What the fuck is wrong with these fucking homophobes?
What the fuck is wrong with these fucking homophobes?
>Grows up having the world revolve around them.
>Suddenly world stops revolving around them.
Insane. What man would be okay with that?
>of i say im a woman then im a woman
>that'll work
Wow what sort of man would pass up her tight boipussy?
This is literally why I went from being a blue pilled lefty cuck to helicopter afficianado. Calling people intolerant for not wanting a dick the mouth is extreme luxury autism.
>has male parts
Pick one.
>"Man with long hair says he is rejected by straight guys for having a penis"
That's better
You're a fucking white male!
We are getting closer to Rome. Next would be normalization of orgies.
>luxury autism
I like this.
I don't understand why they don't fuck gay guys. Everyone is happy.
I'm a tranny and gay guys want nothing to do with me
Also the idiot in that picture, assuming it's not made up, probably is completely understanding that guys who don't like dicks don't want to fuck her, she just wants to be in the news
the correct spelling is boipucci.
Top lel wonder why.
I second the "go fuck fags" notion. Seems like a win-win.
why would gays want trannies? trannies should mate with other trannies - problem fixed. but oh - even trannies are not into other trannies.
wow wtf i love a feminine penis now
Faggots tend to hate trannies.
gee, I wonder who could be behind that article
Didn't happen. Dumb myth propagated by 18th century historians like Edward Gibbon. Orgies were no more acceptable in Rome than they would be now. If you mean homosexualtiy, they had different roles which were passive/dominant. It was still bad to get dicked if you were a man.
One of my best friends was police for awhile and always had dog shift hours. About three times a week he would get a call by some tranny nigger prostitue scared for its life cause some drunk fuck tried to get some pussy and found a dick and is chasing them around with a wrench or a pipe or trying to run them over or some shit.
Fucking baton rouge, makes me sad how much shittier it has gotten after thinking it couldn't possibly get worse so many times.
But is it man or already not a man?
casey neistat?
cuz she has a dick now
If you are a gay (top) guy, is there such a big difference between a gay (bottom) guy and a tranny? The tranny is basically a gay bottom with long hair.
Would you date a female to male tranny then? Balance and all that?
Because they want you to fuck them.
If you don't you're an intolerant shitlord.
Check your CIS WHITE MALE privileged.
Surprisingly not a Jew. Just a cuck white boi who probably takes it up the boipucci from black GODS.
I'm not one of these totalitarian frustrated permavirgins that infest Sup Forums but i can understand how a man would feel if he met a hot girl who turned out to be a dude.
A young or stupid man would maybe doubt his sexuality and want to kill the poor critter.
Seriously what do they expect? Get to the third date and reveal the choad?
It'd be like some sick acid trip, you've been going out with this girl for a couple weeks, she gave you a blowjob last night in front of the TV, then after dinner tonight you're getting naked and out flops a really delightful semi-erect COCK.
Yeah what could go wrong.
>not liking feminine penis
I sort of missed all the info on this. What is it exactly? I just started seeing people talking about safety squads all of a sudden.
Why are these women not in new zealand?
Telling her shes a pretty girl as you upside down piledriver would be amazing.
>male parts
>wants to date straight men
>upset they don't like dick
I would be willing to date anyone if I really clicked with them, male female tranny or whatever. But I'd never actually choose to look for a trans person to date, ideally I wouldn't date a tranny. And of course ideally I wouldn't fucking be a tranny either but whatever
If I'm attracted to a woman, why is a non-woman surprised I'm not attracted to him?
Ayyy NOLA fag here. It's not much better down here in "debauchery" town.
>be a male
>want to be female
>change everything except the one physical characteristic which most substantially marks someone as a male
I can't have respect for any trans who doesn't get the chop, at a fundamental level it's a refusal to solve their problem.
Can confirm they called everyone either active or passive.
A really passive guy was seen as a bit meh.
I would fuck ze tranny bloody and impregnate her with my superior Aryan seed
God sjw trannies really grind my gears. Like im trans but id never be so fucking retarded to assume that a straight man would want to sleep with me when i want a penis. Its just like i assume lesbians dont want to sleep with me beacuse of the penis.
