/CNG/ Canadian Nationalism General

ITT discuss how we can promote the cause of Canadian Nationalism.

We need to start organizing, I'm not quite sure how we do that so that is why I need your help. For those of us that are in higher education I think we should start clubs, especially if there are no right wing clubs at your school yet. One project I have in mind is lobbying Universities and colleges to hang a Red Ensign on campus, it would be a nice small first step that we could see real world results from. I know SFU (not my school) already flies a Red Ensign but they are the only school I know of that does that.

A lot of us have too much of a tendency to focus on politics, the Conservative Party is the only vehicle we currently have for furthering Canadian Nationalism politically and they are a weak one at that. But a new party isn't the answer to our problems, we need a new movement. Dr. Leitch is probably our best option for this next election, though I do understand that some like minded Canadians have good reasons for supporting Bernier instead and I respect that. However we really need is to create an actual movement and stronger political support will come downstream from that.

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Red ensign best flag desu

please nominate o'leary and not her


Start here

Voting for Leitch. European cultural supremacist, opponent of white genocide.

Student at a top law school. What program are you OP?

>implying Conman Kevin isn't a globlist.

O'leary's is only conservative when it comes to free markets and granted he is strong on that so is Bernier and Leitch certainly isn't weak on it. When it comes to cultural issues O'leary is at best moderate and at worst as bad as the NDP or Liberals. When it comes to the military he wants Canada to be a completely "Peace Keeping" country so he's bought into that liberal lie and he's strongly against Kellie's Canadian values test.

I currently getting my bachelor's degree but I'm hoping to go into law. I go to school in the Lower Mainland

fuck her
I want Mad Max Briener to turn us into a libertarian paradise

O'Leary won't be manipulated like Leech will be. He's going to win so I'm not going to argue any further with you cucks.

There really is a lot that I like about Breiner, he is by far the most solid when it comes to free market capitalism. However he has shown that he will be weak on Canadian culture and he will not insure that we get high quality and culturally compatible immigrants. Also Dr. Leitch's strong stance on destroying the CBC is a huge plus, getting rid of their stranglehold on the Canadian News media is one of the most important things in the Canadian fight for the right.

Not an argument.

Canada doesnt need a values test. We need to make our country wealthy and strong. Problem with Leech is she wont be able to inspire nationalism OR make us wealthy. O'LEARY IS THE BEST CHOICE. HE WILL APPLY JUSTICE TO THE NIGGERS AND SHITSKINS THAT ARE ALREADY HERE.

If the kikeservitives are led by a Lebanese crypto kike or a scummy little lezbo bitch leicth ill take a zero and vote NDP

fuck off (shill). The only way to preserve our culture in a rich society is to dissolve the welfare state which Bernier the Quebecois cuck will NOT do.

Said the Jew who wants Jewish control over the news. Fuck you the CBC stays

>supports mass immigration
>supports multiculturalism
>supports outsourcing to China
>literally an Arab
Kevin can fuck off.


Prove it


Also isn't progun.

He'd run for liberal if he could, but he can't.

>not cuckbecquois

Green party is the only intelligent platform among all the choices. Been unironically voting green for 10 years on provincial and federal level.

> build a strong nationalist party or elect a nationalist to leadership of one (Kelly Leitch)

Beyond that, it's a propaganda war. Our universities are completely fucking overrun and our media is worse than Huffington Post.

I think we need to let a couple million syrians in and try to resettle them in our major cities.

I agree. Jewish conspiracies aside its good that we have public and private broadcasters.

To be clear, I want the Syrians so that the people in the cities will be forced to look at the consequences of leftism.

Worst case a lot of them will end up dying and we can get a nationalist elected who will get rid of the Syrians.

I can understand the criticisms of the values test, that is that it may not be effective. But it does raise the important issue of what do we do to prevent poor quality imigrants from coming here, which is something O'leary clearly doesn't care about.

