So when can we stop pretending that americans are white?


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Cucks in glass houses should not throw stones. Your entire ethnic heritage is being destroyed and everyone is laughing.

Reminder that you pay money to these Jews to take your DNA, store it in their database, and sell it to the highest bidder.

Hello Tyrone, did I trigger you 56%? You are not fucking white dude, you are all mutts.

nice meme. most other countries have far worse ethnic makeups of their populations. we took in like what, a few hundred thousand (i don't have the exact numbers off the top of my head) immigrants in 2014-2015 and that had a huge backlash for the government parties, they've adopted a much more restrictive policy and either the anti-immigration party or the moderate party will certainly win the next election and they will have to work together with a more or less restrictive immigration policy.

Kek, Muhammad most whites aren't 100% white, I'm a literal white nationalist and I think I know 1 person who is 100% European. Also, having .01% African ancestry would put you in those statistics, which is retarded.

Reminder europoors consider Turks white but if you're 50% german and 50% french you're below a nigger.

On our Swedish forum most people that post their results come out pure.

but that's clearly incorrect you mart sharter

Seems Minnesota and Nebraska are still pure though.

Swedes have never been enriched in history. No mongols came this far west and no other fucking countries invaded us we always blew them the fuck out. Trust me Tyrone, a real ethnic swede will be like 100% european. You niggers have like 5% african blood fucking DISGUSTING, you'll never walk among us

This is 7D bait

You're right. Those countries got invaded and you invited your enemies in with prostration. That's why you're a swedecuck. know...they could be mixed blacks who have both white and black in them?

yeah it's called mulatto, that's what you are. If you have milk and then take a shit in it, it's no longer milk. It's shitty milk. It will never taste like milk again. But if you pour some milk on shit it will most likely still taste like shit

>one percent or more
>the darkest shade is only 12.5%
wew, talk about a misleading image

Geez that swede is mad tonight.

>burgers in charge of interpreting a chart
it's saying that upwards of 1/8th of americans who call themselves white actually have 1%+ nigger genes

>at least 1%

You should probably look up how 23andme included speculated results.


We can't. 20-30% European courtry.
Negro, gypsy, semite blood admixture is unforgivable
>Iberians, "White" Americans, Italians, Greeks, Balkanites
>European(aka White)
Good try, jews the purity destroyer

>52% """"white""""(20-35% real European)
>white kids are already a minority in their age group
>quarter of said whites has injun, polish semite or negro blood
>media/education/banks all run by the jews
>fight wars for the jews on the other side of the planet
>mutilate their sons genitals cause mr rosenberg said so
>white guilt over slavery worse than nazi guilt
>worships niggers one month every year
>adopting niggers and chinks is a normal american practice
>elected nigger twice over white guilt
>normalized coalburning
>normalized homosexuality
>in the process of normalizing trans shit
>home of radical feminism
>ground zero for all modern degenerate anti-white propaganda
>at the front of pushing the islamophobia shit
>clockboy gets a free scholarship to top universities and white house for bringing a old clock to school despite the family being on record for race baiting
>biggest shooting ever gets ignored because the shooter was a mudslim
>tolerates a black domestic terrorist group
>almost all food is unnatural shit created by monsanto

>23 and me
Believing in the DNA jew and thinking they can tell where your ancestors came from.
Fucking plebs.

>The default Speculative Estimate corresponds to 50% confidence. You have the option to make the estimate more strict, meaning that the interpretation shown is more likely to be accurate. While the conservative view of Ancestry Composition displays the ancestry assignments that we are most certain of, you will see more assigned ancestry in the speculative view.

A little bit of racial mixxing is good for evolution since it allows for the introduction of new and useful genes.

Lol, I have African ancestry and I'm white as fuck.

Guess what, Africans can be white. Funny how I'm supposed to call some fresh-off-the-boat Moroccan with his dick still in a goat "Dutch", but white populations who have lived in Africa for generations are never considered natives.

Your "dark secret" NEVER been a secret on the Old Continent

Literally everything you posted is false copypasta

Worked out well

Minnesotans are the biggest cucks in the USA and as you can see from OP it's not their African admixture causing it but their Swedish.

>"who have one percent or more African ancestry"
>having 0.01% African ancestry would put you in those statistics
wew lad
>be white supremacist
>be fucking retarded
never fails

So Hitler agrees with me?
Nice to know but even you plebs should know not to trust the DNA jew.

>23 and me

yes, because more than 0.01% of the population has actually taken part in that jewish money grab fraud

Yeah, I almost fell for the memes. Almost. And then Sup Forums(and my dad) redpilled me. My dad almost had a fit when I told him I was sending my DNA to some corporation.