The best thing for trannies to do is online dating where they make it clear up front if they are post/pre/non op so that there are no surprises and people who actually are interested know who to look for.
Like iv never been on a date with someone who didnt already know i had a penis. Its fucking stupid , especially when you date men. There is a real possibility they will snap and be so angry they will either rape or kill you.
There is actually a state, i cant remember, where its legal to kill trannies if you argue you were so surprised by them being trans you were startled. Obviously its a bullshit sjw tier argument and law but it does exist because men are really easy to trigger.
This is the hill they will die on.
A man can take hormones, wear makeup, get surgery, wear frilly dresses, act like a girl, but as long as the plumbing is wrong, I have zero interest, need, or use for them, as a hetero male.
If they want to prance around in dresses, let them. Hell, it's nice to see SOMEONE act feminine for a change.
But if you think I'll overlook MY born sexuality, and my complete lack of interest in dick, lol...it's gonna get ugly, if they keep pushing this.
I'm about as open minded as they come. I ve seen every possible combination of sexes, and then some. But I know what I am - I am male hetero. I like and need vagina. No amount of liberal bullying will change that.
And, if some trans guy troes to fool me, and later reveals himself as a guy, it's not the dick that's the only reason I'd dump his ass wherever we are - it's the lying, too. You're not giving me any respect by denying my right to not choose penis.
If you're openly trans, and don't hide that you are, I have no issue with you. You go, fauxgirl.
But try to trick me, or bully me into accepting it?
You're gonna lose that fight, hard. And you'll leave crying.
That you can "understand how a man would feel", think a man that would want to kill the bitch was "young or stupid", and can in any way sympathize with this article and the degenerates it is defending means that you are too far gone to continue existing in this society, and should be beaten to death along with the degenerates you worship and defend.
are you a male to female or female to male?
If I hired that person to do a job, then paid them with monopoly money, should they be mad at me since it not "real" money? whats the big deal? paper is paper, right?
hey you, let me ask you something
do you consider transexual people should be treated psychologically? do you consider it a curable thing, in contrast with homosexual people?
I'm not trying to be a dick here, just out of curiosity. I don't have a strong opinion in favor or against transexuality.
I'm mtf
You're fucking a white male!
Fuck you are hot. Do you do one night stands? Be honest, long term it hardly ever works.
Of course you are.
Nope, you are ftf.
Sup Forums started a project to report unsafe diy "safe space" buildings to the fire department, but now rogue mods have shut us down, despite the fact that we've done nothing illegal, and are only enforcing the law.
We've shut down 13 unsafe warehouses, and avoided hundreds of potential deaths.
Well thanks for the angry frustrated permavirgin view, it's very valuable.
Screaming 'destroy all people who we disagree with' has been discredited pretty thoroughly though, sorry.
>trannies on pol
what is this sorcery
Who ever decided men were responsible for sexually pleasing these things?
If anyone should be fucking them it should be the lesbians.
Yeah, no shit.
>luxury autism
thank for this
idk dude, if you've seen the surgery results, you can kinda see why. It really doesn't look like an ax wound.
All roads lead to there.
>Fuck you are hot.
Thats not me, i dont post my pics anymore.
>Do you do one night stands
Im engaged and we dont even live on the side side of the planet.
Oh I c. I saw some guy talking about fire inspection in some Canada antifa thread a few minutes ago. I'm reading posts on /rwss/ now. Seems pretty funny.
First I thought we were going to go beat up leftists and burn down their houses or something.
>luxury autism
My man.
>linking infinitycancer
Neck yourself
Yeah and the Christian Taliban in the USA get jobs in libraries and don't replace Harry Potter books when they get lost or damaged.
Pretty slimy. Hostile sneakiness isn't charismatic.
In other news, water is wet.
