>subscribed all my life
>Mission statement "to increase and diffuse geographic knowledge."
This shit came in the mail today. Into the trash it goes.
>subscribed all my life
>Mission statement "to increase and diffuse geographic knowledge."
This shit came in the mail today. Into the trash it goes.
Geographer here
Welllppp there goes any ambition to work for NatGeo
Time to apply to alphabet agencies
Well done user
I feel betrayed and angry that this bullshit ruins everything I love
I am. Fuck this. Takes a lot to get me this upset
I can see why you'd want to unsubscribe, but ignoring this isn't going to make it go away. You should read the article, find specific examples of things that you think are bullshit, and write a letter to the editor.
So what now? Does National Geographic take pictures of beautiful ranges of blue-haired fatasses and swimming schools of lardwhales?
Still a normal male heterosexual human being.
All this time I thought I was a huge disappointment. I guess I turned out pretty okay after all.
Lel i cancelled my subscription years ago when it became apparent that they were blatantly leftist
I've been thinking about this shit; the whole tranny/gender bullshit.
Society doesn't seem to be able to backtrack because doing so means admitting that people with gender issues are mentally ill. Once you acknowledge this you implicate all the idiots that encouraged them to believe their mental illness.
Liberals, the liberal media, magazines schools; so many are complicit.
That was about 10 years ago now that i think about it
wtf send me that shit i wanna cum on that qt
That would be transphobic
If you shaved his head and put him in a tracksuit he would look like your typical 14 year old Ivan.
I used to love NG. They had the most informative articles, great photographs, and really interesting information. I had hundreds of them when I was a kid. I read through them all and learned so much.
Animals, Shipwrecks, Architecture, Human stories, Space, Science, Discoveries, Jungles, Tundra, History... All of it was so cool to my young mind. It helped turn me into a more knowledgable, rounded person.
I will never, ever pick up another copy of this garbage.
When did you stop reading new issues
A lesson that people these days need to (re)learn is that life isn't fair. Sometimes the truth is going to be transphobic, racist, sexist, etc. That doesn't stop it from being the truth.
Which nobody will read or care about
In all honesty? 10 years ago
That wouldn't stop me.
Around the same time as me then. I still read the older issues though. I have an article that was published after the balkan wars on the Balkans and another from 1920
*an issue
>Geographer applying to alphabet agencies
get ready for a little surprise
Dream job has been with the NGA. But, I just use their products, doubt they'd want me to draw charts
>subscribe to magazine to learn about the world and cultures
>receive magazine about tranny identity
welcome to the bizarro world. someone should sue them for false advertisement.
how the fuck does the sun, daylight hours and seasons work with the flat earth? how does northern summer occurring during southern winter and vice versa, as well as the weather of the tropics, work?
why is it that when i move between latitudes, daylight hours are noticeably different for the same time of year?
Whether you agree with it or not it is a social phenomenon and should be documented I suppose if it's in an impartial manner.
Yeah, on 1 page, somewhere near the back, preferably under a ripleys believe it or not style headline
a) The tagline on the cover is not impartial.
b) There is no need to push trans-KIDS, honestly.
>how the fuck does the sun, daylight hours and seasons work with the flat earth?
> how does northern summer occurring during southern winter and vice versa,
there is no vice versa, that is what they claim happen but it doesn't and we can't verify that all by ourselves since we are forbidden access there.
>why is it that when i move between latitudes, daylight hours are noticeably different for the same time of year?
see presentation above for a detailed explanation but to sump it up the Sun path over the flat Earth change during the course of a year.
You made the right decision user.
It's covered by a pile of food scraps and garbage now. I feel like I've lost a good friend...But he's been dead a long time, after all
Be sure to send them a letter (e-mail) with that picture and an explanation as to why you are cancelling your subscription. If enough people do that the magazine will fire the editor responsible for that travesty.
>there is no vice versa, that is what they claim happen but it doesn't and we can't verify that all by ourselves since we are forbidden access there.
people can readily fly between the northern and southern hemisphere's you fucking dummy.
hell when we have family who migrate to fuckin straya and live there for enough years to notice when it's warmer and colder, we can just fuckin skype them and be like "it's the warm bit of the year here, how about for you?" "oh it's the cold bit here."
what am i to believe, that every person who migrates to the southern hemisphere or vice versa, is co-opted by alphabetty spaghetti agencies?
Open your mind
Australia isn't real
What's under the flat earth? Is it just a rock face?
based shitposter why's it on the flat earther's map then lmao
Even the flat earthers haven't figured out the real truth yet
Dont feel sad, every good thing is ruined sooner or later. Whether it be by kikes or media.
They're just reporting it.
Like they report on cannibal rituals and deforestation.
It's doesn't mean they support it... Unless it's full of biased PC shit, then yeah, intothetrash.jpg
>"The science of gender"
The science is that 99.5%+ of people are biologically male or female (that's really not an exaggeration, only 0.1% of people have Klinefelter Syndrome - XXY chromosomes - the most common form of intersex)
Gender differences come about as a result of our different hormone levels.
Males produce 20 TIMES as much testosterone as females, as adults, on average.
Males metabolise testosterone TWICE as fast as females.
Higher testosterone in males creates:
>Facial hair
>Strong jawline
>Broader shoulders
>Twice as much upper body strength, on average
>Ceases the development of breast tissue
>Deeper voice
>Slower learning of language
>Difficulty with empathy at an early age
>Greater interest in systems
>Less eye contact as a child
These are SCIENTIFICALLY VERIFIABLE results of testosterone.
Men produce testosterone in the TESTICLES. Women don't HAVE testicles. The Y chromosome is what causes male genitalia to form in the womb, and what causes high levels of testosterone to be produced.
Male genitalia actually start the same as female genitalia - your nutsack was two labia, which fused together (creating the seam down your scrotum). The penis is just a very enlarged clitoris - they are essentially the same structure. The Y chromosome is what causes the genitalia to develop into the penis and testicles.
Glad I could clear that up.
>tfw my father was a nature photographer and photojornalist employed by National Geographic full time
>would travel all over the world on assignments and have his photographs and articles published in their magazines
>he died in 1999 at age 46 after over two decades of working for National Geographic
>I was ten years old at the time and now, nearing 28, I don't have many memories of him anymore, which saddens me because everyone in my family tells me how great of a father he was
>I still have all of the National Geographic issues he has his work published in, though, and I can feel a connection to him still through his photos and words in these magazines if nothing else
My family has been subscribed to National Geographic forever and my uncle's house has a room dedicated to a giant bookshelf of every issue in order plus framed works by my father. His Christmas present every year to me is another annual subscription to National Geographic in my name.
I dread receiving this in the mail. I'm not angry, just sad. It feels like it tarnished not only a family tradition but also the memory I have with my father. More than anything it makes me feel nauseas. And a bit emptier. Any other publication and I wouldn't care. But this actually cuts deep.
Miss you, Dad. I'm sorry that this horrible edition of the publication that is inexorably linked to you in my head has tarnished your legacy for me, even slightly. :(
a virulent disease must run its full course.
So what the hell is the article in the magazine about? Post some scans instead of these dumb flat earth comments.
You paid for it first, right Sparky?
>Male genitalia actually start the same as female genitalia - your nutsack was two labia, which fused together (creating the seam down your scrotum).
Are you suggesting we should transition fetuses, before the benis is formed? So they can pass 100%.
Send them pizza
"Susan Goldberg"