained this. Let me tell you what is to come. The current narrative is about gender identity/expression. This is by their own definition the internal sense of who a person is. i.e. a completely subjective experience, and gender expression is basically fashion. They claim that this is independent of biological gender determined before birth (they say at birth but that's shit and weakens their baseless argument). This narrative will push forward though.
Why? because identifying biological gender is oppressive. They go back to textbooks, history and rewrite with gender neutrality. They will attack biology professors who dare teach that men produce sperm and women eggs. They will even change the word woman to womon. Curriculum will not include biology about gender in the name of political correctness because it's oppressive to transgender.
They wish to disseminate identity.
They will create a "classless system" where any presumption about who you are is legally reprehensible because the broad scope of gender identity encompasses literally any form of oppression.
Transgender people will get pushed into positions, not to represent the community populations, but to get equal number of gender queer people into power positions as binary genders. Rather than 1 trans out of 100, it will be at least 30% trans people in roles of power.
Try to defend that?
That's oppression, you are an enemy (of the state), suffer the consequences.
What then? I haven't a clue, but population control gets very easy when anyone can be accused of oppression.
If i had to guess they mobilize a military and begin the social justice world conquest for equality.
I'll leave with this. We are dangerously close to fully legislated social justice punitive legislation.
At that point, it's no longer about being Political correctness. It's about Government Correctness. Maybe they use our tech to root out dissenters...
It will probably result in the slaughter of many men if history has taught me anything
White Hispanics are going to be hit hard. More people know that Hispanic is just a language/geographic identifier and most Hispanics in the US don't even speak Spanish. White Hispanics both benefit and are hurt by the identification. SJWs won't give a shit about the later. Similar racial tensions that exist in the US exist in Cuba and Mexico. White Hispanics are on the chopping block soon, especially in states like California.
Number one would be jews, as their extreme nepotism and higher wealth means they actually fit the "white privilege" meme, but I suspect jews will lead the cause against White Hispanics. They always do shit like that.
SJWs don't give a fuck about asians. They don't even consider them. Some asian SJWs do attack asian men, copying their white sisters, but overall SJWs just ignore asians. Jews also tend to hate asians, or have asian sexual fetishes, but mostly hate.
I agree, let's remove all the straight black men. Their societal problems will solve themselves within 100 years maximum.