Why do Amerifats pretend they are Aryan and had anything to do with the Roman Empire, when their all disgusting Irish, Polish and Jews?
Why do Amerifats pretend they are Aryan and had anything to do with the Roman Empire, when their all disgusting Irish...
"""Aryans""" are an (((Anglo Saxon))) propaganda shit pushed in the 19th century to distance themselves from the so called "inferior" celtic race, when in reality it is the Celts, and Irish Gaels in particular who are the true master race.
Why are oliveskins so upset by every thread that discusses this?
There are lots of Scandinavians and Germans too here.
So shes gone full blown white nationalist now?
Oy Vey Ezra won't like this! Its anuddah shoah!
My ancestors are mainly from somewhere on the western coast of France south of Brittany, and Normandy. Plus a bit of Irish and Scottish, though my paternal "French" side has an Anglo-Saxon surname. What am I?
The only thing amerifats are deus vulting is Tyrone's cock when they prep the bull before bedtime
Faith > Lauren tbqh
>Polish and Irish
>not aryan
Some of us come from places other than America
Lauren thread
And were definitely whiter than you, you fucking bean eating cunt
where can i find this hoodie
Sadly some of us are beady eyed anglos, and are not white.
Ulster irish or papist irish?
Also this is shoe0nhead apparently (according to 8ch), the grainy one is confirmed her and it matches
Look who the fuck is talking. You have asylum seeking нeгpы raping all your women.
How about you leave Detroit, New York city and commiefornia. Literally 99% white
I don't. Proud to be Russian, French, Welsh, Turkish. The Russian quarter is Jewish. Last girl I dated was black. Liked her way more than any white or Asian girl I've dated. Favorite girls are Tamils. My favorite places are the liberal hippie parts of Glasgow, the jazzy parts of New Orleans, the desert of Arizona and New Mexico, the hedonistic part of Osaka, and the artsy anarchist parts of Berlin. Lived in West Africa for a while and had a blast. I despise nationalism, and find most nationalists to be hodunk retarded, uneducated, worthless, sad little faggots. Lately I've been getting into Soto Zen, which I think is probably the only worthwhile religious tradition.
How's everybody doing today?
I'm a mystery meat mix of German, Scots Irish, Irish, Scandinavian, English, etc...
Yall just mad because we got that hybrid vigor... r right?
lmao who bought her bolt-ons?
The grainy breast is clearly a much smaller breast. You're just a retard.
You're disgusting
My brothers and sisters and I are all blonde & blue eyed too if it matters (though some of us are dirty blonde)
Are you one of those sad little faggots I described?
Lauren's sister > Lauren
What's wrong with being lrish descendant?
My family is white Iriah descendant Americans for 3 generations on both sides
If l wanna kill hajis l'mma kill hajis
Definitely ain't sad Bro. I enjoy every second of my life. You zen morons piss me off. Everything is not always in balance. Fuck off
Is that why Ireland is flooded with black migrants and the ones who came to America are all bleeding-heart liberals and moody short-tempered alcoholics?
Those have been long debunked
8 is retarded
Explain to me, what is zen to you?
Why are all babies in London named Muhammad?
B/c the UK loves failing
I am Scottish-Cumbric-Pict with some Irish and Welsh, that got mixed into the family, sometime in between the 1000's-1300's AD. There may be some Norse blood also, but that part of the family is likely extinct.
Ah. Too many people don't realize that the irish haven't had the island to themselves in centuries. The french regions you listed were hubs for the Huguenots, I was thinking you could have been pure protestant heretic(genetically).
As far as I know my family has only ever been Catholic on all sides with no converts
Inner balance
Bcuz we won. Go home Oliver, you're drunk.
>a race
>even a living ethnicity in 2016
English in denial
Tha fhathast cuid de dhuinn fhàgail.
Nearly all whites in America share a genetic and cultural heritage with Europe to the disdain of eurorats
No, that's just something people like to say about Buddhism in general, and all it really refers to is that Buddhists recognize the importance and significance of the real world. It was a rejection of the asceticism of Hinduism, in which the body is seen as unimportant and things like happiness and pleasure are disavowed. Buddhists just recognized that the world around us is important. But that's a pretty insignificant part of zen, since it's such a basic part of Buddhism.
The real point of Zen is that we need to let go of our ideas of how the world is supposed to work, and accept the world as it is, seeing clearly how it does work. This involves being aware of our surroundings, being in the moment, being mentally present, etc. The idea is, once we can see the world for how it actually is, then we can act in the most effective way possible.
The other important concept is that everything's interconnected in the world, so we're just one part of a large system.
Your name is JOHN SMITH! *cracks whip* SAY IT!
Anglo and scottish catholics? Very suspicious-there could be a wife's son in your family. Healthy young man, goes through his 23andme results; finds cuckoldry, many such cases!
Is e m 'ainm Iain Mac a' Ghobhainn.
Because we are culturally Anglo-Saxon. Even all the mass immigration, the ruling classes, who set the tone for the country, remained predominantly Anglo. But, like England, all that has gone away as result of the post-war order. Now it's all SWPL's and (((others))).
Wrong. Germans speak your language better cockney scum.
OP: I know the ancestry of every single American.
No you don't
Fuck off
JOHN SMITH! *cracks whip harder*
American melting pop propaganda.