Anyone watch The Man in the High Castle only for the nazi parts...

Anyone watch The Man in the High Castle only for the nazi parts? The thought of the Nazis winning and forming an empire makes me unbelievably happy

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That's because you don't give a shit about all the innocent people they would have murdered.

Implying the nazis were murderers. Good goy


Show's pretty good. The endings are kind of weird though.

parasites aren't innocent

>nazis were murderers.

There is a term for people like you. Flat-Earthers.


Fess up you coward. If you're going to stand behind a criminal regime that commits atrocities ostensibly for your benefit at least have some balls and own it.

You could find a collection of white people advocating genocide here on Sup Forums and market it the same way. Instead of "Black Lives Matter" you could put "Whites are Peaceful"

Flat earther? When did we start talking about the shape of the earth (it's round by the way). I'm just saying maybe just maybe it's possible that the Victor's of a war could have it in them to lie about some things to dehumaniz the enemy

Neither is right or wrong for wanting their 'tribe' to win. That's your misconception.

You didn't talk about exaggeration, which i agree exists. You said that they weren't murderers. That's the equivalent of claiming the Earth is flat in historical blindness. Hitler talked about exterminating Jews in his speeches ffs.

>Neither is right or wrong for wanting their 'tribe' to win. That's your misconception.

I disagree. I have morals and those morals say killing innocents is wrong whether my tribe does it or the other tribe does it. It transcends self interest.

That's basically the only reason I watch it desu

I began watching it last year but stopped after a few episodes.

>strong female lead (lol)

pretty gay desu

He never once said he wanted to exterminate them. I challenge you to find me a single example of him saying that. Do you agree that the allies committed atrocities as well? Dresden for example?

No the show was too pro kike.

John Smith's parts honestly make up for all that in my opinion. He's literally the most fashy character I've ever seen in a television show

I agree, but I stick through it for the nazi stuff

John Smith is the best actor in the show by far. The female lead is a shitty actor

Oh yeah fuck that Jew loving bitch

>I have morals
If those 'morals' lead to your tribe being weakened or destroyed, how useful are they?

>He never once said he wanted to exterminate them.


>“Today I will once more be a prophet. If the international Jewish financiers in and outside Europe should succeed in plunging nations once more into a world war, then the result will not be the bolshevization of the earth and this the victory of Jewry, but the annihilation of the Jewish race in Europe!”

>“This criminal race has the two million dead of the (First) World War on their conscience, and now hundreds of thousands. Let no one say to me: we cannot send them into the mire. Who concerns themselves about our men? It is good if preceding us is the terror that we are exterminating the Jews. The attempt to found a Jewish state will fail.”

But i'll fancy you. What was he going to eventually do with the Jews? Dindu nuffin, indeed.

And yes, i'll admit the allies did commit atrocities because i'm not a hack.

The real life Nazis though that way as well. It's not a fond or novel idea. You're going to realize that if you play this game, you should not complain when your enemies show you the same amount mercy you showed them. I wonder how many Nazis with that philosophy perished in Soviet gulags.

>annihilation of the jewish race in europe
>in europe
strange modifier here, almost as though he's actually talking about deportation

Because he was. He was helping them leave Europe, even going so far ad to give them insensitive of go to Palestine

Then why didn't he say deportation? Because that's not what he meant. He controlled Europe and not the rest of the world so of course he could only execute his power there. Hitler believed in a global jewish conspiracy. Exile of jews would not solve that problem. Killing them would.

“...The sole German objective in the region will be to liquidate all Jews who live in Arab countried under the patronage of Great Britain.”

—To Hajj Amin al-Husseini (the Mufti of Jerusalem)
November 28, 1941

Yeah. Hitler was a real humanitarian and would have loved a prosperous Jewish state.


>You wouldn't like it if it happened to you!
not an argument

Very credible images you have there. Really makes me think. How do we know the ones on the bottom are real ones? They could be fake, right?

>T. Mr Goldberg-cohen

Fine. By your own philosophy the Nazis were weak and deserved to perish.


>Fine. By your own philosophy the Nazis were weak and deserved to perish.
Sure. 'Weak' isn't the right word though. If a sole reason for their failure could be cited, it'd be overestimating their own potential relative to their enemies'. Hubris, basically.