>"I'm a Lebanese-Irish, I don't build walls

Made by the CBC youtube.com/watch?v=Wb55teb1gJ0

What does the CBC produce that nothing else in the private sector doesn't already produce or couldn't produce if they were private? They are crowding out the media market in Canada and they are just as much leftist hacks as anyone else in the mainstream media if not worse.

As long as its not right wing

Yeah but they have Marketplace. Private broadcasters don't do that because it would threaten their advertisers.

Make the NDP nationalists again

why do canadians like their old flag so much? it looks fucking awful

Which candidate is going to fix our gun laws?

Calibremag has posted several articles on the different candidate's views on gun laws. I noticed in the O'Leary article he is a shit choice in this regard and tended to skirt around the important topics.
Here is Steven Blaney, not bad for a frenchman:

its what it represents. this current flag represents absolute cuckoldery

From personal experience as an old Blood & Honour member you're going to be watched, and gangstalked because Canada is nuts when it comes to fighting back. Yet soft in their own way. Good luck waking people.

>having another countries flag on your flag isnt cucked

They don't.

we are all one anglo race.

You know why your ID is always purple Quebec? Because your all faggots.

Jews already own all our media Newspapers and social media. Public news not state controlled is beholden to nobody. Scrap all the god dam television shows and keep the news and radio.

That woman is so disgustingly ugly it's almost hard to believe she's not a dyke or tranny.

Leitch is a wall street hack who thinks that she'll get elected by doing a Trump caricature. She's an awful, awful pick.

It's gonna come down to O'Leary vs Bernier.

Granted the flag in the op is somewhat poorly made, the symbols looks kind of cartoony.

This one is a better version Either way obviously the appearance of the flag is subjective, I personally love it and so do many other Canadians. But more importantly is what that flag represents. Everything you think you know about Canada comes from our current flag. The liberal state that can't stop from cucking itself is something that was formed out of the same movement that got rid of our real flag. The Red Ensign was our flag for most of Canada's history and it was the flag for what Conservative would consider our hayday. And it was the flag that we fought under during both world wars.

>Honoring your heritage is cucked.

Canadian history isn't American history. We didn't rebel against Britain and we never had an independence day Britain and Canada are inseparable from each other unless all you want is a post national state with not identity correlating to it's history

When I broke my foot 11 years ago she was my doctor. Applied the cast and took it off.


Ok, and? Doesn't make her less ugly.

She probably has more testosterone than TrueDope




Then we won't have a conservative government. Crypto kike vrs a degenerate who forgets documents like shillery

She looked the same back then.

> Kawaii Hawaii

God Save The Queen! Canada will forever be British and slightly French.

Northern Dawn is the only hope.


Call him a shiny pony all you want the man is literally drowning in pussy. He even made Kate slide off her chair.


I'd bet a lot of money that O'Leary would wipe the floor with TrueDope. The real estate bubble is about to burst, our recession will only get hastened by idiotic spending on rapefugees/300k mudslimes per year/other sjw programs and people will be enraged.

For Christ's sake we're a year into it and the man has already taken and admitted to taking chinese bribes...

desu I wish Ambrose would run :(


They sound interesting, thanks user.

fucking this - if she thinks she can pull this off by stealing Trumps thunder just because she's not wrong, that won't prevent people from seeing her as an imitator. it has to feel like a genuine phenomenon
literally the only way a woman as ferociously ugly as Kathleen Wynne could have become premier of Ontario is by inheriting the position

A straight man doesn't look THAT happy at a Gay pride parade. That's a fact, son.

She's giving me a boner, what's your problem.

He's not even white you snivelling kike.

you guys should come to america. I mean every one is talking about how great it is rn


She did my brothers surgery for rare disease 15 years ago. My family loved her as a person/doctor, and, as life-long liberals, they have now opened up on views like hers and Trumps. It's a great thing to see, and I know a lot of people in my city who are getting fed up with the SJW culture.

Not even that user but come on.....

