well Sup Forums?
are you smarter than the average person?
well Sup Forums?
are you smarter than the average person?
sounds like a nu male libtard, no thanks.
Every thing there except to
>Youngest in my family
I'm also dumb as hell
Life is utterly meaningless. corporeal affairs only serve to hinder one's progress into Nirvana, distance yourself from this nonsensical talk, user.
I check every out except I'm right handed.
I get singles
>liberals are smarter than conservatives
this meme needs to die
Statistics was a mistake.
probably written by someone who:
>is thin
>is tall
>is left handed
>is not funny
>took a few guitar lessons and says "yeah, i play"
>is stoner scum
>is an alcoholic degenerate
>has "muh anxiety"
>is a faggot
>is an old faggot
>is a self centered, egotistical, and an overly righteouss prick
I don't care
>If you're thin
triggered every whale on reddit lmao.
>not youngest child master-race
thought you had me for a second OP. if you're family isn't shit you develop uber-extroverted social skills
So if I switch from writing with my left to my right, does that lower my IQ by a couple of points?
>le epic nu male meme
did you know if you are right handed, don't know how to vote, hate cats, listen to country music, regularly sacrafice the blood of virgins to your gods, learned to read 57 languages before you emerged from the conjoined womb of both your mothers, can cook minute rice in 58 seconds, know how to shitpost, and would've had a twin but you absorbed him when you were 6 months old, you're probably less retarded than the average person
>worry a lot
About what? Feelings?
None of these other than learning to read early have anything to do with intelligence or being "smart". You want a kid to be smart, start them off early interacting with objects and moving things like wooden blocks or Legos.
yes although not because of kike studies.
kek confirms.
Guess how I know you know nothing about anxiety?
fuck you kek
Everything except
>oldest child
What the fuck is this stupidity
>politically liberal
why don't you spend the next hour contemplate suicide?
I would like to see those studies. I'm willing to bet right now that they have an incredibly small sample size or they picked samples to give them a result they were looking for rather than sampling at random. Probably both.
You really are dumb or have never taken a probability and statistics class. I can tell from your post.
Im with you famalam
I was originally left handed during my kindergarten days
Parents tried to see if I'm ambidextrous and they were right
Now I primarily use my right hand because I can write with god-tier penmanship there
it always is
hahahahahaha le epik XDDDDD