Where did you copy and paste this from?

I've tried watching it but the amazon video app is bottom tier trash. I don't get they use the same servers or whatever as Netflix but Netflix doesn't buffer every 30 seconds.

The Nazi/Japanese parts are objectively the best parts of the show. All the resistance parts are trash. (The Jewish guy and the pawn shop dealer are have a pretty good story though).

I never buffer, comes in crystal. Must be you

Maybe. I have these other video apps and they all work perfectly. It's only the amazon app I have trouble with. Otherwise from what I watch I love this show.

Fuck you, you fucking nigger loving degenerate piece of shit. Multikulti has killed far more.

Philip K. Dick is based

>"... in Europe!"
Yeah Nazis hated jews

They still kept themselves from becoming full blown anti-semitic jews though and the Havaara program highlights this

Hitler never wanted to exterminate the jewish people, he just wanted them to stop fucking with Germany and stop subverting those who would fuck with Germany for the jews (like Winston "The drunk eternal anglo" churchill, Franklin "Married muh jewish cousinwife" (((Roosevelt))) and Joseph "Anti-semitism is a dealth penatly crime" Stalin)

Not being jewish or a shitposter at all. Yes the nazis were mean as fuck. No they weren't fairytale boogeymen and same with the Japanese. Only communists become inhuman beasts of evil.

You have a wierd definition of "innocent"

Wanting to destroy another's way of life and make theirs worse is far from "innocent"


> 'Weak' isn't the right word though.

A flaw in character that led to the entire destruction of their country isn't a weakness? Hubris is a massive weakness.

First Quote with audio:

Second quote i could only find from Jewish sources. I know how you feel about that, so i won't even bother. You can have that one.

Prove it.

>They still kept themselves from becoming full blown anti-semitic jews

Can you rephrase this? As for that program, it did save a few jews but that does not discount the millions of others who were killed.

>Hitler never wanted to exterminate the jewish people

Then why did he herd them into work camps, display propaganda saying they were an evil race, and directed the einsatzgruppen to mass murder them in Eastern Europe?

>No they weren't fairytale boogeymen and same with the Japanese

Describing anything as a boogeyman deligitamizes it. But saying the Nazis were mean is like saying Satan was naughty. They were much more than 'mean'. They were genocidal expansionists. Same with the Japs and Nanking.

Funny. The Poles and small village Jews probably felt the same when they were invaded and marked for execution. It was their fault for existing, i suppose.

I think he actually hated the book. There was a planned sequel but he couldn't put himself back into the mind of a Nazi to continue it.

The Man in The High Castle is the only one I started and didn't finish by him

>A flaw in character that led to the entire destruction of their country isn't a weakness? Hubris is a massive weakness.
I was thinking about it in more of a physical force context. Hubris is definitely a weakness in your context.

When I say the German National Socialists and the Imperial Japanese were "mean" I meant they were mean(potentially evil) as fuck by had decent reasons for that meanness(potential evil).

>Japan was arguably the best people/nation in Asia and other Asians even admit/fear that they are somewhat superior for whatever reason:

>Germany was arguably the best Nation in Europe and even Patton admitted this while many around the world still struggle to deny the truths that Hitler spoke.

All the internationalist parasites did in WW2 was convince the world, through their control of politics, finance and media that the axis were "evil" and that everyone, regardless of idealogy, should gang up and kill them before they spread more truth by force.

From a purely objective standpoint: There were no good guys/bad guys. There were people persuaded by patrial truths (Axis Powers) and people persuaded by almost complete lies(Allied Powers)

Truth and lie are two sides to the same coin too, but thats a tale for another thread.

Calling them "Genocidal Expansionists" is also a gross exaggeration for preemptive military strikers in response to economic warfare from the existing world rulers.

Every real battle is about those without power and those with power. The Allied Powers had all the power after WW1 amd to this day. The Axis Powers were a rising force to challenge the rule the Allied Powers had over the world.

The Allied Powers have served my sinful, greedy, selfish, hedonistic American pursuits very well, but I don't believe it was the best choice for humanity as a whole.

I think the japs shouldve not missed the aircraft carriers at pearl harbor and Hitler shouldnt have fucked up Dunkirk.