Dig into your archive and post what you think was the best pol post of 2016.
ITT: Best posts in /pol: 2016
Is this redpilled or degenrate?
Dat shadow.
Thanks user. I knew it was too good to be true.
why not both?
>That obvious shop
yea its CGI, probly disney
Newfag detected
Why don't you fuck off back to AOL?
That would of killed her if it was real.
Too bad it's obviously fake then
Jesus Christ
Anyone have sauce?
Holy fuck I haven't seen this gif in probably over a decade. I remember masturbating to it once.
Classic mistake op
You posted an image more interesting than your post
Gee what gave it away? The fact that her stomach would be relocated?
what's AOL
A 1990s charity dedicated to handing out the equivalent of a 32Gb memeory stick to everyone on the planet, often several times a week
FAKE but not gay
this is a gem i will always remember
>shut down the atoms
I don't get it
or when we fucked with the jonh podesta emails i have the archives but im too lazy to make a screencap
How about a source?
Russian hackers
It's shooped.
Of course its fake
Look athe balls
>even masturbating to it once
>mexican itellectuals
Shutting down the atoms is under appreciated
FBI user
The Trump time traveler thread is, perhaps, one of the most entertaining things I've ever read
I wonder if a woman could actually pull that trick with a smaller dildo. Need some serious training to pull off feats of whoredom that impressive
holy fucking kek
Oh wait this is hands down the best one. We've diverged slightly but still hitting all the main points that's the crazy part.
(((Tribe of Black Gentry)))
It's actually 2deep4U
Beat me to it
This man knows his degeneracy
That's how the internet worked before you were not retarded
Er not so retarded you couldnt get dressed by yourself
Er not so retarded you would die on your own
Er not so retarded that there was at least someone in your village that was somehow more retarded than you
This is also true as fuck
i'm confused
why was ibm giving out memory sticks
Why are Anglos so superior?
100000000 then 99999999
>Mfw this is fucking true
There was some seriously savage niggery on Sup Forums this year
Bunch of illiterate corn-niggers
Bunch of basement-dwelling sperglings trying to uncover pizza-loving political celebrities
'member Wikileaks, you acoustic niggers?
Eric Trump is a Sup Forumsack
What was OP?
Do you have a larger picture of that?
Because there was no wireless internet back then
We literally had strings going building to building and harddrives of info that we would mail across the country
Now thats a 2 part series worth watching all the way through!
>posts the fake evidence
Fuck off jew
>Trump's son literally makes a "Gas Chamber" joke on CNN's interview
>Not realizing that everyone is browsing Sup Forums and shitposting about how she takes kike dick for the senpai every thanksgiving
>Every night Ivanka yells "Daaaaaaad! Make them stop being mean to me! They fuck jewish girls too!"
>Trump replies "I know sweety but you've got to listen to the whole story: Those Trump's know how to always be the one bending over a kike when fucking with jews."
Low energy thread.
Oh man, i remember this one
my greatest work to date
Literally deactivate the things I don't even understand wether or not are activating