Minnesotans are forced to take somali rapefugees by FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. Guess run by whom? WASP/kikes/dagos. Two of those are niggers

>this thread

The truth hurts so much, you have to resort to making up lies and saging. KEK

Guess who has the biggest antifa, SJW movement and fishes scum out of the sea for the last 30 years? Negrified Italy, why?

Reminder it's Italian navy to fish niggers out of the water

>It's le Med cuck LARPing as European saviour episode

>The proposed amendment to Italy's Civil Code would remove the word "fidelity" from Italian marriage contracts.

>The promise not to cheat is a "cultural legacy from an outdated and obsolete vision of marriage, family, and the rights and duties of spouses", according to the senators who have signed the bill.

>They cited a previous ruling from Italy's top court, which declared that judges could not legally place the blame for a marriage separation "on the mere failure to observe the duty of fidelity".


You should be the last one harping about purity, mongrel.

DNA testing has more sound proof then God and you bible thumping Americans seem to think that faggot exists.

Born and raised

>DNA testing has more sound proof then God and you bible thumping Americans seem to think that faggot exists.
Another kike pushing the DNA jew.
Fucking pleb you would fall for the bible wouldn't you.

What about people living exactly on the blue line in Ă…land?

Kek, yeah I goofed on that one

We kangz now.

Based Swedish Apartheid colonists

You pay 50% income tax on your $50,000 a year salary to fund millions of somalian rapists who live in luxury houses and have their food, clothes, and healthcare paid for. You shouldn't be calling others cucked you ice nigger.

>implying inaccurate

No sane person wants to be associated with Rome. (They were not Germanic, but Romans of old are not "modern Italians" in terms of genetics)
>LARPing as Romans
Reminder Romans willingly intermixed out of existence. Rome allowed scum from Asia Minor, Judea and North Africa to freely travel and settle. You know the drill. The Mediterraneans are dead. It's anthropoligal fact. Meds were glorious with exception for Rome. I mean, Romans got B L A C K E D in brothels and watched gory spectacles in the Colosseum. The "barbarians" being savage were a victor's meme. Just like the "muh ebul" Nazis today.

>Ritualistic and very spiritual occasional post-battle cannibalism/head decor innawoods.
>Blood for sport and animal cruelty followed up by some nigger dick in the brothel.

Minnesomalia is getting cucked extremely fast
as new births come in the stats won't be pretty
not sure what the deal is with nords and somalis

>Germanic achievements
creating the industrial revolution and 80%+ of the worlds technology

>Mediterranean achievements:
Buttfucking, first case of interracial mass migration and creating some ruins

pick one

Are you seriously implying Nords picked that group and not your leaders?

>surprising how rapefugess are dumped into areas where 100% Europeans live (MN, ND, SD)
I wonder why...
I wonder if "White Unity" jewish meme....could it be their desire to exterminate untouched Europeans...

yeah, because people with fair hair and skin are helpful, trusting, and naive

>states are in charge of immigration policy

>states that are do-gooder commie

check out this faggotry

They also don't like outsiders. They took no initiative to bringing Negroids there, that's all your leaders (the real ones).

This is either bait or you didn't actually look at your own image. In the majority of the country, a whopping single digit percent of white people have at least one nigger somewhere in their ancestry. Wow!

>homogenous communities
>generous social programmes
Pick two nigger
Their is ethnocidal plot against the Europeans by the jews

>white people
>nigger in their ancestry
Only in USA and Iberia

>maximum of ~15%
That's actually way less than I was expecting.

I was supposed to be part injun, and I sort of look it, but I came back as 100% European. Half my family was from Nova Scotia and all of the other half has been here since before the revolution. I don't buy the everyone is mixed meme.

>51% White women college graduates vote hillary

>10 million america white women have sex with black/hispanic male

>at least 5million white women have black/spic child

>America white women vote obama twice

At result....

Obamacare - Free healthcare for brown people
Section8 and HUD - Free house for brown people

Open border and amnesty policy - HEY YO

America white male are biggest CuckOld in Human history

America white women are Biggest degenerate whore in Human history

Don't worry Mr.54%

2020 You elect another nigger worship president

So r u repping the bull to keep the bloodlines pure then Sven it wife's somalin boyfriend picks on u doesnt hr

Ethnicity is not the same as race.
As long as you are alive, your ethnic heritage can not be destroyed.
As long as you have children, your ethnic heritage is secure no matter what race they are.


he believes in 8 yeras of trump

>your ethnic heritage can not be destroyed.

fucker , If you accept nigger gene
you are not white anymore

Look De niro and his mixed son
Look Ellen Pompeo and her daughter
Their children do Not come out looking even remotley "white"

Ethnicity is a modern word for race.

t.Magomet Rustani

I remember another user destroying him by proving that the average Russian has 3-5% average East Asian admixture. He seems much more aggressive with his shitposting, he also lowered his average "real white percentage" from 30-35% down to his new one