>guys wants to stick benis in vegina
>person he's talking to has no vegina
>"ok bye"
Wasn't the (((((((((((news))))))))))))) bitching just 37 seconds ago about kids not being born?
tits or gtfo
It's not curable. I've felt like I wanted to be a girl since I was at least four years old. Religion, drugs, sex, working out, 'manning up' etc. didn't do shit about it. I actually went to conversion therapy as a teenager before it was made illegal here and it didn't work, it just made me hate myself more. The only thing that ever actually made me feel better about my dysphoria was taking hormones and trying to live as a girl. It's not at all a great solution and obviously I wish things were different, like I wish I was a real girl of course or I wish I didn't have these feelings and could just be a guy, but I have to accept reality and do whatever I can to make life bearable for me
The treatment for trannies should be this
If someone has dysphoria, go to therapy for a few years, try to find the source. Maybe they're depressed, maybe they have envy of the opposite sex for some reason, maybe it could be anything. But if you rule everything out and they just have dysphoria, let them transition. If they're at or past puberty, give them hormone blockers while you're doing the therapy because if they turn out to not be really trans, they can just stop taking them after and start puberty like normal, but if they DO turn out to be trans, it's important to not let puberty wreck their chances of passing.
Also being trans should be looked at 100% as a medical thing and not some sjw you can be whatever you want feelings bullshit
Is that the onion?
>legal to kill trannies
well tbf, it's a legal DEFENSE... it's not a law that makes it legal to kill.
>rejected by straight guys
Why doesn't "she" just go for bisexual guys?
Psychologically no, psychology is not a real science and it is probably what got us in this mess in the first place. Gender dysphoria can be treated chemically.
I guess "psychological assistance" is needed for them to "overcome" their "condition", so a psychiatrist is the best bet I think.
Id hit it
Luxury autism
I know a guy who can cure you so you don't have to be a disgusting tranny for the rest of your life.
fuck, user. I'm saving your words for future reference. thanks for the insight, and good luck with life.
I wonder if they have any idea how many fascists they are creating. Three years ago I never thought I'd hate jews but here we are.
Gay guys are not interested in trans. They want men. Straight males are the largest supporters of shemale porn. Gays don't even look at that shit
you in the closet tho
>rejected for having male parts
What male would be fooled by that massive jawline long enough to see >her parts?
Fags want men who look like men, straight men want women who are actually women. Trannies are mentally ill delusional freaks who nobody actually wants.
thank you for this post. It must be really hard, I think we all should try to understand our individual struggles, as long as people are not forcing their beliefs or choices on other people. were you able to take hormone blockers before you hit puberty?
Go back to Sup Forums, kid.
It's really a subset of straight guys. It's gynephiles, as in people who are primarily attracted to femininity over masculinity. It's different than bi guys because they don't want anything to do with normal men at all
>being a fascist makes you hate jews
>hating jews makes you a fascist
I love trans, got any photos? I'm pretty good looking from what people tell me, but I only go for trans so it's a lot of me rejecting people
These same trannies will denounce people who actually are into them as disgusting 'chasers'
cannot win
Not homophobes at all. Just normal hetero males is all. Silly faggots dicks are for chicks.
No and I regret it every day of my life, but there was no way for me to start hormones because I grew up in a christian household. When I told my parents about my feelings as a kid, they didn't believe me, and when I kept telling them for years and years they finally kicked me out on the street. It took years to get financially stable, get a car, my own place, so many other things before I was able to start hormones even though that was what I was working towards from the beginning. I'm 6'1, if I started hormones at puberty I would have been 5'6
>luxury autism
I am so easly entertained.
>Three years ago I never thought I'd hate jews but here we are.
2016 in a nutshell
>who nobody actually wants.
pretty sure this isn't true tho. There are ppl who chase after trannies. Considering the rarity of a tranny (~0.6%), I would think it would be rather easy for them to find someone to date. Their only problem would be finding someone who doesn't just use them for sex.
Mirin' jaw brah.
I know more straight women who are way into trans men, and want to fuck one, than any other group. They say "best of both worlds".
I don't care if a guy wants to be with a trans. But I'm not one of them. Friends? Sure. Coworker? Absolutely. But date? No. And I expect that you, as a trans woman, would respect my right to not be interested.
The reality, I expect, is that most trans women are fine with it, and like someone said, this is juts someone who wants attention, and the press, as usual, thinks it's just peachy.
exactly me
I went from feminist to zyklon salesman