Literally cucked the prince..

Maxime Bernier

Wynne is the perfect embodiment of an SJW.

Lazy, entitled, completely incompetent, hemorrhaging money, corrupt, a complete ideologue and the ugliest cunt I've ever seen.

I'd smile like that too if my wife was a brickhouse Frenchwomen she probably does things to him that would make a bc crack whore run from your car.

It looks like he's taking a giant facial. Absolutely horrible.

We need to change him out quick before we all get AIDS.

Not one drop of anglo blood in me, Jack

O'leary is just a meme, he would be an open borders corporatist cuck

t. shitskin slav

Justin "get the fuck out of my way Trudeau

Ok. Still better than the pure (((white))) moron we have now.

Traps are gay.

"Doesn't matter"
- Jeb
Also, pic related.

He's an asshole. No one would be happy to work for him. Not a PM.

Possibly would make a good Minister of Finance

Patrick Brown is in for a PC majority, so long as it doesn't cock it up. I've never heard of approval ratings as low as 13% and dropping

I'd rather a lezbo than a bald manlet crypto kike

>Implying Liberals aren't federal AIDS

O yea, what a keeper...

We need to figure out a way to make redpilled canadians stop fleeing to America en masse.

No intelligent Canadian wants to stay in this left-wing American vassal state. They're all heading to America where there's a real future.

Trump in the White House will accellerate the rate of people leaving Canada but his immigration policies might slow it down a bit.

We need to ride the Trump Train. Elect Kelly Leitch.

Let's pray (the literal gay away)

I just hope that failure Horvath doesn't get in because of all the brainwashed Cuckronto cunts.

this trudeau hate has to stop hes alot better then harper

She'd still get it. Every time I Saw dat yoga instructor ass

>this trudeau hate has to stop
Why did you just pay $1500 to get a dinner with him or something?

Go back to /r/canada retard

100% this. If you are a right wing Canadian and you just want to runny away from your problems to America then you are a coward.

>Elect Kelly Leitch
haha I'd vote for Trudeau to crash this place harder rather than vote for a neo-con dyke

>30 billion dollar deficit


no chance of that. only sparsely-populated Northern Ontario ridings vote NDP, plus a few tiny central Toronto ones
that party is dead on its feet after Layton's demise

Managed to cream pie that Frenchwoman at least three times insemination is pretty much proof of straight.


>Australia, Israel, Mexico, the Palestinian Authority, Russia, Taiwan, and the United States offered international assistance in battling the fire, though the offers were turned down by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Trudeau said that while the offers were appreciated, they were unnecessary as firefighters from other Canadian provinces were gaining control of the situation.[47][48] South Africa sent 301 firefighters at the request of the Canadian Interagency Forest Fire Centre at the end of May.[49] The firefighters were trained during the month of April at a boot camp, in order how to learn to use special hoses instead of the leather padded wooden sticks known as "firebeaters" they typically use in their home country due to a lack of water.[50] Less than a week after being deployed the South Africans went on strike over a wage dispute and were demobilized. Alberta Premier Rachel Notley vowed to address the issue and ensure that the firefighters were paid a minimum of CA$11.20 per hour as required by the province's labour laws, rather than the CA$15 per day allowance specified in their contract with their South African employer.[51]

>not familiar with the concept a "politicians beard"

>at least three times insemination is pretty much proof
I bet he's had more than three loads of insemination in him m8





Windsor, Ontario reporting in.

I've always hated the way the Canadian flag looked. Can we change it like Z people tried?


you have to spend money to make money

i don't go on reddit

lietch is an origami trump, she talks like him but folds like paper. maxime bernier is our guy.


>Canadians in this thread are actually defending the flag of their imperialist oppressors
Jesus christ, I thought Scotland was cucked, you're taking it to a whole new level, won't see anything by St. Andrews here.


i wish i had 1500$ to have dinner with trudeau i would honestly pay more if the money went to a good cause